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Monca, if your goal is indeed to become the new group leader, do you really think that post was helpful in any way? We don't want you to show throat (nice metaphor! Wrong, imo, but nice.) but we also don't want a tornado blowing through our midst and then wanting our support for leader. The facts are that most of us don't know you and that you made a unique first impression. Not one I personally liked very much, and I doubt I'm alone in that. (Once we started an actual dialogue, I softened quite a bit.) Diplomacy would better serve you, I think. With your vocabulary, I bet you have some awesome diplomatic skills.


Just my two cents. Take it or leave it.


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A penny saved, is a . . .


I'm always very honest, and I get the feeling that a lack of 'respect' is the core of where thsoe comments specifically came from. Not from any actual, demonstratable insults. I have several reasons based on the rhetoric and diction used in the comments to back that, but I don't think that's the point. I understand what you're saying, and I haven't claimed anywhere that I was being diplomatic when I came here, or that my choice of . . . arrival? . . . was the best if Iw as attempting to manipulate or cultivate support. I wasn't planning on attempting to go after any position, and as I've stated in another post, I was just enjoying reliving some of my times and experiences through DM. Some people were thrilled and had more fun than they've had in months. Some people weren't. I explained my motivations and apologized, and the spam hasn't been an issue lately, yet we still choose to bring it to the table and beat the poor tenderloin like it was hauling our oats still. And I don't feel that that rings of truth, I feel there's a separate issue -- specifically in the post I commented regarding -- and that's why I posted such.


Is it the most effective way to 'win' your support? No. Because I won't lie, I won't sugarcoat, I won't apologize for no reason, and I'm not going to manipulate people into supporting me. you either are willing to see my ideas and give me a shot, or you aren't. I won't lie or utilize a facade to reach an end goal. It's not who I am.


However, I understand that your point in general is more along the lines of, "stop being an ass, honey catches more flies than poop." And I will take that adage into consideration =) -- though for the record, in reality poop catches more flies because it holds their eggs.

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  • Club Leader

A penny saved, is a . . .


I'm always very honest, and I get the feeling that a lack of 'respect' is the core of where thsoe comments specifically came from. Not from any actual, demonstratable insults. I have several reasons based on the rhetoric and diction used in the comments to back that, but I don't think that's the point. I understand what you're saying, and I haven't claimed anywhere that I was being diplomatic when I came here, or that my choice of . . . arrival? . . . was the best if Iw as attempting to manipulate or cultivate support. I wasn't planning on attempting to go after any position, and as I've stated in another post, I was just enjoying reliving some of my times and experiences through DM. Some people were thrilled and had more fun than they've had in months. Some people weren't. I explained my motivations and apologized, and the spam hasn't been an issue lately, yet we still choose to bring it to the table and beat the poor tenderloin like it was hauling our oats still. And I don't feel that that rings of truth, I feel there's a separate issue -- specifically in the post I commented regarding -- and that's why I posted such.


Is it the most effective way to 'win' your support? No. Because I won't lie, I won't sugarcoat, I won't apologize for no reason, and I'm not going to manipulate people into supporting me. you either are willing to see my ideas and give me a shot, or you aren't. I won't lie or utilize a facade to reach an end goal. It's not who I am.


However, I understand that your point in general is more along the lines of, "stop being an ass, honey catches more flies than poop." And I will take that adage into consideration =) -- though for the record, in reality poop catches more flies because it holds their eggs.


Fair enough, and I don't think I saw that other post where you said those things. I've been sticking to a few threads.


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