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Questions of the Black Ajah


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  On 9/26/2010 at 3:34 PM, Luckers said:
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  On 9/26/2010 at 2:27 PM, Charlz Guybon said:
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<br />Additionally, Verin is not amongst the oldest of Aes Sedai--she is between 113 and 146 years of age, as per Merana's comments in LoC.<br /><br />
<br />Verin's hair is solidly gray, is there another sister that's under 200 for whom that is so?<br />
<br /><br />Actually Verin has only a touch of grey in her dark hair.<br />
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  On 9/26/2010 at 3:34 PM, Luckers said:
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  On 9/26/2010 at 2:27 PM, Charlz Guybon said:
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<br />Additionally, Verin is not amongst the oldest of Aes Sedai--she is between 113 and 146 years of age, as per Merana's comments in LoC.<br /><br />
<br />Verin's hair is solidly gray, is there another sister that's under 200 for whom that is so?<br />
<br /><br />Actually Verin has only a touch of grey in her dark hair.<br />
<br /><br /><br />


It sayes in tGS that Verin and Cadsuane are among to oldest of the living aes sedia.


Gray gene? Silly. Gray hair are just white hair and black hair giving an illusion of grayness.


Question : if the life of a Black Sister is threathened, she will be able to share her knowledge. What if after that you don't kill her, wouldn't there be conflicting Oaths? Woumd she die one hour after the first answer, or would she simplu have bypassed the Oaths without further consequences than the wrath of other Black Sisters?


I doubt threatening to kill a Black would make her betray the DO. But even if she was terrified, I don't think she could share her knowledge. IIRC Sheriam never even mentioned Mesaana to the rebels, or any other ongoing BA plots.


Yes she did. She confessed she stole the dream ter'angreal and other things. By thread to the sister, I meant execution pure and simple. Something that made her understand she would die.


I totally forgot that. But she gives details of things she was involved in, not other important plans.


As to whether an execution threat later revoked could cause a Dark Oath conflict, my guess is no, but only BS or MAFO can tell. Maybe a :madmyrddraal: SH will torture them later on.


I would like to put this oath rod channeling agelessness to rest once and for all. It has as ive already said IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE OATH ROD. <br /><br />-- QUOTE-- As with all Aes Sedai, once they had worked long enough with the One Power, it was impossable to put an age to Gitara's face.<br /><br />--source-- Robert Jordan's "New Spring The Novel" The Wheel Of Time ~In The Beginning~ page 29 2nd para line 1.<br /><br />I dont want to here anymore about the oath rod and agelessness. I tried to explain every way i knew. I had to go to a book written when Moraine was an accepted.

  On 9/27/2010 at 12:43 AM, jamesgun said:

I would like to put this oath rod channeling agelessness to rest once and for all. It has as ive already said IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE OATH ROD. <br /><br />-- QUOTE-- As with all Aes Sedai, once they had worked long enough with the One Power, it was impossable to put an age to Gitara's face.<br /><br />--source-- Robert Jordan's "New Spring The Novel" The Wheel Of Time ~In The Beginning~ page 29 2nd para line 1.<br /><br />I dont want to here anymore about the oath rod and agelessness. I tried to explain every way i knew. I had to go to a book written when Moraine was an accepted.


I am afraid you are mistaken. Note that the AS in your supplied quote dont actually know why they have the ageless face. They have not met any of the Kin or Wise Ones, so they have nothing to compare it with.


It is common knowledge now that the Oaths create the ageless face. However, I shall provide a direct quote for you to settle it.



Budapest Q&A - April 2003


Q: Is it true that the Three Oaths is why Aes Sedai [mumble mumble] I thought it might be because, when you try to avoid the Three Oaths, you get a lot of dangerous situation [mumble mumble]...

RJ: No . . . now you have to be careful with this, because this is a kind of spoiler for people that haven’t read far enough, but the Oath Rod is what was in the Age of Legends called a binder. It was used on criminals. If you committed a violent act, or some sort of criminal act, with a binder, someone who could channel could be constrained from ever doing that again, and the result of having three of the Oaths, is the ageless appearance. One would not produce agelessness, but even one would shorten life, and three of them put a cap on Aes Sedai’s lives, on how long they could live.


Moiraine doesnt know what she is talking about. She has only ever seen AS as active channelers for so long.


