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I want Pumonca to be our next leader.  I totally get that 99% of you are like who the hell is Pumonca.  Pumonca is made of WIN. He's all active an has ideas and can spell properly and creative and funny and rides motorcyles and gets up in metal armor and beats other armored people around with big sticks and calls them Lord and Lady and stuff on weekends.  


I know that most of you're concerns about having Pumonca as leader are "Who the f is this guy and why is he spamming our front board?" 


If he becomes our next leader then Shayol Ghul will become the greatest place in all of Dragonmount for realz and not just because we say so.  Or, SG will burst into flames and take down all of Dragonmount with us.  Either way it will be epic.


Please show your support or concerns for Pumonca as the next Shadow's Heart.

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I've helped found Ungulus ab Gaul, the warband, helped get an unofficial college in the Barony of Poll na Gainmhe, got a shield wall unit for the Barony (forgot the name now, but it's South Bay, SF, around Redwood City with Angino de Mercado), armored a Shire in West England with Master Paul de Gaulle (who is amazing, and an inspiration) worked with Bjorn of the Woodpile on some gear, ordered extra sets of armor and spears for a pike unit, and am currently gathering a new group where I've finally settled, in Atenveldt. We're making a warband which will work with the Barony here locally (as they use a scutum wall similar to what I learned with Corvus) but also work on support with glaive and greatsword and pike called the West Hills Freeblades.

P.S. - I also ahve a 3-foot drinking horn. =)

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awesome! I'm in Tucson (west of PIMA west) and I'm getting a bunch of fresh/newbies in. Let me know which events you are hitting. I normally work weekends, so it's tough, but I'd love to get to a good one with a friendly face -- er, handle -- and share some drinks, stories, and throw down the furry-clad gauntlet. =)

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I'm taking a bit to get settled out here (just moved recently) and get the group started up. I've got to arrange finding a sewing machine and some basic garb patterns for some of these first-time scaers, and I've gotten them out to the U of A college's practices (St. Felix). But I'm giving myself a few months to get garb and gear together for them so we can step in with a good foot, and enough people they've met and know to sell them on it permanently.


Tir Ysgthyr I think, but it's such a weird name that I probably butchered it, too. I thought Poll na Gainmhe was a hard one to get down. Ugh!

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  • Club Leader

I can't help but like you, but since this thread is about Canuk wanting you for group leader (does the popular choice even factor in?) I do have some "campaign questions" as it were.


This org has changed since your day. There are several of us who like it the way it was/is when we joined. Some are very excited to have y'all back and are clearly hopeful you will turn back the clock. So....


If elected  ;) how to you propose to deal with this conflict?

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Well, lily. I have a question in reply to your concern: Without having been around to see what was done in my way, or how my "spam" sessions go, how can you know you would not enjoy it, or the hybriding of the current and the past in the future?


Obviously if there becomes a rift within the org of two different types of wants and desires, we're a community, and as a community of fan fiction geeks, we need to find a middle ground. Luckily on a board system, the middle ground typically involves both. Expanding and adapting is key, not embarking in an ultimatum situation. Tolerance will be required on both ends. One faction not wanting anything they don't want to read to be on a board is no less intolerant than forcing what others find unamusing onto their reading list. So (as I assume this is regarding spamming), we'll have to see how parties end up feeling and go from there. However, to make a statement now regarding a hypothetical situation or without hearing ideas would probably be unwise of me. I think that some people have an idea of what spam is, while I and others have a different notion. So we'll see how it plays out, and be fair to all, provided all can be fair to one another.

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Of course you aren't, Barm, and I didn't mean that. We just tend to see things very differently, usually.


Monca, I tend to agree with Barm. And I know I don't like the taste of the spam y'all have given us. Still, talking this out is the best solution, and I agree with you there, which is why I am doing so rather than just being pissy, which I do quite well, by the way.  ;) (attempt at humor, not threat)


I liked your answer, by the way, for the most part.

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Well, the likes and dislikes is sort of one of the founding issues I have with SG lately. I think we need to ask people, and have people metacognitively aware, of why we're here. What we want out of the Org, and how we interact on the boards. I think when we get that sorted out, we'll have a better faction setup, have people much happier, and hopefully have a lot of fun without too much unneccessary TNT (and by TNT, I mean Drama....cuz TNT's your network for drama, right?).

