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The Future of the A'dam


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The Future of the A'dam


I do not believe the leashing of damane is sustainable, whatever Fortuona thinks. Already things are unravelling, and whilst I doubt we'll see a full resolution in the main sequence novels, I think it will have at least begun by the end of aMoL. In this essay I'll try and lay out what the current state of the a'dam is, what will lead to it's fall, and what we might expect to be established afterwards.


The State of the A'dam


Elayne's Plan: Revelations.


In [KoD; 14, Wet Things] a sul'dam named Marli admits she can see the weaves, and immediately demands to be collared. Elayne decides to give her what she wishes.


"She helped hold enough others prisoner that she deserves a taste of it herself, Reanne. But that's not why I mean to send her back. If any of the others wants to stay and learn, and make up for what she's done, I certainly won't hand her to the Seanchan, but Light's truth, I hope they all feel like Marli. They'll put an a'dam on her, Reanne, but they won't be able to keep secret who she was. Every one-time sul'dam I can send the Seanchan to collar will be a mattock digging at their roots."


If Elayne is clever she'll ensure that Marli and any that go with her return to Seanchan to demand being leashed in front of as many people as she can manage, but even if she does not, even if only a few sul'dam hear, it will have a detrimental effect. Once that secret is out, it will spread like wildfire, even if only few believe it.


Seta and Bethamin


They are actively training their abilities, and Teslyn says this about Joline's seeming intentions.


Teslyn grunted sourly. She patted her white-faced chestnut mare, a much more feisty creature than Joline's mount, and spoke to the air. "She does train wilders and expects them to behave once out of her sight. Or perhaps she does think the Tower will accept over-age novices."


[KoD; 37, The Prince of Ravens]


And, of course, we know they do now accept over-age novices. I'm thinking this is very likely foreshadow for the path Bethamin and Seta will walk. Though I suppose that depends alot on Egwene's reaction to Seta. Two former sul'dam standing as Aes Sedai would be a powerful blow against the Empire--irrespective, bringing Egwene to confront her feelings towards sul'dam through the personification of Seta will be a thematic moment, I suspect.


The Seanchan Reaction


Fortuona makes the distinction between choice and channeling, but I doubt many other will. Due to her close interaction with damane, and her higher degree of education, the position she takes towards the situation will naturally have more degree for nuance--simply because she's capable of--and for that matter needs to--rationalise the situation. To the average Seanchan, however, marath'damane are simply monstrous animal. They will not be inclined to make the fine distinctions that Fortuona has made.


In addition we know that very soon the Seanchan will be fighting alongside marath'damane of all colours and shades--if you take Egwene's dream about the Seanchan woman with a sword to represent a Seanchan army (face constantly changes but the sword remains rock-solid--many people defined by their military nature in the sword=army) led by a woman (Fortuona or Tylee, which defines the woman with the sword as female), then it seems that a Seanchan army will save Egwene and the Aes Sedai from an attack, and fight through it to win (the Seanchan army is facing the same adversity as Egwene, they're just better off. "We can reach the top together").


Fighting alongside someone opens you to percieving them in a new and more favourable light. It did with Egeanin and again with Tylee. It, in effect, creates an atmosphere in which opinion--even long held, stubborn opinion--may change.


The Future of the A'dam


I suspect Egeanin states the opinion that will gain hold during TG.


She no longer believed that any woman who could channel deserved to be collared. Criminals, certainly, and maybe those who refused oaths to the Crystal Throne, and. . . . She did not know.


[WH; 21, A Matter of Property]


Then consider that in [TFOH: 26, Sallie Daera, 317] Min sees...


a raven floating beside [Carlinya's] dark hair; more a drawing of the bird than the bird itself. She thought it was a tattoo...


A raven tattoo is the sign of the property of the Empress. Note that the vast majority of damane are property of the Crown, yet are not so marked, which indicates something weird is going to happen. The tattoo's are prestigous, and can lend very great power--the Seekers and the Deathwatch Guard bear them as signs of their authority. For an Aes Sedai to be so marked would indicate she was not leashed.


Now consider Egwene's dream...


