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Hello there, I have been a lurker of these forums for a few months now and after Dralid posted that thread, Nothing like your first reading - My 1st, I decided that it was high time I joined Dragonmount. Now for a bit of information me as a reader and my opinions on The Wheel of Time.


For the books I have read (The Main Ones):

  • Some Star Wars
  • Hobbit and Lord of the Rings
  • Elantris
  • A bunch of Bradbury
  • A few of the Classics
  • And of course The Wheel of Time


What I think of The Wheel of Time.


I first began the series in the fall of 2008, and since then I have rarely gone a month without wanting to read another Wheel of Time book. I had a weird start to the

series, my brother had read tEotW and currently had rented out tGH from the library. One day I was bored so I picked it up and have been hooked ever since. Needless to

say a lot was explained once I finally read tEotW. It is a fantastic series better then any other that I have read. The depth and progression of the characters is

amazing and the feel of the world in WoT is so real. Now that doesn't mean it is perfect, I do have problems with it, for instance the fact that there is no

communication between the characters, the constant gender bashing, the "hypocriticalness" of all the characters and no one even believing Rand with the cleansing of




My favorite Characters:

    Narg :narg: ftw!

    Matrim Cauthon :mat: , is by far is my favorite character, since the beginning.

    Moiraine :moiraine: , I think it is clear why.

    Rand :rand: , whenever he is not acting like a whining child.

    Perrin :perrin: , whenever he is not whining about him becoming a wolf.

    Cadsuane, I don't know why exactly.

    Nynaeve :nynaeve: , mostly in tGS.

    Tam al'Thor, especially when Cadsuane trys to bully him at the end of tGS.

    Fortuona, I don't know why.

    Verin, need I say more?

    Thom :thom: , he is a great elder guide to the world for the rest of the characters.

    Loial :loial: , he is not a great character but he is good enough.

    Mazrim Taim, I don't know why people don't like him.


Most hated characters:

    Elayne! :flamingsword::elayne: I have only read her chapters once and now

I can't bring myself to read just about any chapter with her in it. She ticks me off. :angry:

    Min, but I like her better in tGS.

    Fain, I thought he was cool at first but now his craziness is just annoying.

    Galad, I have always been bothered by him.

    Berelain :berelain: , she has always been annoying.

    Now you expect to see Gawyn on this list, but the truth is I don't find him that bad of a character, I know your are doing this :blink: . I don't see what everyone's

problem with him is.

    You may also notice Faile is not on this list. You should be doing this :wacko: right now. I think her character is just fine the way it is.


My opinion on Brandon Sanderson and The Gathering Storm:

    I think Brandon is doing a magnificent job with The Wheel of Time, I do see why some people are complaining but I think Brandon's style of writing is absolutely

    great! I have only read one of his other books Elantris, getting Mistborn now, but I think his PoV's are actually a bit better then Jordan's... I think I just

    made a lot of people angry with me... I am not saying that Jordan was not a great writer, far from it, I am just saying that Brandon's style is much more immediate

    and after rereading Lord of the Rings four times, and The Wheel of Time twice, getting every intricate detail is just a little irritating after a while.

    The Gathering Storm is my favorite book. Right after Lord of Chaos, love that box bit, all the characters quirks seemed to be shaken out with that book. Everything

    just seemed to fall into place, if I was to say my two most hated parts of the book however, it would be... Rand's whole suicide rant and then the final words was

    just about the cheesiest thing I have read. Second, that would have to be Egwene's, Amyrlin anger crap and her her whole, if the Tower falls then she would fall

    too... She is just, what? Nineteen years old? Maybe twenty? The Tower has been her home for 3/4 of a year. At most. Side note: Does anyone else think that she

    thinks she's Ta'veren? :huh: And the most important and powerful one at that? Anyway getting back on track here, overall I loved that book.


Thoughts on Towers of Midnight:

    If Brandon loves The Wheel of Time, he will have Matrim go to Caemlyn to find Elayne is dead, and then that's the end of her. I will be one happy reader if Brandon

    just killed Elayne! (Have I mentioned how much I hate Elayne? :wink: )


Welcome! You certainly have strong opinions about the books. That's a good thing.  ;D I agree a lot with your list (except for Perrin/Faile).


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