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Point Opportunity...


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DM7 is available for a very short time Here. There are some things we need saved and brought over (mostly the August Disney stuff, but also a few other threads, too!). I'm handing out TONS OF POINTS to anyone who copies the missing stuff from DM7 to DM8. So, if you've got some time on your hands and have access to all the Kin forums, this is a great chance to get that Red Sash you've been dreaming of!



Just update whatever you can get your hands on and then post here to let me know you did it! If you see a thread that's over there, but not over here... snag it!




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I transfered all posts and threads that were posted on in threads on the main Kin page of DM7 after the transfer that hadn't yet made it over. I would have done the other two boards I have access to on DM7 except it is now 2 and a half hours after my bed time. If the other boards aren't transfered and I find time I will do them tomorrow! Happy to help out, I'm sorry if the new posts here look messy, and also sorry I forgot to record all the names of the threads so I can't post the names here, but it was all posts on the Main Kin SG board that we posted on DM7 after the cut off.



Good morning, I woke up and came back to finish the other threads I could see, but there was only a very few things in the Knitting Circle that I could find to move over (but the threads are still very jumbled here it seems) and The only other board I could see on DM7 was the main Farm page, which from I could see didn't need anything moved.


Please feel free to double check these last two boards, as I very well could have missed something, and I only moved over things after the tenth of august, so if there are any threads missing from before then (which it looked like, but I don't see how unless we deleted them when we got here) I didn't move them.

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Yay!! Pointses!! *feels rich as she zips up her pockets so the points don't fall out* Thank you for the pointses. I was just doing it cause I have too much time on my hands and because you said needed helps, but I will keeps the pointses too cause it cant hurt! I think that puts me at 161 now...wow, lots of pointses *tries not feel greedy*

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Go check out the Red members list and you will see, Bale!



**Tucks another 10 points in Kaths pocket. :biggrin: **


I'm not sure if you will be doing any more for the Kin or for another Org, but this is just a tip. When you go into DM7 there is a button on the right hand side of the topics. It's the print button. If you hit that it will give you a preview of the entire thread and you can just copy and paste that. Rather then doing it one post at a time. Hope that helps.

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Kathleen, dearest, we don't work on schedules here and we'll get to raisings when we get to them. That's the beauty of the Kin, after all. It's not about your sash, it's about the fun you have while you're here.


Smile and have fun. The sashes will come when they come. :)

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