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I'm terrible with giving short summaries and no spoilers....


Umm, basically, the series is about Gaea, the Earth Goddess, wanting to overthrow the gods as well as all of civilization. Juno/Hera has a plan to help get demigods and gods to work together to take down Gaea's giant children, which involves uniting the Roman and Greek demigods, each of whom didn't know the others existed.


Here's Rick's site's synopsis. >.>


The Lost Hero


Percy comes back in the second book, which just came out. :happy:

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Pretty cool! Is it right after the 4th book? Or is there like a couple of years between them? No Grover? :( What you think of the movie btw??

Umm, I want to say that this series starts about 6 months after The Last Olympian. Yeah, Percy says in the second book of this series that he had 6 months of amazing dating or whatever he said, before he got "kidnapped" by Hera. Grover hasn't really made an appearance as of the 2nd book, but Tyson has, Grover uses his empathy link to talk to Percy ONCE for like 30 seconds, and Annabeth should be showing up as a bigger player as of the 3rd book, which is called The Mark of Athena.


I didn't like the movie. In fact, I was very disappointed in the movie. XD


Hey looks like I'm not the only Chinese-Greek in the world after all. :P Frank Zhang. Now I have to read this..

You'd better! :laugh:


Yeah, lemme see.... Frank's ancestors were Greek....and they immigrated to China...and one of his ancestors was a son of Poseidon...but then his more recent family is Chinese-Canadian, and they tend toward the Roman side of things (Frank's dad is Mars).


So he has a lot of blood there. >.>

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*nodnod* I was talking to my mom about earthquakes (she grew up in the LA area, and went to college in Santa Cruz; she was a freshman when this big earthquake hit out there (don't remember which one or what year exactly) and her college totally lost power and she was almost stuck in her dorm for a while and it was bad XD) and she said that it's terrifying, not even being able to trust the ground beneath your feet.

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You know what's interesting for me, I've heard there's a pretty major fault not terribly distant from here (I think it starts in Missouri and extends southwest?), but we've never had any problems with it....but that could change.

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