A hard-faced Seanchan woman handed her a silvery bracelet and necklace connected by a silvery leash, an a'dam. That made her cry out; Seanchan had put an a'dam on her once. She would die before letting it happen again.[LoC; 15, A Pile of Sand]


Egwene clearly dismisses it as a nightmare bought on by fear, but consider, if this were a simple nightmare would not the woman be trying to leash Egwene? I find it curious as well that she gives Egwene BOTH the bracelet and the necklace.


My Conclusions


That some time in the future the Aes Sedai and the Seanchan will reach an agreement. The Seanchan will send by damane and sul'dam to the Tower for training as Aes Sedai (bracelet and necklace given to Egwene), and in return there will be Aes Sedai who will serve the Empire as property of the Empress--but property with great authority and power of their own.


This makes sense to me on a number of levels beyond the dreams. Imperial power relies on the strength of the channelers, but Fortuona isn't likely to let Aes Sedai run free with no checks or balances. This represents a middle ground. Aes Sedai have power, but the Throne retains its over-all sense of control.


I do not believe this resolution will occur in the mainsequence books. Their isn't enough time. I suspect we will see it begun by the end--problems with people being leashed, Fortuona admitting to herself that the situation is unjust and must change, perhaps even a tacit agreement to figure something out between Egwene and Fortuona... but that'd be it. And anything like that would be at the very end of aMoL.


Its quite simple in my head.


There are a lot more Sul'dam than Damane, so if you train them up as well, then use an oath rod for reinforce their loyalty to the Seanchan Throne. You've increased your Channellers at least three-fold, all of them can never go against you, and you can hide them in other units where it would be harder to pick them off with archers.


Militarily, you can't lose


The only hard faced Seanchan woman that has had any impact on the story is Egeanin, and I dont know what she has to do with an A'dam


It could be that Egwene sees the a'dam as a potent symbol of Seanchan power in her dreams, and that by being handed one, she may play an important role in the Seanchan's future

The only hard faced Seanchan woman that has had any impact on the story is Egeanin, and I dont know what she has to do with an A'dam


Fortuona is described often as being hard. Mat frequently describes her expression as that of a hanging judge--all the prisoners are to be executed at once.


Additionally the hard face could indicate displeasure. Fortuona's stance is counter to what is coming, it may be that she is forced by events to accede to Egwene's wishes--at least partially--and the hard face indicates how much she dislikes the situation.


I disagree with the conclusion that the White Tower would train Seanchan channelers. I can't see it happening at all unless they weren't tied to the empress afterwards. Aes Sedai are a part of the White Tower and have ties to no nation.


If the dream of the hard faced Seanchan woman was foreshadowing and not just a nightmare, I find it more likely that through talk or war Egwene will convince the Seanchan to give up the collars. It could be a gesture of peace after Elayne's plot takes hold.


And yet Carlinya's tattoo shows at least one Aes Sedai is going to be property of the Seanchan throne.


I don't think either side can come out completely on top. Egwene cannot have the Seanchan with their own independent group of channelers. They'd outnumber the Aes Sedai by the hundreds of thousands. In reverse Fortuona will not tolerate having Aes Sedai running rampant in her Empire.


Compromise becomes the key. The Empire sends all it's channelers to the Tower for training, whilst Aes Sedai serve within the Empire. I do agree that Egwene won't tolerate the Throne commanding Aes Sedai straight out--probably there will be strictures in place that limit the authority that Fortuona has over those Aes Sedai, much like there are with Truthspeakers.


That wouldn't be the case if the Aes Sedai were becoming actual property. I just don't see an agreement where Aes Sedai in general end up serving the empress permanently. Nynaeve and Elayne got enough heat as it was from their deal with the windfinders and that was just forced teaching.


Egwene does express her intentions of bringing in all the channelers so they are at least connected with the White Tower even if they aren't Aes Sedai. We see her think this about the Kin, Sea folk windfinders and Aiel wise ones. She has no intentions of turning the wise ones into Aes Sedai so I doubt she would do it with the Seanchan unless they would willingly be connected purely with the White Tower itself with no strings attached. Maybe she would just agree to the White Tower teaching the Seanchan to the Accepted level so that they won't kill themselves by mistake. The price for this agreement would be the eventual ending of the sul'dam-damane linking.


