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Daddy Braggin' Rights


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My son had his 5th birthday party today and we went all out on it. We rented a salon and had decorators and the whole nine yards. So, too make a long story short, the MC is up in front of everyone and calls my son up to introduce him. My son is wearing the spiderman costume (complete with gloves and mask) that his aunt bought him for his birthday and the entire salon is festooned with pictures of spiderman. There's even a spiderman on his birthday cake! Anyway, my son gets up there and the MC starts asking him the usual questions: what's your name, how old are you, things like that. Then he asks him "Who is your best friend in the whole world? Who is your favorite superhero?" Without hesitation my son yells "my daddy!" in the microphone. Let me tell you, I felt like a million bucks right then. I just wanted to share that. I'm still feeling good about it.

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