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Greetings and Salutations

I Heart Berelain

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Hello all, I have been reading this board for ages, and have finally got around to signing up.


Vital statistics: Neil, 30, Brighton UK, High School English teacher, been reading WOT since '97.


Re-read all the books between Jan and May in prep for TOM, which I thought was stunning.


Berelain, as you can probably tell from my display name, is my favourite character, though Moghedien runs her close.


Love and Poison xxx


I'm Lessa and welcome to DM!


Are you a cool english teacher? I'm only asking because I've never had a cool english teacher and I only have one year left to get one. Please don't be offended by my question :biggrin:


Anyway, I'm from the Warders Guild in the White Tower and you should really check it out. I've made alot of good friends over there and it doesn't matter who you are. Don't forget you can also be part of more than one org So come stop by the White Tower and the Warders Guild because they will be happy to meet you :biggrin:


You do know we're going to be calling you something like Berry, right? :biggrin:


But welcome aboard - hope you have a great time here!


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