Carlinya's tattoo could come about as a mark protecting her from the a'dam in the aftermath of this agreement, before word fully spreads. Seanchan is war-torn and Fortuona's agreement will only take hold where she rules. The Aes Sedai would be designated to go off to carry out this task. With the tattoo she would be mostly free of the threat of collaring by stray sul'dam.


I agree with the line of thinking but I would say that, instead of having channelers sent from Seanchan to the White Tower, how about a White Tower "subsidiary" in Seandar? Or at least, an equivalent of the White Tower, only dedicated to the Empress, probably independant from the White Tower (I don't see Seanchan abandoning that kind of power) but at least mildly connected to it in some way (communication or trainings). The way Aes Sedai are in Randland seems incompatible to Seanchan.


But Seanchan trained Aes Sedai, in Seanchan land, that seems more likely to me. And the oath rod swearing to the Empress sounds like so seanchany.

That wouldn't be the case if the Aes Sedai were becoming actual property. I just don't see an agreement where Aes Sedai in general end up serving the empress permanently. Nynaeve and Elayne got enough heat as it was from their deal with the windfinders and that was just forced teaching.


What do you mean it wouldn't be the case if Aes Sedai were becoming property? The Seanchan are unique in that property can gain great authority and power in their society. Selucia is equal of the High Blood, and has the power to speak her mind to Fortuona freely, and Fortuona cannot have her punished in the slightest. She could even slap Fortuona straight out.


This is what I suggest the result would be. Aes Sedai to serve the empire as property--it assuages the Seanchan fear of free channelers in that they are bound to the throne, yet it still leaves for the Aes Sedai to have great power and freedom of movement. We know the Seanchan have struck agreements like this in the past. The Ogier, for instance, retain their independence.


I think your seeing this as the Aes Sedai becoming subservient to the Empress. That is not so--their service would be much in the manner of the Servants of All in the Age of Legends. Their service to the Empire will be one of honour, power and independence.


Egwene does express her intentions of bringing in all the channelers so they are at least connected with the White Tower even if they aren't Aes Sedai. We see her think this about the Kin, Sea folk windfinders and Aiel wise ones. She has no intentions of turning the wise ones into Aes Sedai so I doubt she would do it with the Seanchan unless they would willingly be connected purely with the White Tower itself with no strings attached. Maybe she would just agree to the White Tower teaching the Seanchan to the Accepted level so that they won't kill themselves by mistake. The price for this agreement would be the eventual ending of the sul'dam-damane linking.


You see her training a nation in the Westlands so they can maintain there own channeling force, one which would far, far exceed her own through the sheer population size of Seanchan?


No. Egwene will need to gain authority over the former damane and sul'dam, or the Tower is doomed. This compromise would be such a way.


I agree with the line of thinking but I would say that, instead of having channelers sent from Seanchan to the White Tower, how about a White Tower "subsidiary" in Seandar? Or at least, an equivalent of the White Tower, only dedicated to the Empress, probably independant from the White Tower (I don't see Seanchan abandoning that kind of power) but at least mildly connected to it in some way (communication or trainings). The way Aes Sedai are in Randland seems incompatible to Seanchan.


The decentralization of the White Tower is going to need to happen any way--it simply does not have the numbers to support even the free Westland nations now that Egwene is being more pragmatic about recruitment.


I doubt a singular double in Seandar is the result, however. The White Tower will remain the central authority, they'll just start opening places in each land. Halls of Servants, if you will. And yeah I reckon they will be opening those in Seanchan too, in the long run.


Yea, but Seanchan habit of using channelers as weapons in wars between nations and as punitive death squads will be a sticky point too. The White Tower (100% rightly, IMHO) opposed and suppressed such use of OP in Westlands so far. But if they train Seanchan channelers and then agree that the Empire can use them as it sees fit, then they'll be trussing the rest of Randland for Seanchan.


Yea, but Seanchan habit of using channelers as weapons in wars between nations and as punitive death squads will be a sticky point too. The White Tower (100% rightly, IMHO) opposed and suppressed such use of OP in Westlands so far. But if they train Seanchan channelers and then agree that the Empire can use them as it sees fit, then they'll be trussing the rest of Randland for Seanchan.


