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DISNEY MONTH ACTIVITY: Torrie's Wheel of Disney II!


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Everyone knows the game Wheel of Fortune, well welcome to...


[move]Torrie's Wheel of Disney! [/move]


Each week there will be a new Disney movie listed.  

You guess a letter, if you get it right you will get 2 points. If you get it wrong you will lose 1 point. A vowel will cost you 1 point and if you guess the name of the movie you will earn 5 points!

Total points will be listed at the end of the game.


Are you ready? Then start guessing!!!

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Guest BaLefireP

_   _ _ _   _ _   _ _ _ _   _R_ _ _ R'S                      _ _ _R_






Reyn: 2 point

Kathleen: 6 points


I really do hate to be so good at this...  ;)


it is : A Kid in King Arthur's Court

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Guest BaLefireP

Sorry Mirsh! No "M".



BaLe, I may just have to ban you from the next one.  :P  lol


Congradulations! The answer is: A Kid in King Arthur's Court!


Keep your eyes open for more of Torrie's Wheel of Disney!



Dont worry, as much as I like points I want my friends to get em as well.


I will set out the next one.  :)

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I used to love this movie. My parents and sister and I used to watch it all the time. lol



Just FYI everyone. I'm going camping this weekend so there will be no more Wheel of Disney till Monday. Everyone have a good weekend!

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