Xader Posted November 4, 2010 Posted November 4, 2010 I agree it seems a bit technophobic. I have all but abandoned paper print. I no longer buy bound media. It seems they are shooting themselves in the foot. I would have gladly bought the ebook on day one, but like nerd1, I will be checking it out from the library for free. It'll allow me to read it much sooner than Feb. We'll see if I feel like buying it then. And in by college days, i became quite familiar with the piracy-prone. And if I learned one thing from them, it is that they weren't going to pay for the product, period. If they couldn't pirate it, they weren't getting it. No potential revenue is lost, as there was no potential revenue to begin with. All this does is make those of us who were willing to pay full price for the ebook more likely to seek out alternative sources.
Guest honjull Posted November 4, 2010 Posted November 4, 2010 Add me to the list of people that registered just to respond to this thread (and vote). Like many other working professionals out there, I travel about 40 weeks a year for my company; sometimes for 2 weeks at a time. There is no way I can carry enough books for me to read that entire time. They are too bulky and weigh too much. I got a Nook a few months after they were released, and I too will only purchase books that are available in an eBook format. I actually prefer to hold the book when I read it, but it just isn't practical when you travel this much. I guess I'll just use this as an excuse to re-read from book 1. It has been many years since I have done that. I'm also glad the next book will be the last, if this had happened back at the beginning I probably would have just skipped the series...
Guest NavyGothic Posted November 4, 2010 Posted November 4, 2010 Might seem a little like beating a dead horse, but count me in as another new sign-up expressing disappointment with the decision. I have no interest in purchasing a paper copy of any novel. I'm have no problem if others prefer the traditional approach to books, but forcing that preference upon me is rather frustrating. Meh. Another lost sale, if that means anything.
Kahlika Posted November 5, 2010 Posted November 5, 2010 It's really dissapointing to not have ebooks available on release if you're one of the many people who can't easily access bookstores that stock hard copies. I live in Sydney, the biggest city in Australia, and still spent 4 hours on release day wandering around to various bookstores who didn't have the hard copy stocked, and who all told me it would probably be shipped to them by the weekend and to come back then. I had to get a friend from interstate to pick it up and express mail it to me to get hold of it (all up it cost me ~$40). If they can't manage to get bookstores here to stock it on release then it must have been worse elsewhere. I'd be really interested to know if Tor was planning on doing something to make the next book more readily availble in Australia on release day next time. If not then we should have the option of an ebook.
Guest JC1327 Posted November 5, 2010 Posted November 5, 2010 This delay sucks...been lurking on Dragonmount for years but never signed up till this madness....I'm currently deployed to Iraq so now for the first time since Dragon Reborn I have to wait to read a new WoT. I'm hoping my Hardcover gets here sometime next week...I've bought every book in hardcover and paperback since DR, I've purchased every eBook and completed my series re-read about a week ago on my Iphone (Love the kindle app :) ) Now I've got to wait yet again...I'm currently trying to download the audio book but our wireless sucks so it's taken me 3 days to download the first 2 parts :( I figure by the time I finish downloading it my Hardcover hopefully will be here and I'll have to drag a hardcover all over base :( E-readers of any kind are essential when your deployed! Since I got my first Palm in 06 I haven't gone anywhere without an e-reader of some kind...So now instead of reading ToM I'm reading Under the Dome. If by the time I finish that my ToM Brick isn't here I guess I'll move on to something else....maybe Kings brand new one that will be released on both Hardocover and ebook at the same time thank you Mr. King for releasing your books for e-readers at the same time as the hardcover, or since he did get us a Nine month bump BS's The Way of Kings
Guest seted Posted November 5, 2010 Posted November 5, 2010 I don't buy in hardback. Where I live, VAT and import dutis are charged on books, making the hardback extremely expensive, but I would quite happily purchase the ebook at a price slightly below the price for the hardback on Amazon, or even at the same price if I had to. Instead the publisher loses my custom and will only get the paperback price. I want to be able to read ToM now, and would even consider paying the Amazon hardback price in ebook form. Why not at least rlease the ebook at hardback price, and avoid any issues of canabilising sales?
