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Hillfood sends his greetings.


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So, my nickname is Hillfood, or you can call me Logan, since that's my actual name. I've been answering to either one of them for at least the past four years or so, but one of them I've been answering to my whole life (I'll give you two guesses).


I'm in the US Army, have been for 5 and a half years now, doing my second tour in a warzone (first was Iraq, this time it's Afghanistan) so I may or may not be on here very often, depending how my internet situation works out. I’m married, but no children yet. Met my wife online while I was doing a tour in Korea a few years back, and then kind of rushed into the whole marriage part when I got back to the states and found out I’d be in Iraq two months later, but it’s worked out for the best. Been married for 3 and a half years now, at any rate. I grew up in Texas, but currently calling Hawaii “home” due to that being where my wife and our stuff are located, haha.


I've been reading the WoT series since somewhere in the mid-90's. I got the first two books for I think my 10th birthday, maybe 11th, and after forcing my way through the first hundred pages, I was hooked. Those first hundred pages really took it out of me, took me almost two months to get that far...and then two more to finish both books lol. Obviously a big fan of the series, or I probably wouldn’t be on here, and I think Mr. Sanderson is doing the series justice, though I've not read anything else he's written. My wife, unfortunately, is not a fan and hasn't read any of the books, but that doesn't keep me from trying. Plus she sent me the latest book in Afghanistan; I had it just short of two weeks after it was in stores, so she supports my habit even if she doesn’t join me.


I'm long-winded for the most part, and I typically stray away from posting in forums because I have a tendency to come off as "high and mighty", according to fellow posters, and as that's not my intention I generally just try not to post at all. However, I've been poking around this site for awhile now and I like what I see, so I figured I'd give it a whirl, see if I can't tone down my mightiness *insert sarcasm*. Do try not to be offended by my posts though, I don’t mean to come off as rude or anything else; it’s just the way I type. I use as proper grammar as I can; I use bigger words not because I’m trying to make anyone else feel dumb or anything, it just annoys me to use the same word over and over, and I figure that using different words is a good way to increase your vocabulary and keep it that way.


I know most people haven't written much by means of an introduction, but I plan to actually keep up with this site as much as I'm able (as I said, I'm in Afghanistan so internet is not always possible) so I figured I'd put up something that might amuse the bored passer-by. Plus I’m hideously bored right now, so you have to suffer with me. :)


Little bit more about me; Perrin is and always has been my favorite character. I mispronounce names that I know the correct pronunciation of because the way I say it flows better as I read through the books. I’d like to possibly get into some sort of RP, WoT-related or anything else. I also dabble a bit in fanfiction, mostly reading though since I haven’t actually managed to finish any of the ones I’ve started, but I like to write them anyway. Really looking forward to any news that comes out concerning the movie or games based on WoT, though more so the games than the movie (I’m a gamer, it’s what I do). As I said, I’m somewhat interested in getting into some RP action, though it would be my first time, and I’m not sure how often I’d be able to keep up with it (for the time being, and for the next week at least, probably pretty often, but beyond that there’s no telling until June). Not sure what kind of character I’d want to try out, I’ll have to look through some of the RP boards and see what I like, lol.


Also, if you read through this whole post, then I applaud you, for your boredom surely rivals my own. :P

  On 1/5/2011 at 8:23 AM, Hillfood said:

I'm long-winded for the most part, and I typically stray away from posting in forums because I have a tendency to come off as "high and mighty", according to fellow posters, and as that's not my intention I generally just try not to post at all. However, I've been poking around this site for awhile now and I like what I see, so I figured I'd give it a whirl, see if I can't tone down my mightiness *insert sarcasm*. Do try not to be offended by my posts though, I don’t mean to come off as rude or anything else; it’s just the way I type. I use as proper grammar as I can; I use bigger words not because I’m trying to make anyone else feel dumb or anything, it just annoys me to use the same word over and over, and I figure that using different words is a good way to increase your vocabulary and keep it that way.


They day someone actually has to apologize for using correct grammar and spelling (not to mention words of more than 1 syllable) is they day I give up on the human race.