Channeling "slows" a person, so they stay young in appearance for an extended period of time, but the "smooth ageless face" is as you see in the quote. Its caused by the Three Oaths.

  On 9/27/2010 at 1:03 AM, Barid Bel Medar said:
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  On 9/27/2010 at 12:43 AM, jamesgun said:
<br />I would like to put this oath rod channeling agelessness to rest once and for all. It has as ive already said IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE OATH ROD. <br /><br />-- QUOTE-- As with all Aes Sedai, once they had worked long enough with the One Power, it was impossable to put an age to Gitara's face.<br /><br />--source-- Robert Jordan's &quot;New Spring The Novel&quot; The Wheel Of Time ~In The Beginning~ page 29 2nd para line 1.<br /><br />I dont want to here anymore about the oath rod and agelessness. I tried to explain every way i knew. I had to go to a book written when Moraine was an accepted.<br />
<br /><br />I am afraid you are mistaken. Note that the AS in your supplied quote dont actually know why they have the ageless face. They have not met any of the Kin or Wise Ones, so they have nothing to compare it with. <br /><br />It is common knowledge now that the Oaths create the ageless face. However, I shall provide a direct quote for you to settle it. <br /><br />
<br />Budapest Q&A - April 2003<br /><br />Q:  Is it true that the Three Oaths is why Aes Sedai [mumble mumble] I thought it might be because, when you try to avoid the Three Oaths, you get a lot of dangerous situation [mumble mumble]...<br />RJ:  No . . . now you have to be careful with this, because this is a kind of spoiler for people that haven’t read far enough, <u><b>but the Oath Rod is what was in the Age of Legends called a binder. </b></u> It was used on criminals.  <u><b>If you committed a violent act, or some sort of criminal act, with a binder, someone who could channel could be constrained from ever doing that again, and the result of having three of the Oaths, is the ageless appearance.</b></u>  One would not produce agelessness, but even one would shorten life, and three of them put a cap on Aes Sedai’s lives, on how long they could live.
<br /><br />Moiraine doesnt know what she is talking about. She has only ever seen AS as active channelers for so long. <br /><br />Channeling "slows" a person, so they stay young in appearance for an extended period of time, but the "smooth ageless face" is as you see in the quote. Its caused by the Three Oaths.<br />
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I read it word for word strtaight from Robert Jordans pen and you still want to argue with me. your wrong yor not just your WRONG. now go and read the passage i so grasiously laid out for you. and continue to read after line 1. then come back and tell the entire thread that i am right like i have done for you on several occassions.

  On 9/27/2010 at 1:03 AM, Barid Bel Medar said:
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  On 9/27/2010 at 12:43 AM, jamesgun said:
<br />I would like to put this oath rod channeling agelessness to rest once and for all. It has as ive already said IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE OATH ROD. <br /><br />-- QUOTE-- As with all Aes Sedai, once they had worked long enough with the One Power, it was impossable to put an age to Gitara's face.<br /><br />--source-- Robert Jordan's &quot;New Spring The Novel&quot; The Wheel Of Time ~In The Beginning~ page 29 2nd para line 1.<br /><br />I dont want to here anymore about the oath rod and agelessness. I tried to explain every way i knew. I had to go to a book written when Moraine was an accepted.<br />
<br /><br />I am afraid you are mistaken. Note that the AS in your supplied quote dont actually know why they have the ageless face. They have not met any of the Kin or Wise Ones, so they have nothing to compare it with. <br /><br />It is common knowledge now that the Oaths create the ageless face. However, I shall provide a direct quote for you to settle it. <br /><br />
<br />Budapest Q&A - April 2003<br /><br />Q:  Is it true that the Three Oaths is why Aes Sedai [mumble mumble] I thought it might be because, when you try to avoid the Three Oaths, you get a lot of dangerous situation [mumble mumble]...<br />RJ:  No . . . now you have to be careful with this, because this is a kind of spoiler for people that haven’t read far enough, <u><b>but the Oath Rod is what was in the Age of Legends called a binder. </b></u> It was used on criminals.  <u><b>If you committed a violent act, or some sort of criminal act, with a binder, someone who could channel could be constrained from ever doing that again, and the result of having three of the Oaths, is the ageless appearance.</b></u>  One would not produce agelessness, but even one would shorten life, and three of them put a cap on Aes Sedai’s lives, on how long they could live.
<br /><br />Moiraine doesnt know what she is talking about. She has only ever seen AS as active channelers for so long. <br /><br />Channeling "slows" a person, so they stay young in appearance for an extended period of time, but the "smooth ageless face" is as you see in the quote. Its caused by the Three Oaths.<br />
<br /><br /><br />
  On 9/26/2010 at 6:19 PM, Demiandre said:

Yes she did. She confessed she stole the dream ter'angreal and other things. By thread to the sister, I meant execution pure and simple. Something that made her understand she would die.