daveq65 Posted November 5, 2010 Posted November 5, 2010 I know we are all highly annoyed. But, we really must give Brandon a huge vote of thanks for getting it changed from November to February. Also we must also be grateful to Harriet for changing her mind. I am going to have to try and slow down my read rate or I'll be waiting weeks for ToM. I can sort of understand where she is coming from, but publishers are suffering the same mentality the music industry did failure to move with the times. Read into this Macillian and all its subsidiaries and their price fixing. We want to pay a fair price for an e-book not the same as the HB release. The biggest question really is will aMoL be released as an e-book the same day as the HB? Because I think should it not the backlash will be bigger than that which happened when the Bore was sealed. It will dwarf what has happened this time.
Guest KaneRelf Posted November 5, 2010 Posted November 5, 2010 Add my vote to people who have lurked for years and signed up to voice my displeasure at the delay in the eBook release. My only hope at this point is that Harriet becomes aware of how upset the fans are and releases the next book as an eBook on release day. I'd never seriously thought about eReaders until i was bought a Sony for my birthday 18months ago, the last paper book I ever bought was TGS on release it was the only paper book I'd read in 6 months after getting the reader and afterwards I vowed it would be my last. 6 months ago I packed all my paper books into boxes and replaced my book shelves with a fish tank in my study, their is no going back! I would pay the same price as the hardcover for an eBook on release day, or I'd buy the hardcover if the eBook came free with it. But my personal library of books is know being built on my eReader and I refuse to have to buy a new release book twice. I'm upset that as a long time fan (I've been reading wheel of time since book 3 came out) that I'm going to be 3 months behind because I choose not to buy paper anymore. Its the story that is important and whether the story is told on Paper, eInk or Audio shouldn't make a difference.
dbeman Posted November 5, 2010 Posted November 5, 2010 I've already given Brandon Sanderson his much due props for getting the release of the e-book out 9 months sooner than originally planned. Sadly by that time I will have already read the book for free. I keep re-reading this statement from Harriet's reasoning as reported by Brandon Sanderson's assistant: Harriet is of the old guard who feel a book isn't abook unless you can smell that paper and glue smell and riffle its pages. I wonder how many people who purchased the audiobook, either on CD or via an internet download, appreciate that paper and glue smell. I wonder if they've had a chance to riffle though the pages as well.
JRich465 Posted November 5, 2010 Posted November 5, 2010 I for one, will NOT be picking up this book due to the non-release of the ebook. I would have gladly paid full hard cover price to have it today. I contacted the publisher and was told the book is done and they wanted it released today and it was delayed at the request of RJ's estate. Don't want my money, fine. You make an incredibly good case for people just going to the library or DL'n the book through piracy. Delaying the release does nothing but irritate your fans, if people are going to pirate it, keeping it out of stores does nothing to prevent it.
Moderator JenniferL Posted November 6, 2010 Moderator Posted November 6, 2010 I don't care how pissed off you are. As always, an offer to pirate material (any material, not just ToM) is an instant ban. Also, Harriet and Brandon spoke very briefly about this issue at their Q&A in Dallas last night.
firstfishman Posted November 6, 2010 Posted November 6, 2010 The New York Times Bestseller list is most likely the reason she delayed it. Seems stupid to me that they would not count ebook sales as sales of a book. As an author, I would be tempted to tell the New York Times to go hump their hat and just publish my book straight to ebook, but there is just too much prestige tied up into being a best seller. I strongly urge everyone who has voiced their displeasure to direct their complaints directly to thee New York Times. I am going to right after this post. Now that I know the whole story, I would like to apologize for early statements. I can now see the reasoning behind it. In the future, it would be nice to have an explanation why when the decision is made public. As I have said before, "Because she has every right to do so" and heresay just enraged people. When makeing large decisions that effect tens of thousands of people, its nice to let them know why. A lot of people who have signed up here just to voice their complaints will not return to see the exact reason why. How many people would have been soothed if the first post in this thread was, "These are the reasons for the ebook release" instead of, "too bad, Jordan's estate didnt want to release it for unknown reasons". Just sayin.....