  On 1/5/2011 at 8:23 AM, Hillfood said:

Also, if you read through this whole post, then I applaud you, for your boredom surely rivals my own. :P


Not my boredom, just my appreciation for an interesting and well written introduction that didn't make me want to toss a dictionary and "English for dummies" at the author :tongue:


I'm sure you have / will be able to find your way to the RP boards all by yourself, but I'm unwilling to allow someone as literate as yourself to escape our greedy little clutches, so please do have a look here. :biggrin:


I appreciate the link, I hadn't found that page yet, though I did peruse a few of the RP pages (or perhaps they were the Social Group pages, though from what I can figure out they’re one and the same? Lol). I wasn’t apologizing for my use of proper grammar, nor for my use of longer words; I was apologizing that the way I put them together it seems to come off as rude, I’ve been told. You’d be hard-pressed even to pay me to change my writing style; I enjoy it far too much. :P


If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say you’ll probably see me on one of the Social Groups in the next few days; possibly more than one, just to get a feel for the people that reside in each one.


Good - because I'd have to smack you if you had been apologizing, and it's simply too hot here at the moment for any kind of decent smacking.


White Tower & Warders is a good place to visit. Both sides. *whistles innocently*

Substitute "is a" with "are" and add an "s" for the RP side.


I'm Lessa and welcome to DM!!!


Don't forget to cheek out the Social Group side!!!


I'm from the Warders Guild in the White Tower and you should really check it out. I've made alot of good friends over there and it doesn't matter who you are. Don't forget you can also be part of more than one org So come stop by the White Tower and the Warders Guild because they will be happy to meet you


Sad faces.


As early as the next few days, and as late as a few weeks from now, I’ll be leaving my current area to go elsewhere, so I won’t be on here for much longer (already have confirmation that there is no internet available for personal use at the new area). I was going to apply for the White Tower Social Group, among a few others, but I don’t want to submit a form and potentially be unable to check my email for the reply/acceptance. Even if I'm able to get the reply, I wouldn't be able to contribute anything for several months, and would likely get dropped from the lists because of it, so it's better this way. I’ll still be lurking around here, and I have two weeks at home (Hawaii) coming up in about a month, so I’ll definitely be on here again for that, but I won’t be home for good until next June so I won’t be signing up on any of the groups (RP or Social) until around then. Don’t worry, I’ll still very likely become a plague of long, (mostly) grammatically correct posts as well as I am able, for as long as I’m able.


Bad timing, given that I'd only just started trying to become a part of this community, but in this line of work, it happens. If you don’t see much more of me after this for a while, don't worry, the Wheel will pull me back this way soon enough. :wink:


Sad news indeed :(


You're welcome to still sign up at the White Tower / Warders, though, and post when and if you have both the access and the inclination. Verbal32 would be handling you (he's the Master at Arms) and he's pretty quick for an Ewok :wink:


Don't worry if you can't post often, or not at all for extended periods of time - we fully realise how it is with people in uniform, and we'll accommodate you in any way we can.

Verbal32 would be handling you
This worries me.


Also, I really like this one! Welcome to the forums, I've been stalking you and reading your posts, and I gotta say, you're quite a character. And a sweet hooray for proper grammar! My brother gets even more *stabby* than me when people speak in text or improper language. *shudder* I'll never claim I'm perfect, but there's got to be some decency somewhere!!! I blame technology, but I don't think throwing my computer out the window will make the robots like me when they eventually take charge... unsure.gif


I'm not worried; it wouldn't be the first time I've been handled. I uh, don't want to talk about it. >.>


I'm not sure how I feel about being stalked openly, this has never happened before. But I'm on these forums to have a good time, so if you feel the need to stalk the Hillfood, then Hillfood approves.


I'm glad that you use proper grammar. I'm not perfect either, but you don't have to be perfect to use at least mostly proper grammar, I reckon. All we can do is try; technology can't keep us down forever. The more people to use proper grammar, the more prepared we'll be when the robots strike.


Why, I remember in the last Ice Age, when the snowmen attacked our fort we thought we'd never make it through the night, and then Nuck Chorris and Bluce Ree swooped in and set them all ablaze. I'm almost certain that ol' Nuck and Bluce will come to the rescue again when technology tries to keep the Hillfood down.


