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How to break free from a circle of 13


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Some time ago i encountered question.It goes like this: "If you are male chanaler and you find yourself in face with a full circle of 13 Aes Sedai.how will you escape them if they shield you :)


As far as channeling your way out, if you have nobody to help you there's no way. I guess you could try running away or attacking them physically.


Rand describes saidin being cut off like 'a sluice gate closing'. He's the strongest there is and couldn't escape with even 3 women of 6 linked sisters holding his shield.


You could do what Rand did. Wait until they tie the shield off and break it then. Barring that, you could commit suicide. Several thousand years later, I'm sure the Wheel would spin you again.


Do something crude and lewd. if it's sufficiently imaginative, it may break the circle leader's concentration.

If she folds her arms and sniffs at the wrong instant, you have a chance.


One option is get your hands on a well built for men--like what Cadsuane and Nynaeve used in Far Madding. RJ stated they allow you to channel if shielded.


I wonder if you're REALLY fast, could you undo their shielding wave before it hits you? Lanfear was able to pick apart Rand's wave without seeing it and Rand has some experience with this female wave, so maybe he could catch it.

Probably though you have no chance, if you're not linked before, and need some help from outside.


Yes, you can slice a shield weave before it touches you. We see this several times.


Yea, a well would certainly freak them out enough they would let you go, to see someone who you KNOW is shielded channeling would be freaky for anyone unfamiliar with a well.



I was thinking wait a little bit for them to relax then blits those holding the shield. Power is limited with wells to you have to make every bit count--catching and killing them by surprise would serve better then simply startling them.


Coming from a circle - wouldn't the wave be too strong to simply slice it? I vaguely remember a character having this problem (not facing a circle, but another much stronger character). So I thought you maybe could pick it apart instead, using knowledge and quickness instead of strength.


Coming from a circle - wouldn't the wave be too strong to simply slice it? I vaguely remember a character having this problem (not facing a circle, but another much stronger character). So I thought you maybe could pick it apart instead, using knowledge and quickness instead of strength.


As far as we know you can't pick apart another persons weaves whilst they are holding them. A tied knot can be unravelled, but you cannot pick a part a weave as they are weaving them. As for slicing weaves--I do not recall any indication that strength was an effect. Cyndane sliced Alivia's weaves although she would have been more than twice as strong as her with the angreal.


You have to flee out of sight of the circle. When they can't see you anymore, they can't use the Power on you. If you're already shielded, I suppose this shall work as well. And use a well to make noise and smoke, some dagger to meet their hearts, and then run fast. As fast as Bela can run. And hope. Fervently :)


The easiest thing to do is to lie down on the floor and start crying like a baby. Then, when they turn away from you in disgust, you kick them all in the back of the head and knock them out. Shield broken.


If they've tied the shield off, go wander into a stedding, have it vanish and then come back and balefire their asses.


As far as we know you can't pick apart another persons weaves whilst they are holding them. A tied knot can be unravelled, but you cannot pick a part a weave as they are weaving them.


Maybe I misunderstand you, but in The Shadow Rising, ch.10, Lanfear unravels (at least she calls it "unravel", Rand experiences severed flows) Rand's wave of air that holds her. And from what Rand thinks immediately before he didn't tie it up (yet). Of course that's different from a shield, the wave has already settled (don't know if you can call it that) but she can still reach saidar.

But that's pure speculation, seeing your Alivia / Cyndane comment I seem to be wrong about the difficulty of slicing a much stronger wave - so there's no need to unravel at all at this stage of a fight/attempted shielding.


Thank you guys it's been most helpful.Just one more question.Does the shielding of the leader of the circle,affect circle etc.to fall apart????

You have to flee out of sight of the circle. When they can't see you anymore, they can't use the Power on you. If you're already shielded, I suppose this shall work as well.


No it is possible to hold a shield on someone once they're out of sight. You're probably thinking of where Toveine attempts to employ this against the Asha'man--that attempt was based on the idea that many men think they can't hold the weave once the person is out of sight, and therefore cannot in fact--but this is a block, and ignorence on their part.


Though if you get far enough from a person its possible their shield will weaken and fail--you're talking like four or five miles, if I recall.


Maybe I misunderstand you, but in The Shadow Rising, ch.10, Lanfear unravels (at least she calls it "unravel", Rand experiences severed flows) Rand's wave of air that holds her. And from what Rand thinks immediately before he didn't tie it up (yet). Of course that's different from a shield, the wave has already settled (don't know if you can call it that) but she can still reach saidar.


That's actually what I was talking about when I spoke of slicing a flow.


Thank you guys it's been most helpful.Just one more question.Does the shielding of the leader of the circle,affect circle etc.to fall apart????


RJ said of circles that they are like one powerful channeler--to shield one you must shield them all, and at a strength that equals that of the circle.


Random thought here. Suppose Rand was turned by the 13x13 thing. What would happen to Mordin?


Im not sure but exactly but I like this way of thinking. I always wondered if there was a way to undo the 13x13 thing with the One Power or even the True Power, a way to remove that personality altering and bring back the "good" traits... maybe if Rand was 13x13ed, Moridin would get that through the link and would then be counted as 13x13ed also. If the personality switch was still going on it would mean Rand would be dark again and even if Moridin kept acting like Rand he would then be acting like Dark Rand. Cuendillar, emotionless, possibly making food rot around him like Rand did.


And maybe if a 13x13 could be undone with a Power, Rand being 13x13ed could make Moridin vulnerable to his personality having long-dead good traits brought out. NOOOOOOOOO!


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