firstfishman Posted November 6, 2010 Posted November 6, 2010 Didnt have a lot of time to look for a forum, etc. All I found wass this feedback page. Go here to voice your complaints about ebooks not being included as a sale. http://www.nytimes.com/membercenter/formf.html
Xander234 Posted November 6, 2010 Posted November 6, 2010 I don't know if any of you are subscribed to Brandon's newsletter, but his assistant, Peter addressed this in the edition that went out last night. A note on the ebook version of TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT. While thehardcover and the audiobook (including the Audible and iTunes versions) are out now, the ebook will not be released until February. Remember that there weren't any Wheel of Time ebooks at all until starting last year, and the ebook for THE GATHERING STORM didn't come out until the mass market paperback was released in the U.S. almost a year after the hardcover. It was originally Harriet's plan to do the same thing with TofM, but Brandon spoke with her last week and convinced her to move up the release to February. I know a lot of you love your ebooks, but try not to be too disappointed. Harriet is of the old guard who feel a book isn't a book unless you can smell that paper and glue smell and riffle its pages. It takes time to adapt to something completely new when you've been doing things one way for decades. During Robert Jordan's lifetime, the only ebooks he allowed to be sold were the prologue teaser ebooks. Harriet has already bent significantly from that by allowing the first twelve ebooks to come out one per month over the last year as she did. Let's cut her some slack and appreciate that the TofM ebook comes out in three months instead of eleven. :) (And for goodness' sake, I wish diehard Kindle fans would quit it with the one-star Amazon reviews of a book they haven't even read. Sheesh!) Well that sucks massively. Way to go and kick all of us tens of thousands of international fans in the balls. I got a freaking debit card just so I can buy the e-book instead of having to wait months for the paper edition and this is what I get? This is what we all get afters literally decades of loyalty to this series? They should be ashamed of themselves. Oh yeah I love how she is supposed to be of the "old guard" and yet doesn't have a problem releasing audibooks. I hope the US fans can salvage this and help their oversea brothers like they did last time . We are counting on you guys
Oliver Posted November 6, 2010 Posted November 6, 2010 What seems silly about all of this is that delaying the ebook is to loose money. The ebook is out there I just searched for torrents of it and 50 popped up so kindle readers who feel slighted are just running out and downloading it illegally. I just got a kindle but I bought the hardcover. I hate to download illegally and because I make movies that have been pirated I wont do it but I am such a small minority. Almost everyone i know who has a kindle says just steal it. Seems like you could change that the way Itunes did by releasing digital music the same day the CD comes out. You could easily have half of those customers who steal the digital copy. It seems they want to support the book just not lug around a 800 page hardcover.
yoniy0 Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 I have to say, I don't get where Peter's coming from about that 1-star Amazon.com ranking. He doesn't get to decide what people may or may not use in ranking a product. Nobody does. If I like the text but not the medium, well that's certainly a valid point of view. Actually, I think this is one of the few avenues open to people to voice their dissatisfaction, and - as long as you make your considerations clear in your review - I can see nothing wrong with it. I didn't rank the book myself (just finished listening to the audio book yesterday), but I will definitely consider doing so.
RembrandtQ.Einstein Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 Disappointing news. I was looking forward to buying the ebook since I do most of my reading while in transit. A book, especially a large hardcover is not really an option or serious alternative for me. I guess I'll either have to now wait until a pirated scan version comes out or buy the ebook upon release. Whichever comes first. *sigh*
blee1555 Posted November 7, 2010 Posted November 7, 2010 The New York Times Bestseller list is most likely the reason she delayed it. Seems stupid to me that they would not count ebook sales as sales of a book. As an author, I would be tempted to tell the New York Times to go hump their hat and just publish my book straight to ebook, but there is just too much prestige tied up into being a best seller. I strongly urge everyone who has voiced their displeasure to direct their complaints directly to thee New York Times. I am going to right after this post. Now that I know the whole story, I would like to apologize for early statements. I can now see the reasoning behind it. In the future, it would be nice to have an explanation why when the decision is made public. As I have said before, "Because she has every right to do so" and heresay just enraged people. When makeing large decisions that effect tens of thousands of people, its nice to let them know why. A lot of people who have signed up here just to voice their complaints will not return to see the exact reason why. How many people would have been soothed if the first post in this thread was, "These are the reasons for the ebook release" instead of, "too bad, Jordan's estate didnt want to release it for unknown reasons". Just sayin..... Glad somebody else found this out. Harriet mentioned at the Dallas signing that the NY Times does not count ebook sales for the bestseller lists. Just being on that list opens the series up to new readers and essentially "free" publicity.
