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Big Greenie Field Trip Planning Thread


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  • 1 month later...

ok, ya'll... I'm ready for this RP to be done (almost two years in the making, can you believe it?) and I wanna kill stuff.


I've posted in the Kathleen/Arath/Olmena thread to get that one moving and I'm pestering Kynwric to get that one moving. Here's the general plan I've sketched out, feel free to chime in and add/subtract in the next few days until we get something that we can handle!


1- Lor and Kyn have finally arrived in Mardecin and made contact with the cobbler's wife (our E&E).


2- The three groups will enter the building at staggered times throughout the evening. <-- anyone care about the order? I'm ok with fudging it.


3- Lor and Kyn will get the book, but pass it on to someone else.

****Lor is going to pry the book from a dead White Cloak's fingers. He's going to get a good swipe in, so she's not walking out without a new scar. <--- should be fun!

****Rasheta, if you want to tag along with Kathleen and Arath going home since Visar is a bit MiA, I think I figured out a way! Lor will give the book to either Olmena, Kathleen or Rasheta and cover their retreat inside the house. Near the edge of town, the WC's are going to jump them again and Olmena is going to fend them off, covering Rasheta & Kathleen's escape. Then she's going to die in a blaze of glory (emphasis on the word BLAZE). This would mean the slightly tested Kathleen would probably appreciate a ride home. Keep in mind Arath is going to be in there, too! Whether he wants to stay and help Olmena set fire to everything and witness her death before catching up with Rasheta & Kathleen is totally up to ya'll. It's going to be loud and hot, hot, hot! ;)


4- Lor & Kyn trail behind and everyone who is still breathing makes it back to the Tower so we can discuss where to hide the book next.


So, what do you like/not like/want to discuss/plan out? :D

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We're trying not to let anyone else know we are there, us that good enough for him to restrain himself? Their little group is going to get ambushed at the outskirts of town and Olmena won't make it out. That's about the point the fireworks will start and they'll abandon being quiet. :)


Let's see... What's a good reason not to travel?

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's ok, I'm just about to start raising some hell in that thread. LOL Been planning this scene in my head for almost 2 years. TALK ABOUT TORTURE!


Your group's mission, Arath and Kathleen, is to get in and cover whoever has the book. Lor is going to get injured retrieving it and hand it over to someone else. Since Rasheta hasn't stopped in or taken part since WAY back, it'll probably be Olmena. Who is then going to pass it on to Kathleen to take home and die. (Isn't Kathleen going to get a little Dark around the edges in the future? This might be an interesting twist in character development... ;) ). So, to answer your question, Arath... YES! Go blow something up! Your job is to find the person who has the book and protect them. Give me two shakes and it'll be an injured Loraine!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Yes I'm finally back in business!! Oh my gosh its good to be home!! *cuddles the greenies* I didn't realized how much I missed it! Fear not my Sisters, I'm a Green through and through!


Though I wasn't sure where to go from where we were so I'm on the stairs! Gimme something to do or someone smack around. I'm back and need a good throw down!

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So I'm thinking a change of plan is in order (though it doesn't seem that we've really followed any plan at all here).


Seeing how both Loraine and Kynwric are bleeding to death, and Arath is both uninjured and unrestrained in his use of the One Power as a weapon, methinks it makes more sense for him to cover the retreat. Also, isn't Olmena going down in her blaze of glory at the gates? After a battle as frustrating as this (trying not to kill enemies is tough for an Asha'man), Arath would simply annihilate the gates, and anyone guarding them in a big explosion. Olmena won't have a chance to go out with a bang if he's there.


Though he might end up burning the house down... does anyone have a problem with that?


Seems like Olmena might have more motivation to go out big if there are dying people nearby that need saving. If there's no objections, Arath is gonna pull Lor and Kyn out of the fray and push em out of the house. Then he's gonna get to have a little fun. Once everyone else in the house is dead, he can catch up and witness Olmena's destruction.

Edited by Arath Faringal
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Just keep in mind, we only have the ok from the White Cloaks to kill off about 6 or so. So, no decimating an entire house full of them. Also, lighting a house on fire in Amadacia will most likely torch the whole town, which is also a no no. The Gates will be far enough away from other buildings to minimize that.


I'm ok with you getting Lor and Kyn out, as long as you don't expect either of them to be happy about it. LOL ;)

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  • 2 months later...

I got to reply again! I hope what I did was ok. I figure with all the noise and fire going on there would be chaos in the streets and more Whitecloaks going running to check it out. I didn't want to do to much extra though so i didn't move it too far ahead.

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Wow ... not even sure how to react to that post.


Arath pulled the pair out of the house and set them by the door ... not tossing them out to land on daggers. He removed them because they were badly injured ... getting them out in a way that would likely cause further injury is not something he would do.


Have to admit, I laughed a lot at the rank hypocrisy she was spewing at him too. He causes too much damage with his 'flippant' use of the power ... she says after she knocks down the house, likely killing a bunch of whitecloaks inside.


Given the fact that the entire exchange from Arath pushing them out, to Lor's self righteous tantrum wouldn't have taken more than a minute, Kathleen and Olmena wouldn't have made it to the gates yet. So Arath's honest reaction to the whole thing would be to grab Lor by the head, heal her enough to keep her from bleeding out by the end of the street, give her a snide 'You're Welcome', and Travel to the gates to help the others. And somewhere in that a comment about how Asha'man aren't in the habit of following orders from crazy/suicidal people. :D


Methinks none of that will be acceptable.

