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Shinies are back!


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I'm always kind of jolted when I notice that, ohai, avatar... but yea, the question will be how long they're around for this time. Perhaps I should take advantage of this likely temporary uptime to harvest more holiday card addresses... maybe. That would require typing/writing not being just shy of agony right now, tee hee... back to convalescence!

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I'm always kind of jolted when I notice that, ohai, avatar... but yea, the question will be how long they're around for this time. Perhaps I should take advantage of this likely temporary uptime to harvest more holiday card addresses... maybe. That would require typing/writing not being just shy of agony right now, tee hee... back to convalescence!


*grins* Thanks Rasheta! Hopefully we'll get a chance to chat soon because I'm sure I'll like you too :).


True story. It kind of confused me for a little bit too to tell you the truth. I was like...I didn't change that! *laughs*


Oh no! What's wrong Raeyn??

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Oh no! What's wrong Raeyn??


She got a crick in her neck, poor thing has been in agony for awhile. I only know that because she posted it in reply to a comment I made to her on her blog. *laughs*


My profile picture is Tifa from FFVII *laughs* So when I see it i'm like..oh its Tifa, go me. LOL

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What Rasheta said - cricks are no fun. THANKFULLY, the worst of it only lasted a day, but that's 'cause I made myself take it easy. My arms, neck, and shoulder are still tender... but I might be able to up my typing/writing very very slightly. Of course, this means I'll have to pour it into Christmas cards - sigh! :tongue::rolleyes::biggrin:

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Oh, the only reason I'm even vaguely on the ball is because if I don't get stuff out like.. in the next week? Nobody in the States will see a card this side of Christmas. And while that's not dire, I prefer to be early/prompt when at all possible.

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I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad about that. Some of my family doesn't get their presents in the mail until way into January *laughs*.


Of course that also means I get to spread my money out over another month *g*.


Also, their presents to me are sometimes late so I don't always feel horrible *laughs again*.

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*Looks at Rash's post and walks away, slowly shaking his head in disbelief*



No one connected to my brain can possibly have "nice thoughts". My mind is a seething black hole of evil. It draws every ounce of goodness into it's gaping maw, thus destroying them in a horrifying display of strength and brutality.


Also, hi Keyholder! *Waves*

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*Looks at Rash's post and walks away, slowly shaking his head in disbelief*



No one connected to my brain can possibly have "nice thoughts". My mind is a seething black hole of evil. It draws every ounce of goodness into it's gaping maw, thus destroying them in a horrifying display of strength and brutality.


Also, hi Keyholder! *Waves*


*sighs* You know I'm usually the one who makes comments about being evil. Come to the dark side we have cookies..comments ring any bells? And you would post just after me to make comments on my posts. At least you didn't pull out the grammar guns I'd be in trouble then.

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And I'm the one who uses "Taste the power of the Dark Side." So? Also, pssh, this thread went off topic long ago. I'm totally allowed to interject my opinions into the conversation. I mean, Christmas? Really? (Humbug, by the way. Possibly bah as well.)


Also some more, neck, arms, AND shoulders? Sweet gibblin' giblets, what kind of crick did you have, Raeyn? How did you get a crick of such power? Because I'm pretty sure my shields can't repel spasms of that magnitude.

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*waves back* Hi Grimm! Long time no see/rp. *g*


Yes, this thread is completely off topic, but that's okay! I didn't really give them much to work with anyway *laughs*


I also agree that Raeyn's crick must be from the Dark One. I don't see what else could give one of that magnitude...

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*chuckles* I don't get them often, but when I do, they are bad. I've seriously managed to avoid them for nigh on 20 years, so it was a bit of an unpleasant surprise. It might've, admittedly, been a bit of pinched nervitude too, but eh... as long as I continue to go easy on myself, it should get better. :)

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Grimm you dork!


You know you can call Raeyn..Rae she doesn't mind and its less typing. *ggls* At least I don't thinks she minds I do it. If I do it, it should be okay right? *ggls*


I forgot what the topic actually was...since we had just started talking. *laughs* And Grimm you've never been a holiday person have you? Em did you drag Grimm's Salidar novice around? *laughs* I haven't read any of his Rps....probably should. Give me till after Finals, i'll catch up. *laughs*


Odd fact Em and I have Rped on a different site back in the mists of time together. How weird is that! LOL


Rae I hope you feel better!!!! You gave me your crick the other day. I was like....Rae sent me her crick. *ggls*

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Whatevs, dorkette.



Whatever you did to fix your ear, it made the upper half of my left ear hurt for two days. Makes it very hard to post without headphones blasting music into my head. And no I don't like most holidays. Don't worry, dear. I haven't read yours either. :tongue:


As to the rping, Keyholder, I blame Chikara and Phelix. Unless you want me to continue in that thread. In which case, I will! lol



I believe in your recuperative abilities, Raeyn.

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