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Announcement Regarding Classes and Mentors

Covai Seriba

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To be blunt, the BT is all over the place in terms of keep tracks of who's who, training and such. This has become painfully evident with the latest influx of new people. So we are Re-organising the BT to make it easier for all involved.


Now that we have the numbers to do it again, We are re-introducing the Mentor system. We've had it before, flaws and all, but we've changed it a little to (hopefully) avoid the headaches it caused last time.


Simply put, once a bio is approved and CC'ed the new character is assignment a mentor. This mentor is NOT responsible for teaching all their mentee's classes. They are however required to keep track of all the classes their mentee has done, and report to myself once their mentee is ready for promotion.


Msn: Shinki_misato@hotmail.com

Email: Covai_seriba@dragonmount.com


This means the mente take whatever classes they like, and won't be held up severely if their mentor becomes inactive. The mentor in most cases will likely do most of the teaching themselves, but the mentee is not restricted to just the one person.


I feel this system will allow us get more classes done quicker, as group classes are still free for anyone do teach/join, as well as the usual one on one teaching a mentor system usually involves.


It should aslo make it a heck of a lot simpler to see what stage people are up to. Hopefully it'll also get rid of the "I need someone to teach me my last class for this rank, someone? someone? anyone? come on people i've been waiting for two weeks...."


And to clarify about teaching classes, anyone Dedicated and above may feel free to post an open class, and whoever wants to join can. Other wise, if a mente needs a class, their mentor will be the best place to ask.


Basically, the classes themselves won't be really changing, just WHO does each class, and who keeps track of what classes people have done.


So everyone who needs a mentor, please PM me, also, everyone available to take a mente or two, please PM me as well.

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Everyone please note this is essentially the same as a change I put up at the bottom of our off-site boards (well it's at the bottom now). The different is now that EVERYONE will be assigned a mentor (where in the past it was only if you wanted it).


Also, note that Covai's MSN is shinji_misato@hotmail.com, not shinki.


If you have any queries or concerns about training and mentoring at any time you can always approach me however Covai will be the first port of call in this regard.


Also note that contributions to the Division in terms of Mentoring and teaching group classes are one way of earning the bonus strength points that are allowed to channeling characters in this PSW.


If you don't know what I'm talking about visit:




and direct your eyes to the sections marked "Strength/Skill Bonuses" and "Earning Your Strength Bonus" about halfway down the page.




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