Disclaimer: I'm hyper for some reason, and I'm eating delicious green olives, so I apologize in advance for the nonsense that flies from my fingertips for the rest of the evening. But the Ice Age thing; that really happened. True story.


*Note to self: do not read Hillbilfood's posts whilst simultaneously attempting to drink tea. Unattractive nasal activity is likely to ensue, followed closely by liquid projectile damage to the keyboard and/or monitor.*


Being handled by Verby isn't all that bad, I hear. At least he has warm, furry hands. That's a definite plus in winter time.


Kudos to everyone who at least tries to use correct grammar and spelling, to the best of their abilities. The Light knows I've made some massive bloopers many a time, especially where something is close to my home language (Afrikaans), but not QUITE.


haha! It was really early in the morning and I had just gotten off work, so... I was rather bored and couldn't sleep. I like to check out newer people to the forums sometimes and see who they are, that's not a crime! At least, I don't think it's a crimerolleyes.gif


My little stuffed-animal Ewok becomes creepier and creepier everyday I'm on this forum. Oh look, he's staring at me now! huh.gif


Oh merde!


*starts muttering to self in paranoid way* Stupid Alanna... get hit in the head and lose all your dang senses! Bah, what a Green you are... walking around backwards... not a care for what's right in front of you! GAO!



Scheisse! You said a naughty word! *angel face*


Eerrr ... sorry for spamming your thread, Hillfood *shifts feet*

  On 1/10/2011 at 9:09 PM, Elgee said:

Scheisse! You said a naughty word! *angel face*


Eerrr ... sorry for spamming your thread, Hillfood *shifts feet*

*innocent* I thought only English bad-words counted? wub.gif


Oh yeah, I tend to turn most some threads into spam when I post, but it's kind spam, rather pleasant! Yep!


*back to the newbie* Favorite book of the series? Favorite... color? Food? Dessert? Animal? Pastime?


If everyone is starting to swear, can I post Latin expletives?


Anyway, silliness aside, welcome to DM! :biggrin:


Enjoy browsing the site, and maybe the warmth of the Campfires of the Band of the Red Hand will prove enticing...


That's ok, I'm of the opinion that many of my posts will turn to spam anyway, if I'm the one who starts the thread :D


Favorite book: Maybe I Will Do Something (forget who wrote it, but it's basically just a compilation of Native American folklore, centered around Coyote; I really like reading about the Trickster in different cultures)

Favorite color: Green (high-five? no?)

Favorite food: Cheeseburger. 'Nuff said.

Favorite dessert: Chocolate shake

Favorite animal: Wolf, though I'm also partial to bears and pretty much any other wild canine (coyotes, foxes, etc.)

Favorite pastime: Reading or playing video games, I can't really decide between the two.


Now that that's overwith, you have to answer the same questions. :P Hillfood demands it. Bwahaha.

  On 1/11/2011 at 5:45 AM, Hillfood said:

That's ok, I'm of the opinion that many of my posts will turn to spam anyway, if I'm the one who starts the thread :D


Favorite book: Maybe I Will Do Something (forget who wrote it, but it's basically just a compilation of Native American folklore, centered around Coyote; I really like reading about the Trickster in different cultures)

Favorite color: Green (high-five? no?)

Favorite food: Cheeseburger. 'Nuff said.

Favorite dessert: Chocolate shake

Favorite animal: Wolf, though I'm also partial to bears and pretty much any other wild canine (coyotes, foxes, etc.)

Favorite pastime: Reading or playing video games, I can't really decide between the two.


Now that that's overwith, you have to answer the same questions. :P Hillfood demands it. Bwahaha.

Cheeseburgers are purely amazing. I don't think I could survive in a world without cheeseburgers. Nope!


If you had ANY idea how difficult it is for me to make decisions you wouldn't ask that. rolleyes.gif


Book: None, but I love mystery and Poe and Sherlock Holmes, and WoT, Harry Potter, LoTR, Sweep, and classics. Rather simpler put: I'll read anything.

Color: Yellow and Green. Yellow since kindergarten, Green for the past few years, so both?