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Math ish hard. I art Engrish Major.


Look, here's another thing to think about, Ladies and Gentle Lords:


You know other FLs, and former GLs. You know they're still going to be here. If you think I'm going to fail, and don't ahve good ideas, I'm asking you to give me to rope to hang myself and let you all mock the downfall. But if I take that rope and bind us together as a community and help us get new directions to go in, more games and differentt interactions, and we love the SGSG even more, then who loses?


If I fail and fall on my face, you still have the same old safety net people who applied now to take over. If I lose, you get what you can right now with them, and you get to mock me and show how badly things worked out, and can probably use that to draw even harder lines on "spammers" or "old SGers." So what have you got to lose? You either get plenty of things to mock and some new changes and ideas that could be great, or that you get to make fun of and throw in my face as failures.


It just doesn't make sense not to take the roll of the die when there's not much to lose due to the safety-net people, and a ton of possibilities.

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You talk of compromise and working together but so far all I've seen is mocking and ridicule of anyone opposed to your incesstant spamming and nonesense.  I joined at the tail end of that era of SG.  As Barm pointed out.. we haven't banned the spam from SG.. we have just moved it to the blight.  You might better remember it as Hell?


The way you barrelled in here is suggestive of someone in real live setting out on a road trip and leaving their home and job behind.  The landlord and the boss had no choice when, after several months, the person hasn't returned so they got new tenants and new employees.  When that person comes back years later they can't honestly expect to just move right back in and pick up their job as if they never left.  Quite possibly in that time there is a new boss now and he set up his business differently anyways.  You can't just stroll into the factory and demand all the workers do it the way it was done when you worked there 5 years ago.

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I believe there's a difference in what various folks consider nonsense. In fact, I've pointed out on a couple of threads how unconstructive and derailing other comments are by people who also disparage "spam." That's obviously something that is opinion-based. However, if all you have seen of my posts is mocking or ridiculing, then you haven't read all of my posts. I'm not demanding you to.


As for whether I am attempting to usurp illegally a piece of real estate and employment, I believe the argument you propose is greatly flawed. I am not attempting to force anyone to do anything the way it was done before. You will not recall, but I proposed moving in a vastly different way than Roka and the old regime throughout my tenure, however you have not asked anything about it. You're offended by a series of actions over a brief period of time. I understand, and I'm sorry that those actions offended you. I actually posted a thread having to do with it, and explain my motivations were not meant negatively or deconstructively.


Also, you were the one who declared that if I wanted to change it, make an application. Now, it seems as though you're hurt, or angry, or feel threatened, or are upset that I'm willing to take your advice and would love to put some long thought-out ideas into place to see if the group appreciates them. I don't understand why you're personally so upset about a piece of digital real estate, as you liken it to, but my message box is always open if you care to elucidate.

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You talk of compromise and working together but so far all I've seen is mocking and ridicule of anyone opposed to your incesstant spamming and nonesense.  I joined at the tail end of that era of SG.  As Barm pointed out.. we haven't banned the spam from SG.. we have just moved it to the blight.  You might better remember it as Hell?


The way you barrelled in here is suggestive of someone in real live setting out on a road trip and leaving their home and job behind.  The landlord and the boss had no choice when, after several months, the person hasn't returned so they got new tenants and new employees.  When that person comes back years later they can't honestly expect to just move right back in and pick up their job as if they never left.  Quite possibly in that time there is a new boss now and he set up his business differently anyways.  You can't just stroll into the factory and demand all the workers do it the way it was done when you worked there 5 years ago.



That's actually wrong. Quite wrong.


I've seen both Social Group Leaders and RP Group Leaders stroll into a group and change it turning it upside down, taking it in the direction they think would better benefit it. Some have succeeded, some have not. Some walked into a rather empty group where it was easier to make the changes, some were not as lucky and had to go through a lot because it's never easy to make fundamental changes to an already established system.


At the end of the day the Social Group Leader is the one that defines the nature of the group. The raising system, the layout, the ranks... pretty much everything. I've seen people walk out of groups because they did not approve of the changes and I've seen people that stayed and embraced it for what it was.


So, I think it's safe to say that a Group Leader can definitely stroll in and make whatever changes he/she might want and consider for the best. Just how it's been done in the last few years. It's like a roller coaster.... It might have gone down... but it can always go back up.





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