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Rand and Min


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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I've noticed a fairly interesting conundrum. Assuming that Rand survives the Last Battle (I think he will, we'll see), I don't think he can live more than like 70 years (even though he's a channeler). Here's the reason: Elayne, Min, and Aviendha bonded him in WH. Particularly noteworthy here is the fact that he is bonded by Min despite the fact that she can't channel. Because she's not a channeler, she'll die when she's 80 years old or whatever. However, Rand is still her Warder per say, so he'll become suicidal and probably die, right? I don't think he'd be able to break out of it, like Lan did, because Lan had a supreme purpose: Nynaeve and the Last Battle. Rand will probably not have a problem like that, so he would die, correct? I realize it's unlikely that Rand would live that long anyway (being killed or whatever), but is this true?


The theory is that Rand being bonded by 4 women will lessen the effect of a death, so he won't go completely suicidal. And Min will get to live a long ass time too... because thats how fantasy novels end, damn it. :p


Rand would have the added bonus all Aes Sedai have, being able to channel the OP would lessen the effect of Min's death, he would still feel it heavily, since all Aes Sedai do, but it would not make him suicidal, though i don't think anything has confirmed this, based on certain things that have been mentioned about the bond, it's what i believe, mind you, if he did die in the last battle, would that make Min suicidal? since she can't channel.


Min won't suffer the death rage because Rand is her warder rather than she being his warder.

Rand won't suffer the depression death because he would still have two other wives to live for.


Min isn't exactly an ordinary person. Her gift may not have anything to do with the OP, but that's not to say that whatever the source of it is, which we don't know, won't have the same effect on her longevity as the OP does for channellers. Abnormal charecters can be expected to have abnormal rules determining their life and lifespan, IMO.


Min won't suffer the death rage because Rand is her warder rather than she being his warder.

Rand won't suffer the depression death because he would still have two other wives to live for.

I don't think this is how it works, i think the bond is equal on both ends, that is to say, if 2 normal people were bonded by a third person who has use of the OP, like how Elayne bonded someone else, i believe either one would have the death rage, may be different in females, but i believe it is the use of the OP that lowers the effect of the death rage, not the fact that that person was the one who initiated the bond. I don't think having other bonds besides the original would make a difference either, Allana had a second warder, and she seemed to react the same as Siuan who only had one Warder, seemingly she may have reacted worse to the death of her warder.


But to each their own, unless we asked BS or RJ was asked previously, no1 will know for sure.


Min isn't exactly an ordinary person. Her gift may not have anything to do with the OP, but that's not to say that whatever the source of it is, which we don't know, won't have the same effect on her longevity as the OP does for channellers. Abnormal charecters can be expected to have abnormal rules determining their life and lifespan, IMO.

I am not sure i agree that just because she has abnormal abilities, she has a longer life. She is a regular person who has a strange ability, I always felt that people who used the OP had extended lifespans, because they controlled the power that basically runs the world, and creates and controls life, that is why time doesn't effect them the same as regular people, Min has no control over the pattern or the force the moves the pattern so i don't see her living much/any longer then the average person.


Min isn't exactly an ordinary person. Her gift may not have anything to do with the OP, but that's not to say that whatever the source of it is, which we don't know, won't have the same effect on her longevity as the OP does for channellers. Abnormal charecters can be expected to have abnormal rules determining their life and lifespan, IMO.

I am not sure i agree that just because she has abnormal abilities, she has a longer life. She is a regular person who has a strange ability, I always felt that people who used the OP had extended lifespans, because they controlled the power that basically runs the world, and creates and controls life, that is why time doesn't effect them the same as regular people, Min has no control over the pattern or the force the moves the pattern so i don't see her living much/any longer then the average person.



True. But I wasn't saying she will have longer life. I was simply saying that we don't know what she is, where her power comes from, or how it will effect her, and we don't know that she won't live a long life for some strange reason or that she won't have a regular lifespan like regular folks. We just don't know.


I don't think this is how it works, i think the bond is equal on both ends, that is to say, if 2 normal people were bonded by a third person who has use of the OP, [...] I don't think having other bonds besides the original would make a difference either, [...]

If you read closely about the bonds it is quite clear that different bonds between different kinds of people work different ways. There's always a bonder and a bondee with the bonder being dominant.

Also I wasn't making a point about having extra bonds, rather I was pointing out that Rand has plenty of reasons to stay alive. Compare this to Lan staying alive because he was given plenty to do after losing Moiraine. It's also very much like keeping a channeler of either sex alive after they burn out or are stilled/gentled.


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