Food: I work at Taco Bell? So I like... tacos? unsure.gif *starts sweating from the pressure of making choices and naming favorites*

Dessert: CHEESECAKE, hands down. The only favorite I'll openly share without hesitation.

Animal: Kitty-cats. I love their independence and gracefulness. Cats are amazing. ^.^

Pastime: Dragonmount, mafia (if you're analytical, you must get into this), reading, playing games (I own pretty much all the game systems), movies (my stepdad runs a movie website)


See, I have trouble picking favorites, so I simply go with whatever pops into my head first. Like dessert - cheesecake has long been my favorite, but it's been so long since I've had a chocolate shake, that I can't get it out of my head. Until reading your post, of course, during which my mind decided to revert back to cheesecake. Curses! I'll read anything except mysteries; I've even read a few of my wife's romance novels, and I'm not even remotely ashamed to admit that I kind of liked one or two of them. I probably wouldn't buy any on my own, but if I ever run out of books to read or reread again, at least I now know I can pick up one of those and go for it, haha.


Now, two questions arise in my mind from your post: what is mafia, and what game style is your favorite? I might say I'm analytical, but I'd have to see what I'm getting myself into, first haha. I never had a game system until high school, and then I got a Sega Genesis and a Nintendo (the Playstation had just come out; we were a bit behind), and I've been hooked ever since. I'd have to go with RPG being my favorite, but pretty much anything that I can play in a cooperative mode, I'm all for. I'm competitive, but I don't like to play games like Call of Duty or fighting games because I almost always get put up against people that can't seem to simply play to have fun; they've got to smash my face into the dirt, and I'm not a fan of that. The only games I actually enjoy to play against other people, rather than with them, would be racing games, but mostly of the cart variety. I have one game to list on that subject, and if you don't know of it, I'm afraid we can't be friends: Crash Team Racing, for the Playstation.


Also, what do you mean by a movie website; he rates movies or what? I used to be a big fan of movies, but it's slowly moved down my list as time went on after I joined the Army, unfortunately. Getting a whole year behind in movies is kind of terrible, haha.


Haha cheesecake ^.^ I have something very against chocolate shakes for some reason... I just can never figure out 'why'?? Why get a chocolate shake when you can go get a chocolate candy bar? I always go vanilla for shakes... or chocolate chip cookie dough.


*shudder* Romance novels, I keep away from those. They scare me. blink.gif


Mafia, let's see. There are good guys (townies) and bad guys (mafia), every day the town try to figure out who is mafia and lynch someone based on what "evidence" they can churn up. Then it goes to night and the mafia kills off one of the townies, and then it's back to day again for another lynch. The Town aims to get rid of all the mafia and the mafia to equal/outnumber the town. Mafia are generally 1/4 the number of town, but they know each other and can communicate/plan off the main thread. More information is on this wiki: http://mafiascum.net...title=Main_Page But it's more fun to read the games; there's one in the Organized Games forum right now called Russian Devil Hotel mafia, and there's a Candyland Mafia that just started in the Aiel Social Group, and there's a Christmas mafia in the Black Tower SG, if you want to go take a look at what it is. Mafia is insanely addicting, and we need more players, honestly. happy.gif


I grew up playing Sega and N64; Sonic, Crash Bandicoot, Zelda, Mario, etc. Nowadays I love role RPGs and first person shooters. I'm insanely addicted to Halo, and I love the Fable games, both of which I play with my parents (they're as big of geeks as I am). Currently we're working our way through Epic Mickey on the Wii, but I haven't gotten to play because I've been so busy. (I can't stand Call of Duty: I'd rather kill aliens in Halo *sigh*) I think I own it, but I haven't played it. We have a closet or two of games, lol. I've always loved BurnOut or even a basic Mariocart game if I'm going to race. laugh.gifOh and favorite Dreamcast game would have to be Grand Theft Auto, the original (I was thinking of cars).


He rates movies, does reviews, posts daily updates in the movie world; it gets us tickets to premieres in Chicago-area and such, which is really fun. biggrin.gif He also writes screenplays and is desperately trying to get an independent movie off the ground, and has been for years, but it's been really difficult unfortunately.


