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I'm curious. I just got my Elf on the Shelf yesterday, so Peanut and I are starting that tradition. We're also restarting a tradition my mother-in-law did every year with her kids: making Santa's cookies, rather than buying them.


I think traditions are an important part of just about everything. It's what makes things memorable.


So, what traditions are your favorites?

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I don't really have a tradition per sé, other than my Lord of the Ring marathon each year between Christmas and New Year. Although, being late in sending out my cards and presents could be considered a tradition for me, I suppose. :unsure:

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Merry Christmas! :biggrin:


I'm going to be cleaning the apartment today a little bit more. (I just rescued the living room from the ravages of the laundry. :tongue: )

Then it's mostly just my husband and myself until the 26th. That's when we'll get together with his side of the family and do the big family Christmas celebration.


We like to do our own little Christmas stuff on our own without the rest of the extended family though also.

Tonight, we'll probably watch a couple of movies (White Christmas and Fellowship of the Ring) and bake cookies (chocolate chip and sugar cookies).

He'll have to run away at some point during this and wrap my present that he's been hiding from me so carefully. :laugh:

And then we'll exchange our own gifts and stocking stuff Christmas morning.


Overall, a relatively quiet Christmas, but a good one I'm expecting. :smile:

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My boyfriend and I have decided to buy a new christmas ornament for every christmas we spend together. Three so far ;)


OH! How about New Years traditions? Every new years eve at the ten-second countdown we stuff 12 grapes in our mouths... however many you swallow in the last ten seconds of the year is how many months of good luck you'll have through the new year! And no little grapes, either!

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*laughs* I guess that's quite a mouthful! ;)


New Years, my husband and I usually have a movie marathon that we only pause for midnight to watch the ball drop in Time Square. Every couple of years, his parents are home for New Years and we do something with the whole family. This year, it'll prolly be fondue at my house. Which means we can still get our movie marathon in... *grins*

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I love traditions...and its strange bill and I have never really created anything specific...except our stockings on christmas morning!!


I think our one true tradition of thehe holidays is actually the parades. Starting with the Thanksgiving day parade..and watching it, having homemade cinnamon rolls and then of course fixing the turkey...that kind of kicks off the holidays as a whole..then we wrap the whole thing up with the Rose Parade on New Years Day. I generally make a big waffle breakfast too.

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