Moderator JenniferL Posted November 7, 2010 Moderator Posted November 7, 2010 There's also the legacy question. Every WoT book since APoD has debuted at #1 on the NYT list. I know Brandon was really worried last year that TGS wouldn't make #1 and he'd be the guy that screwed it up. I wouldn't be surprised if protecting Jordan's legacy as a #1 best selling author factored into the decision to delay.
dbeman Posted November 8, 2010 Posted November 8, 2010 I suspected the issue was regarding the NYT Best Sellers list...and had they been up front about that from the beginning I would not have had a problem. But by being so cryptic at first and then havung Brandon's assistant to post that bogus and contradictory message; well we can all see what a lack of communication can do. As for piracy? I don't advocate it...but we can't be in denial that it does exist.
yoniy0 Posted November 8, 2010 Posted November 8, 2010 Yes, when I saw the video of the Dallas signing I was amazed to realize Harriet didn't seem opposed to e-content at all, it's just industry politics that forced her hand to do it (plus, what she said could be interpreted to mean that she's 'fallen on her sword' for Tor.com, because THEY couldn't have stood up to the resellers. I definitely think that's what she meant). While it's certainly big of her, I wish she wouldn't have waited so long to let us know the real reason. I like to know what's what and 'who's to blame' for 'mishaps' like this.
MierinWru Posted November 8, 2010 Posted November 8, 2010 I enjoyed the book but I hated reading it. I'm so used to reading eBooks that I was spending my whole ToM-reading-time trying to finally find a comfortable position. The book is heavy, it's impractical. It sucks. I want an eBook but obviously they're trying to rip me off by forcing me to buy both the hardcover and the eBook if I don't want to wait a couple of months. I'm not happy.
Xander234 Posted November 8, 2010 Posted November 8, 2010 I suspected the issue was regarding the NYT Best Sellers list...and had they been up front about that from the beginning I would not have had a problem. But by being so cryptic at first and then havung Brandon's assistant to post that bogus and contradictory message; well we can all see what a lack of communication can do. As for piracy? I don't advocate it...but we can't be in denial that it does exist. Bah piracy. Come on. I can understand if this was one of the first books but this is book 13 already. The vast vast vast majority of people who made it so far are enough in love with the series to buy it. Piracy for something like this will be insignificant and mainly due to bs like this where they spit all over us international fans. And even with us we will most likely buy it as soon as it comes out in our countries, especially the normal version.
Ninkharsag Posted November 9, 2010 Posted November 9, 2010 I have read this series from the beginning and love the hard backs since I own them all. I am also frustrated that it is not released as an e-book right away. I love my Sony e reader and I know several people who own the kindle and could not live with out it now. I also have issue with the whole I already paid for the hard back and now you want me to fork over more money for the e-book. I think you should only have to pay for content once. I would like the industry to start adding the e-book as a bonus to people who buy the hard back book. Much like a lot of new movies go ahead and give you the digital copy as well. Makes it so much easier to put it on your portable devices and carry with you. I like owning the hard back, but not having to pay twice for the same content. I like both formats and enjoy owning the hard backs, but the e-books are so convenient to take with you.
yoniy0 Posted November 9, 2010 Posted November 9, 2010 A reminder - we do not condone piracy here. Talk of the concept of piracy is okay. Announcing your practices and/or encouraging others to practice it (not to mention supplying directions for how to do so) is strictly forbidden. Please don't try the administrators and moderators on this. This is meant to be a place where everyone can enjoy discussion of the series. We don't enjoy enforcing what few rules these forums have, but we'll do it. EDIT: Okay. On second thought, I think we all know the bottom line by now. The ebook will be out in February. This thread has fulfilled its purpose, I believe, and keeping it open is just tempting people to overstep the guidelines. I'll make a sticky post about the ebook, but for now, I'm locking this thread.
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