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If there is any justice in this world............

Elan Tedronai

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Sorry guys but I think you are going to be disappointed for the most part. Assuming he beats his disease, which we all pray/hope for, RJ has said that his next series of books will be called Infinity of Heaven which is set in a different world entirely and will have more of a far-eastern Sho-gun era feel to it if I remember correctly.


There are still 2 prequels planned and RJ has said that he might write them in between Infinity novels. One of them might be set in the AoL but I'm betting on Artur Hawkwing for one and Manetheren/The Trolloc Wars for the other, but those are just my guesses.


There was talk of some outrigger novels, but those would be based in the same time frame as the main series, just focussing on different people...


I herd some were that he was going to write a series set not long before the wheel of time about a group of people getting shipwreaked on the sheachan continent.


I cant exactly remember where i herd this or how long ago or even if the sorce is reliable so im not sure.


You are talking about The Infinity of Heaven, RJ's next series. Before he came up with this title he used to call it The Shipwrecked. It will be set in a different world, but one of the nations there will resemble the Seanchan, and the events he planned to start the series with (a man being shipwrecked) are now going to happen in the second book.

There are still 2 prequels planned and RJ has said that he might write them in between Infinity novels. One of them might be set in the AoL but I'm betting on Artur Hawkwing for one and Manetheren/The Trolloc Wars for the other, but those are just my guesses.


Of the two remaining prequels (New Spring was the first), the first will be about Tam al'Thor, and his life until he found Rand and decided to quit his rather successful military career to return to the Two Rivers and beconme a farmer. The second will be about Moiraine and Lan, and how they could get to Emond's Field just in time to save the gang there.


In addition to the prequils I have heard a rumer of three out-rigger novels. I do hope that RJ relents and writes outlines for a few books after TG and has someone else write them though.


Personally, I wouldn't want any one other than RJ write his stories. This goes even for AMoL. If he can't finish them, then we shouldn't get to read them. Kinda sucks, but that's how I feel.

I think it would be great if one of the out-rigger books was "The Travels of Jain Farstrider". It would just be another great way to understand the world the books are set in.


That would be AWSOME. Oh yeah. I'll keep hoping for THAT one day.

But how though? Like a story of his travels, like the Diary of Ann Frank or Girl Inturrupted, the way they were written in a "diary/journal" kinda way, or like the rest of the Wheel of time series. I personally would like to read the actual book itself. The one Rand read.


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