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Morgase and party...


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So, I'm wondering what is going to be the point of Morgase in the rest of the series. I'm on my whatever number read through and am currently reading TFoH and just got past the part where she heads off with Lini, Tallanvor, Gill, and that couple. Anyway...what's her plot for the rest of the story? I'll admit, I don't remember much about her in the later books, but from where I stand right now, I don't remember her having much of a point except to use the Power and blow the red scarf (yay for her). Anyway, any opinions or insights?


Well, I think that she'll play an important role in convincing Galad and his Whitecloaks (which also include Byar and Dain Bornhold) that Perrin is not a Darkfriend, but rather a powerful ally for the Light.


I think she will also play a role in finally convincing Gawyn of his freakishly skewed tunnel vision, which will also provide another important ally to Rand's cause in the last battle.


She'll probably live the rest of her days with Tallanvor as an advisor to either Elayne or Faile/Perrin, or all three.


She will be pivotal in mediating between Perrin, Galad and those 'tarded Whitecloaks.  One can also hope she will bring Gawyn back into some form of sanity and prevent him from being the biggest idiot in Randland.


So what's going to be the situation? Perrin and Faile ride to meet the Whitecloaks (and Faile of course brings Morgase and Lini probably) and the Galad sees this and says something like, "Um, mom...what are you doing?"


Yeah, that could be strange.... 'I've just accidentally on purpose taken charge of a whole army of nutters cos I thought you were raped and murdered.'

That said,  the Bornhald & Byar reactions to Perrin will be funnier. I think Morgase will prob be the one that actually stops them all coming to fisticuffs on the spot. Galad spent a long time under her iron will. He'll keep manners on the alcos long enough to ascertain that Perrin has been v good to Morgase.


Def. Could be interesting to see how Galad reacts when he learns the Whitecloaks 'sat their horses as pretty as girls at Sunday' while Emond's Field fought Trollocs. I'd imagine he'll be more than unimpressed. What, precisely, is the point of Whitecloaks if they don't get up to fight trollocs??


Def. Could be interesting to see how Galad reacts when he learns the Whitecloaks 'sat their horses as pretty as girls at Sunday' while Emond's Field fought Trollocs. I'd imagine he'll be more than unimpressed. What, precisely, is the point of Whitecloaks if they don't get up to fight trollocs??


To be annoying idiots who arbitrarily accuse random Joe's of being darkfriends all while watching random Joe destroy real darkfriends.  With the end result of having done nothing and learned nothing!


I think after all the uniting and becoming a somewhat team happens between Perrin and Galad and both sides, I want a rumor to get to Gawyn that his mom lives and hopefully he feels like an idiot. That's a moment that I can't wait to see. -Gawyn really bugs me!-


Hmph. It's funny how, early in the series, Galad was a big old boring stuffy boots, and Gawyn was fairly harmless, as brothers go. Now, he's a tosser, while Galad has some real potential. Or will do, once Berelain unleashes her impressive bosoms on him.


Yea, no kidding. Galad is much more my favorite brother at this moment in time than Gawyn. Although, after TGS, he became a tad (just a small tad) more tollerable.


Whoa, hold on, Gawyn became more tolerable? Why? First Prince of the Sword, he should have been on the Caemlyn road like a very fast thing. Eg was safe as houses, really. And he didn't do anything Siuan couldn't have eventually persuaded Bryne to do anyway.


You got me aunt pol, I completely forgot about the First Prince of the Sword. My memory is a bit foggy though, does he know that Elayne has been confirmed Queen of Andor?


Honestly though the Whitecloaks for the most part have so far been a failure.  The cool part of them now though is Galad is their leader and Galad has a lot of potential here.  Don't be susprised once Galad learns the truth from Morgase/Perrin/Faile/pretty much everyone with Perrin he's going to pretty much demand Byar & Bornhold some fierce pennance - perhaps a trial by the light, under the light..well you get the idea.  It'll be a fun moment to read seeing all these other respectable leaders standing up for Perrin; all while Byar and Bornhold are having spasms for being such...an annoyance and complete fools, ugh!


I have a feeling Byar and Bornhald are going to be standing there with Perrin and Galad, and listening to Galad say he trusts Perrin (or something along those lines) and they're both going to snap! And then Galad easily slices them both open as they try to rush Perrin. Quick scene but I think it would be kind of cool. >=)


Fairly sure Gawyn has no idea she's been confirmed/accepted/agreed on/whatever they call it. The point is, he did know she wasn't in the AS camp. Siuan, or Lelaine or Romanda or someone would have told him Elayne was gone to Caemlyn. They wouldn't have told him about Birgitte. He surely was raised to know the history of Andor as well as she was, and so *should* have been able to realise she was in some danger. While Eg had an entire army at her disposal. And Gareth Bryne. And an ex-Amyrlin.


Fairly sure Gawyn has no idea she's been confirmed/accepted/agreed on/whatever they call it. The point is, he did know she wasn't in the AS camp. Siuan, or Lelaine or Romanda or someone would have told him Elayne was gone to Caemlyn. They wouldn't have told him about Birgitte. He surely was raised to know the history of Andor as well as she was, and so *should* have been able to realise she was in some danger. While Eg had an entire army at her disposal. And Gareth Bryne. And an ex-Amyrlin.


Gareth Byrne tells Gawyn after he fights his way into his camp and threatens him no less and Gawyn decides saving Egwene's more important.  Not to mention after totally ditching his command of the Younglings without really a word to them! (lawl you go Gawyn)


Yep. See? He's a total tosser. Not really improved yet at all !!


Ok, Ok...you are right, he is a total complete tosser!!



Morgase, Perrin, Faile, Berelain, Alliandre nad a few assorted Aes Sedai & Wise Ones: meet Galad, Bornhald, Byar and a shkelp of Whitecloaks. Fun!


  The WhiteCloaks were kinda disapointing, I wish they were a larger evil, really by now, Rand, the Seanchan, Perrin's group, the Band of the Red Hand, the Aiel, the Shiado, the Ashaman, and the trolloc/darkfiend armies are all stronger then them. 


  As for morgese, another thing she'll do is tell Elayne that Perrin really doesn't want to restart mantheran.  I like Elayne, but I remeber one PoV about her getting upset about what Perrin's doing, and while it's understandable from her PoV, it still was frusterating. 


I wonder what Perrin is going to say (do , smash with is big fat hammer) when little Bornhald will confess that Perrin's family was murder by Fain under IS watch .


And when the little fellow who was the chief spy of the whitecloak is going to say that all the trouble in Murrandy and Altara was made by whitecloak .





Perrin Smash !!!!!!


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