Exactly, which is why I suggest they will want them to be fully Aes Sedai, bound by Aes Sedai beliefs and training. The willful militant use of damane will be at an end. I don't doubt that, if by the time this agreement goes into place, the Seanchan mainland hasn't been pacified that the Aes Sedai will work with Fortuona to nuetralize the Seanchan damane, but it will be in interest of peace, not conquering.


Additionally the hard face could indicate displeasure. Fortuona's stance is counter to what is coming, it may be that she is forced by events to accede to Egwene's wishes--at least partially--and the hard face indicates how much she dislikes the situation.

I believe this is the key.  I'm not sure we've seen any substative hints that Tuon is willing to concede any of her power or that of her Empire.  She's still feels that it's all about the Empire, and that all should kneel to the Empress.  I'm thinking Toy... who has firsthand knowledge of Hawkwing and his rule, may have a role yet to play here. 


Coul egwenes dream of a golden hawk reaching out its wing to touch her refer to tuon and egwene allying, then the aes sedai are no longer bound by the oath rod, the damane are no longer bound by the adam. I think Egwene will leash Tuon, a relationship will develop, Egwene will let her go, Tuon lets all the damane go, egwene lets all the aes sedai free from the oaths


Coul egwenes dream of a golden hawk reaching out its wing to touch her refer to tuon and egwene allying, then the aes sedai are no longer bound by the oath rod, the damane are no longer bound by the adam. I think Egwene will leash Tuon, a relationship will develop, Egwene will let her go, Tuon lets all the damane go, egwene lets all the aes sedai free from the oaths.

I think there's a great deal of evidence in the books, especially in CoT, that indicates that the Three Oaths are an integral part to being an Aes Sedai and that Egwene supports and intends to uphold this belief. 

An interesting theory, but of your long ones I think this is likely the weakest.


And, of course, we know they do now accept over-age novices. I'm thinking this is very likely foreshadow for the path Bethamin and Seta will walk. Though I suppose that depends alot on Egwene's reaction to Seta. Two former sul'dam standing as Aes Sedai would be a powerful blow against the Empire--irrespective, bringing Egwene to confront her feelings towards sul'dam through the personification of Seta will be a thematic moment, I suspect.


Don't forget the Egwene knows Bethamin too.


Fortuona makes the distinction between choice and channeling, but I doubt many other will. Due to her close interaction with damane, and her higher degree of education, the position she takes towards the situation will naturally have more degree for nuance--simply because she's capable of--and for that matter needs to--rationalise the situation. To the average Seanchan, however, marath'damane are simply monstrous animal. They will not be inclined to make the fine distinctions that Fortuona has made.


I'm not so sure of this.  I see the Seanchan commoners viewing the empress as infallible, and the nobles agreeing with her out of necessity.


I suspect Egeanin states the opinion that will gain hold during TG.


She no longer believed that any woman who could channel deserved to be collared. Criminals, certainly, and maybe those who refused oaths to the Crystal Throne, and. . . . She did not know.


[WH; 21, A Matter of Property]


I always felt that this indicated the possibility that eventually the Seanchan would free the domenae and use Aes Sedai as a police force.


Then consider that in [TFOH: 26, Sallie Daera, 317] Min sees...


a raven floating beside [Carlinya's] dark hair; more a drawing of the bird than the bird itself. She thought it was a tattoo...


A raven tattoo is the sign of the property of the Empress. Note that the vast majority of damane are property of the Crown, yet are not so marked, which indicates something weird is going to happen. The tattoo's are prestigous, and can lend very great power--the Seekers and the Deathwatch Guard bear them as signs of their authority. For an Aes Sedai to be so marked would indicate she was not leashed.


I never expected to see that viewing fulfilled as I feel that it is an indication that Carlinya would move to Shara.


The raven tattoo among the Seanchan is not a mark of authority, although it can lead to it.  Deathwatch Guards take pride in it, but I would not be surprised if the majority of people with it were common laborers.  The earliest referance to it that I can think of was when Eganean met the Seeker and she noted that two nobles had themselves tattooed and the empress had them set to scrubbing floors.


