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Perrin's Ride to Battle

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What do you think the "big event" that will happen when Perrin reaches Rand? Min said that he needed to be with Rand, or things would go very badly. Maybe a confrontation with Gawyn and his mother?


I do believe that Perrin, with his infinite wolfy wisdom, will slay Isam (whom we havent seen in awhile), and then ride to the Last Battle on Hopper's back with the wolves behind him. To optimistic maybe?


Fain could attack Emonds Fields? a repeat of Winternight, but then with no Aes Sedai/Warders to help them, pretty much a disaster. Maybe they get Tam?


No time to go back to Emond's Field now.

Too much going on with Trollocs wandering round Ebou Dar, and confused Borderlanders wandering round Far Madding.


Be interesting if Tenobia has some kind of stupid fatal accident, then Bashere's close relationship with Rand could affect the power balance for the Northerners. I know they would all respect Bashere and his opinion anyway, but he'd have clout then to actually affect their course of action.


Only a good thing if he's not fishy.


Don't forget, Perrin (albeit some time ago) was the only one to really stand toe to toe with Rand. He sometimes feels almost like Rand's version of a Truth Speaker - he'll say it as he sees it, no matter the consequences. I see some very interesting conversations ahead.


Perrin would hate Fain but unless Dain tells him he believes trollocs killed his family, not Fain.  As for standing toe to toe, wasn't that conversation staged so Perrin could do what Rand needed?


Dosn't matter- that was the theatrical bit, with Rand throwing Perrin against a column. Perrin's the one that told Rand to cop on when he wanted to send Loial straight back out the door on some errand, and him exhausted. He didn't flinch when Rand told them he could channel, and he wouldn't back down on protecting the AS after Dumai's Wells.


How about that scene where Perrin and Rand discuss what to do about the captive AS after Dumai Well..? That wasn't staged. Aside from Cadsuane, only Perrin can say "no" to Rand in his face.


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