Oh god, Fable, I can't wait to get home and play the third one. I've heard both good and bad about it, but I was hooked from the first one so I've got to play them all. Luckily I'll be home for a pair of weeks at the beginning of next month; I plan to beat it in three sittings or less, just to get the story finished and see the game. I'll eventually go back and play through slowly, doing all of the side-quests and whatnot that I'm sure is available, but my playtime will be quite limited. I used to be into FPS, but the only one I ever truly liked was Halo. My cousin and I are still trying to get through Halo 3 on Legendary together. I'm not too proud to admit that I'm not the best at that type of game - strategy is more my thing, haha.


I'll look into the mafia thing, but due to my upcoming LoA I most likely won't participate until the June area.


Also, I eat chocolate shakes because it's an excuse to eat frozen chocolate without getting funny looks. I keep all of my chocolate in the freezer at home. >_>


I still haven't BOUGHT the third Fable yet and I feel so guilty! I always love going back and seeing what I can do differently, or testing how long it takes to go from 100% good to 100% evil (you've got to eat a lot of crunchy chicks ^.^). I love Fable because there's just a wealth of side things to do! You're right, the main plot doesn't take that long, but everything else is what gets you hooked. I remember the old days when it was side-scroller and you could only go ONE way. Bah! I feel old... yet I'm only 19. Wow.


Legendary is pretty difficult, but it can be done. My stepdad and I make a great team, my mom not so much. Give me an energy sword and a rifle and I'm happy killing grunts. My mom is the sniper, and my stepdad the one with the rocket launcher (unfortunately he accidentally suicides a lot). My brother is too far away to play Halo with and my guy-friends get twitchy when I play Halo; apparently it's something girls shouldn't be allowed to do. Who knew? *eyeroll*


I'm great with strategy too, I love the Final Fantasy games and Age of Empires (when I used to have it for the PC).


I think I've spent the last three hours after work on that mafiascum site, looking up game-balance. *sigh* Hope to see you play after LoA!


Frozen... chocolate? *gives a funny look* Yeah, I have a problem with that, but it's better than you saying to you like squishy melted chocolate. Bleh. I can't eat hard chocolate of any sort lately. Last Easter I *accidentally* bit into a Cadbury Egg wrong and about knocked out my bottom tooth. Said bottom tooth is now sensitive, so any chocolate I eat must be soft-ish. I found this out when I tried to eat a chocolate Santa around Christmas. Stupid Alanna!


Oh, Age of Empires, how I miss thee. I used to play the trial in high school computer classes. We found a way to "break" the trial version and get multiplayer to work with 8 players on Death Match on a massive map that was all open grass. We were still limited to only the two civs, and only up to Castle Age, but it was fun enough - and rarely did a game last all the way to Castle Age. I've got Starcraft 2 waiting for me at home as well, though that one I plan on bringing back to Afghanistan, so I'm not in such a huge rush to get that one going, haha.


I've always been a fan of girls playing games, as it really opens up the playing field as far as skill levels. Not all girls suck, of course - I know several that put me to shame on a regular basis - but there are a larger percentage of girls that are beginners than there are guys who are beginners. Plus, in games like Halo where you get to design an emblem or your full armor color, I always go with something that stands out, and when there are girls running around in hot pink armor, at least I'm not the only easy target haha. Hot pink is totally the way to go, though; if you're on a woodland map, and you get killed by someone in a color that would stick out at Legoland, the person that killed you automatically gets cool points, I say. ;)


I love frozen chocolate, but I can only eat it with my back teeth on one side, haha. One of my upper front teeth was chipped not long after they grew in, and I've never gotten a permanent filling put on, and on my left side toward the back I had a cavity years and years ago, and there's a cap on it but it still hurts if I chew hard items on that side too much. As a bonus for my chewing habits, my teeth show more wear on the right side than the left. Doesn't make my smile crooked, though you'd never know it since I usually simply smirk, rather than full-out smile, but the dentist likes to comment on it every time I go in for a cleaning or yearly check. Good times.


Also, I'm reading through the Hotel mafia game at the moment, after I finished the Rules post to see what it's all about.


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