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First off, if you had paid attention to the RP plan laid out, I had the ok from Nyn to kill off about a half dozen White Cloaks. Not wholesale slaughter the way you started swinging weaves. It took me two months to put a post together that didn't get Arath killed because I was THAT annoyed. I couldn't even form a response here because I was too ticked off at your God-modding. If you remember, you were sent along as support, which means you follow orders. Lor even made that VERY clear from the first time Arath joined their group. It's not his trip and she really doesn't have time to give a crap about how he feels about those orders.


Second off, I took off a front of a house, didn't knock the whole thing down. I didn't kill a single other White Cloak, as they were all in the back of the house, where you so galantly pushed them while you were trying to mow through them like grass. What Lor did was put a very large obstacle between the White Cloaks and the people she's trying to get out of town. She's not being a hypocrite, she's thoroughly ticked off.


Thirdly, I never said they'd made it TO the gates, I said they were heading TOWARDS the gate. I never even mentioned where Kathleen and Olmena were in Lor's post. So, I'm not sure where you're getting that.


And considering that Lor's a VERY STRONG GREEN, don't think she's going to handle you touching her without bloodshed. The fact that you're still breathing after pushing her out of that house is a small miracle. If she feels threatened, she can take you out, Ashaman or not, and you'll never see it coming. You're forgetting who you're dealing with, Arath. We're not little scaredy cats, we're weapons. Deadly weapons. So, you're very right, neither option is a good one if you want Arath to live to see the other side of the gate.


ACCORDING TO THE RP PLAN SET OUT AND AGREED UPON BEFORE WE EVEN STARTED THIS, you are supposed to be helping to get Olmena and Kathleen out of town and back to the Tower. Olmena's causing her distraction, she's going to trust you to get both Kathleen AND the book back to the Tower safely and cover your retreat. If you had a problem with that plan, you should've said something a long time ago.

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Ooo ... we're gonna play this game are we?


Well to start with, let me quote what I posted 2 months ago, right before I made my RP post.


Actually, I'm gonna go ahead and post something like that, and I'll edit it out if there are objections. Moves faster that way :D


Sooo ... if there were any parts that pissed you off that bad, you could have just mentioned it two bloody months ago.


Lets mention your all holy 'plan'.


On this very thread, your only reason for restraining the Asha'man in the group was 'we want to do it quietly'. So quite logically, the first Aes Sedai in goes and sets the appropriate level of stealth by shooting a fountain of sparks out of the roof top. The only thing more likely to have attracted attention then a bloody flare, would be Lor dancing the sa'sara in the streets while screaming "I'm an Aes Sedai!"


And now, a quote from yours truly.


So I'm thinking a change of plan is in order (though it doesn't seem that we've really followed any plan at all here).


Seeing how both Loraine and Kynwric are bleeding to death, and Arath is both uninjured and unrestrained in his use of the One Power as a weapon, methinks it makes more sense for him to cover the retreat. Also, isn't Olmena going down in her blaze of glory at the gates? After a battle as frustrating as this (trying not to kill enemies is tough for an Asha'man), Arath would simply annihilate the gates, and anyone guarding them in a big explosion. Olmena won't have a chance to go out with a bang if he's there.


Though he might end up burning the house down... does anyone have a problem with that?


Seems like Olmena might have more motivation to go out big if there are dying people nearby that need saving. If there's no objections, Arath is gonna pull Lor and Kyn out of the fray and push em out of the house. Then he's gonna get to have a little fun. Once everyone else in the house is dead, he can catch up and witness Olmena's destruction.


Also, if you bother to read my post carefully, Arath was not going around, randomly slaughtering whitecloaks for the hell of it. Mercy killings for those who are too injured to survive baring OP healing, and a club to the head to knock out those who might be able to follow.


And considering that Lor's a VERY STRONG GREEN, don't think she's going to handle you touching her without bloodshed. The fact that you're still breathing after pushing her out of that house is a small miracle. If she feels threatened, she can take you out, Ashaman or not, and you'll never see it coming. You're forgetting who you're dealing with, Arath. We're not little scaredy cats, we're weapons. Deadly weapons. So, you're very right, neither option is a good one if you want Arath to live to see the other side of the gate.


Hahahaha. Lets consider just a few points before you say Lor would slaughter Arath. First, the amount of mental gymnastics it would take to circumvent her oath are staggering. How you would equate being pulled out of a building full of hostiles while badly injured, and being told that you are being pulled out because of said injuries, as a direct threat to your life or your warder's?


Second, by your own bloody post, Lor is not at her strongest. She's bleeding heavily from a stab wound in the side, apparently had a dagger shoved all the way in up to the hilt, is beaten, bruised, bloodied ... and Arath hasn't yet broken a sweat. If you read our PSW rules on the OP we have these things called situational modifiers. Essentially modifying your OP scores to conform to your physical condition and/or surroundings. I'd say Lor has some severely debilitating modifiers at the moment. I also looked up OP scores. Congrats on your 32 strength. On par with the average Asha'man. Impressive skill though ... and a potency of 67. Very nice. Arath has a strength of 36. Potency of 69. As far as I have been able to tell, he is the strongest non-forsaken character on the boards. So unless Lor is Black Ajah and pulls off a surprise murder attack on a non threatening foe ... she isn't going to kill him. Quite the opposite I would think.


By the way, where did I imply that a green sister is a sissy little scaredy cat? I don't question their ability to fight. At least when they are physically capable of it. At this point, however, I do severly question their tactical skills.


Since I have to head to work, I'll leave this for now and continue later. But I think I'll part with this little gem of a quote.


I'm ok with you getting Lor and Kyn out, as long as you don't expect either of them to be happy about it. LOL ;)


*le gasp* You're okay with a departure from the long departed plan? 2 days AFTER I posted it?

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