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Brandon Sanderson UK Signing


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Heya all! Long time reader/lurker, first time poster here!


I have been on a bit of a crusade as of late trying to get Mr. Sanderson to come across the seas for a signing here in the UK. After numerous emails to the man himself (he's fantastic btw, replied very quickly and was very friendly) and to his publishers I was told unfortunatley there are no plans for a signing in 2010, maybe in 2011...


HOWEVER it was suggested that I contact some cons to try and get them to bring him over as he'd be more than happy to.


So! I thought I would make a topic on the Showmasters forum since they run so many and a topic here to try and gather up the UK fans together to convince Showmasters to bring him over


The link to the thread is here: http://showmastersonline.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=60686


Is there a following of UK fans here that can help achieve this?




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This is a great idea. I can vouch that Brandon makes a fantastic guest for a convention. However, if I can suggest something, I think you should try contacting one of the non-profit literature based conventions in England. It looks like Showmasters is much like Creation in the US and runs media based conventions (i.e. a convention where the primary activity is meeting and interacting with the stars of your favorite TV shows and movies). Brandon wouldn't be a good fit for a convention like that. My suggestion would be EasterCon, it's a good sized, internationally known convention that focuses primarily on the written word. http://www.eastercon.org


Good luck!

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They won't fly him over to Europe for one signing...


Judging by attendance on here, England and the Nordics are the most likely places he'll go to.


Are there enough French WoT fans that understand English? However much I'd prefer seeing him in Paris over Londen. *Hopes for Brussels*

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If you could saw one of the french-translated book, you would fall drop dead. There are mentions of Aiels with swords, a White Aes Sedai suddenly becoming Green, and many other big mistake and a lot of inaccuracy. Many people from the french fandom decided, or were convinced by those who knew better, to read them in English. And in my opinion, it's not very hard. It's very understandable and even if there are words here and there we don't underdrand, we can decipher it within the context. So we improved our english by doing so.


Though, it's true that reading and understanding is not the same as listening and speaking. And this is where we are poor learner. We don't have the inborn ability to learn foreign languages. (Very few in fact. It's a rare Talent over here). In the most part of our history, we taught to other french language (Russian Nobles, Some part of Germany, and so on. But that is off topic


*Demiandre, Defenser of the french WoT-fandom

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I suppose there's no hope for Ireland. :'(


There are fantasy literature conventions all over the world. Why don't you find one near you and suggest Brandon as a guest? Speaking as someone who chairs a convention, I always listen to the guest suggestions of my attendees. After all, I want them to keep coming back.

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