Sheriam was also stilled before she was executed; that would have allowed her to confess and reveal secrets. Granted, she's still breaking her oath, but she's at least able to do so once the Oath Rod's effect is broken.


(I'm trying to ignore the posts regarding the Ageless Look (*sigh*), but does anyone else picture bad plastic surgery when hearing it described? It kinda goes with the whole skin-tightening feel of the oaths.)


-- dwn

  On 9/27/2010 at 1:54 AM, jamesgun said:

Your quote is from Budapest in April of 2003

My book and quote are copyrighted in 2004

Your quote is out dated and therefor null and void.


Seriously, dont make a fool of yourself.


I suggest stopping right there. YOu obviously dont understand what is happening here. Go back and read the books before making afool of yourself.


Let me make it simple for you.


Every word in the books are not correct. It is something RJ frequently did. People in the story get things wrong.


New Spring is set when the only Channelers the AS encountered were AS. They all swore on the Binder. Thus, every woman who had channeled a long time seemed to gain the ageless face.


Then we have the main series, we meet other channeling groups.


The Wise Ones do not have ageless faces.


The kin do not have ageless faces.


The windfinders do not have ageless faces.


The seanchan damane do not have ageless faces.


This is when they started to ask "Why do only AS have ageless faces?"


Answer: Swearing on the Binder.


Now you are obviously new, so you dont understand what happens with interviews.


New Spring is a novel. You cannot quote anything in the books as 100% proof. Because RJ said himself, characters dont know everything.


My quote however, is directly from RJ himself. He does not lie, and if you are suggesting he is, then more fool you are.


Before you explode, I really suggest you research before making a total idiot of yourself.


Furthermore, incase you still have not grasped the simple concept.


QUOTE-- As with all Aes Sedai, once they had worked long enough with the One Power, it was impossable to put an age to Gitara's face.


She is talking about AS. All of them have sworn on the Binder. She only knows AS as channelers, noone else. She assumes its because of the long channeling, but she does not know the effects of the Binder. We only learn this later in the main series.

  On 9/27/2010 at 2:16 AM, Sid said:
<br />Could you at least properly format your poorly thought out posts?<br />
<br /><br /><br />


Oh great one please forgive a youngling such as myself. I shall run right out to the wood shed for my lashes. And my post was not poorly thought out you insolent @ss. I quoted the book word for word. Even gave my source. Try reading the novelette sometime. Some of these arguments are so thin it ludicris. You argue just to argue. I joined this site to discuss the books and theroys. You guys just riddicule everything and idea that didnt come out of your own heads and in most case @zzes. This is not what i thought Dragonmount was about. I thought this was a place for people who loved Robert Jordan and The Wheel Of Time could come and enjoy these wonderful book with like minded people. I could not have been more wrong or disapointed.


For me, I am actually trying to STOP him from making an utter fool of himself.


I am sorry, but he is deeply confused about this matter. I call upon Luckers or the other mods to set the guy straight.


We do not ridicule your theory, we correct it.


You are 100% wrong. That is not ridicule, its trying to get the facts right so you can better understand the Wheel of Time.

  On 9/27/2010 at 3:05 AM, Barid Bel Medar said:

For me, I am actually trying to STOP him from making an utter fool of himself.


I am sorry, but he is deeply confused about this matter. I call upon Luckers or the other mods to set the guy straight.


We do not ridicule your theory, we correct it.


You are 100% wrong. That is not ridicule, its trying to get the facts right.


I am with you on this. You aren't the one who started using foul language. Also, you are right, he is not.


Alright thats enough. The Oath Rod causes the Agelessness--this has been both stated by Robert Jordan and been alluded to in the text. The Aes Sedai believe different, but the Aes Sedai are wrong.


I'm locking this thread.


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