That some time in the future the Aes Sedai and the Seanchan will reach an agreement. The Seanchan will send by damane and sul'dam to the Tower for training as Aes Sedai (bracelet and necklace given to Egwene), and in return there will be Aes Sedai who will serve the Empire as property of the Empress--but property with great authority and power of their own.


I do not see Egwene putting up with Aes Sedai being made property.


This is not, strictly speaking, part of this discussion, but related rather tangentially to it. The Seanchan can make a'dam, not to mention those ter'angreal that the Bloodknives carry. Obviously some of their damane have the same skill with ter'angreal that Elayne does. It just kind of struck me- something the Aes Sedai believed gone for thousands of years, the people on the other side of the ocean can do, and rather routinely at that, if the large number of a'dam is any indication. They seem to pop them out whenever needed.


True. God knows what they've got hiding in attics and dusty storerooms over there, too...

I'm sure Semi had as mooch about while she was there, though.




RJ has stated that the Seanchan can only make a'dam. They have never thought to make anything else.


BS confirmed post-TGS that they only make a'dam - the Bloodknives are not made by Seanchan.


But that seems like saying you make chairs and chairs only, instead of branching out to make tables too. I'd say they'll be pressganged into making something more battle friendly pre-TG. Specially if there is a big friendly truce.

Don't forget the Egwene knows Bethamin too.


Bethamin knows Egwene, we don't know if the reverse is true. It's possible Bethamin was only overseeing, much as she does in Winter's Heart.


Irrespective the point remains the same.


Fortuona makes the distinction between choice and channeling, but I doubt many other will. Due to her close interaction with damane, and her higher degree of education, the position she takes towards the situation will naturally have more degree for nuance--simply because she's capable of--and for that matter needs to--rationalise the situation. To the average Seanchan, however, marath'damane are simply monstrous animal. They will not be inclined to make the fine distinctions that Fortuona has made.



I'm not so sure of this.  I see the Seanchan commoners viewing the empress as infallible, and the nobles agreeing with her out of necessity.


No Empress can control her subjects minds. Egeanin proves this. Things will change soon--Elayne and TG will see to that. Whatever respect the Seanchan have for the Empress, whatever blind obeidience--it has its limits. And TG will push those limits.


I always felt that this indicated the possibility that eventually the Seanchan would free the domenae and use Aes Sedai as a police force.


I don't disagree--that is precisely what I think will occur.


I never expected to see that viewing fulfilled as I feel that it is an indication that Carlinya would move to Shara.


What? Why?


The raven tattoo among the Seanchan is not a mark of authority, although it can lead to it.  Deathwatch Guards take pride in it, but I would not be surprised if the majority of people with it were common laborers.  The earliest referance to it that I can think of was when Eganean met the Seeker and she noted that two nobles had themselves tattooed and the empress had them set to scrubbing floors


True. But I suggest that given Egwene's dreams the Aes Sedai serving the Empire will be of the 'supremely powerful' raven tattoo barers. I do not see Egwene permitting any less, and yet balance must be met.


I do not see Egwene putting up with Aes Sedai being made property.


I don't really think she has a choice. If the Seanchan form their own channeling organisation, the White Tower and the Westlands are doomed. The Seanchan, meanwhile, no matter what social advancements they make, are not going to get over a thousand years of hate, fear and prejudice towards Aes Sedai. They are not going to let them run rampant.


Compromise is needed. I agree Egwene won't allow Aes Sedai to be made subservient to the Empire. At the same time Fortuona won't allow Aes Sedai to be free in the Empire. Hence Aes Sedai will be property, but property akin to the soe'feia. Property with its own mandate, free to act, unanswerable to the Throne, yet bound in service to it all the same.


But that seems like saying you make chairs and chairs only, instead of branching out to make tables too. I'd say they'll be pressganged into making something more battle friendly pre-TG. Specially if there is a big friendly truce.


They certainly have women with the Talent for making ter'angreal--indeed Semirhage exploited this. But they aren't currently doing so.


Raises the question of where so many bloodknife rings came from.


My personal theory is that bloodknives come from Shara, there are too many for them to just be ter'angreal that survived the breaking.


And on your theory generally Luckers, I find it plausible.


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