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Concentration Technique

Guest TheCracker

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Guest TheCracker

Does the concentration technique of ignoring hot and cold weather work in real life? Did anyone test this out? :D


There are buddhist concentration techniques that can reputedly cause this. It is not as simple as controlling the pace of ones breath.


It does work. I can ignore the heat and the cold. I can also weave weaves of compullsion, fire, air (usualy to pick stuff up, like small dogs, cats, or hamburgers, or to blow the little white thingies off a dandylion), and can sheild against airborn attacks from pigeons and the like. What I've yet to figure out is how to sound cool while talking about WOT to someone who hasn't read WOT.


It could be done...to an extent. If you ignored cold below a certain degree you would still die from hypothermia. There are concentration techniques to control all aspects of our bodies. They are hard to learn. It takes years of disciplined practice and mind body conditioning. Oh and it's not just Buddhists. There are martial arts techniques as well.


It could be done...to an extent. If you ignored cold below a certain degree you would still die from hypothermia. There are concentration techniques to control all aspects of our bodies. They are hard to learn. It takes years of disciplined practice and mind body conditioning. Oh and it's not just Buddhists. There are martial arts techniques as well.


it's simple mind over matter, imo. I can do it to a limited extent and have been able to for as long as I recall, though it's easier for me to do with cold than with heat. It helps when I have something to do so I'm not left alone with the fact that I'm hot or cold. It's mostly a matter of telling my body "I know it's uncomfortable, but we can't do anything about it so shut up and let me get on with it." ymmv


edit for typo


It's not just ignoring heat. They dont sweat. That would be dangerous because sweating is an attempt to lower your body temperature. Now you might want to ignore the heat or the cold mentally but you have to let your body do what it needs to survive.


All physical senses are generated by the mind. It's possible to ignore absolutely every single sense by forcing your mind not to simulate the signals sent from the nervous system. With training, one could single out senses not to be simulated. How else do you think people manage to put searingly hot things in their mouths for records?

There's also the placebo effect, where when one strongly believes something is going to happen to their body, it does. Doctors use it all the time by giving patients a pill that does absolutely nothing but they say it will make them better. Because the patient so strongly believes it, their body often does. The placebo effect could also be used to ignore senses.

It's always just controlling the mind. Why do you think some people never flinch no matter how close something gets to hitting them? Because they've trained their body not to. How do you think some people can have a gaping knife wound and barely react while others scream their faces off? Because they've either built up a massive tolerance for pain, or they force their minds not to think about the wound.



And before someone asks 'Can you do the void?', yes, I can go super saiyan. I can also grasp the One Power and I own a ring that when worn turns me invisible /sarcasm. Some people read stories and take it a little too far.


All physical senses are generated by the mind. It's possible to ignore absolutely every single sense by forcing your mind not to simulate the signals sent from the nervous system. With training, one could single out senses not to be simulated. How else do you think people manage to put searingly hot things in their mouths for records?

There's also the placebo effect, where when one strongly believes something is going to happen to their body, it does. Doctors use it all the time by giving patients a pill that does absolutely nothing but they say it will make them better. Because the patient so strongly believes it, their body often does. The placebo effect could also be used to ignore senses.


The real question is why do you want to ignore senses? If you want to seem cool without being a total dork for trying to kamehameha, just build up a resistance to cold/heat/pain.



And before someone asks 'Can you do the void?', yes, I can go super saiyan. I can also grasp the One Power and I own a ring that when worn turns me invisible /sarcasm. Some people read stories and take it a little too far.




Could you ignore a punch to the ole' scrotum.


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