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Ok this topic has plenty of "ifs" in it but please bear with me.


Suppose the Light wins TG. Rand no longer exists as a proper political entity but the other good guys stay alive. Now, here's the problem. How will all the land be shared?


I mean, currently the Seanchan and the Aiel are pouring into Randland. And let's not forget that to the Sea Folk, the time of illusion is over. The Aiel have to settle somewhere, cause I don't think they or the mainlanders are ready to share land, although we have seen that happen in Caemlyn/Cairhien. Should Rand survive and still be physically and mentally fit, he may lead the Aiel as the Car'a'carn, if they accept him of course. But the chances of this happening are very low.


Then, the Seanchan are disillusioned with Seanchan land. They want to claim what they believe in Hawkwing's right. They are generally adapting a colonist approach, destroying the armies and promising the commoners an easier life as long as they obey. But I don't think the other countries will be happy about that at all. Once the threat of the shadow has been vanquished, I think the Seanchan will be one of the first things on every political leader's mind.


Then there's Shara. Well, it's confusing, cause I know that it has been introduced to the plot for a reason, but so far it has been undermined.


So, well, give your ideas and suggestions as to what MIGHT happen after TG.

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Actually, that's fairly easy.


Randland is mostly open space. So there is plenty of room for everyone that is there now, especially after the casualties Tar'mon Gaidon is likely to produce. The only question will be "who gets political control?", not "where do all these people go?" Will they splinter into Seanchan countries and Aiel countries and "Randland" countries? Or will someone try to unify them. My guess is the Seanchan will try to "rebuild" the Empire, and be stopped.


The Aiel, more then probably, will return to the Three Fold Land--which, for no particular reason, they actually like. The age of illusions isn't a Sea folk belief, which is a good thing because otherwise they'd have all killed themselves. They'll likely stay in their ships, though i imagine they'll be more proactive in their dealings with the mainland given their recent experiences and the fact that they now have land in four nations.


There is more then enough space for the Seanchan settlers in Randland, so i dont see them returning home. I rather imagine, though, that Tanchico, Amadecia and Altara will remain in their control. I believe, however, that this will be a time of much upheval amongst the Seanchan. Having been forced to fight alongside Aes Sedai and other channelers, and with the revelation of the sul'dams abilities i imagine they will be having some difficulty in reconciling their new knowledge with their old way of life. They wont instantly change, but i doubt they'll be invading anything any time soon.


Alternatively, though i doubt it, Tuon may abandon this side of the ocean once she knows the seanchan refugees wont be summarily executed, and return to Seanchan to try and salvage the empire. Also its possible that some of the empty land may be claim by the Seanchan and a new Seanchan kingdom started this side of the ocean... that would only be in Tuon doesn't have the strength to hold the lands she's conquered post TG, and is forced out politically. Again i doubt this one.


More interesting to me is to see the longer effects. Channelers can travel again, thats going to change the nature of the world. Contact with Shara and the Land of the Madmen is inevitable. In fact holding to national boundaries of the like that are currently employed will be rather hard i suspect. The world will get smaller very quickly.

Guest cwestervelt

As others have pointed out, there is no shortage of land available for the Seanchan settlers. And it is a virtual given that they will be staying. Mat thoughts about how there were too many of them, and only 20% soldiers, summed it up quite well. Soldiers and armies could have been stopped, but the vast numbers of settlers is an entirely different matter.


i belive that logains 'glory' (mins vewing) may have somthing to do with control of land after TG, once every one comes to accept that the taint has been cleasnsed the black tower will have consideible influence, as does the white tower,and since mazrim taim is obviously aliged with the shadow in one way or another, he will have to be 'desposed of' and with logain as M'heal (most likely cantidate) he could use this power to 'sort out'what hapens after TG.


I also belive that the remainder of the Aiel will go back to the wast and the sea folk will continue to live on there ships, though thay will lose a lot of trade as the valued sea folk porcilen, made by the peopl on the sea folk island, will go out of production


I wolud also like it if RJ rote anothe book or to after TG on this subject involvin the contact with the Sarha and the lands of the mad men, elayns control of Andor, egyawns control of the white tower and Toun and mats joint control of the shauchan

  • 2 weeks later...

The shadow will be very weak and if there remain a political power such as Seanchan the light may retake a lot of lost land. The Bordelands will need to be rebuilt and they will be military weak, maybe they will seek help form seanchan who probably also will take a lot of casualties.


Manetheren will be reborn and flourish.


The Ways will hopefully be cleansed and ogier will yet again start wandering the world, maybe send builders to manetheren.


The aiel will be few in numbers yet they always said they will take what survives and go into the waste again.


Rand will survive yet he will have almost none power:

Elayne will have Carhien(perhaps).

Illian will be ruled by Martin stephans.

Maybe he still have Tear but I doubt it.


Logain will have the Black tower which probably will ally with the White tower.


I wonder about Lan though, will he survive? If so will the uncrowned king surrender to his destiny and reawaken Malkier or will Nyaneve get a son whos fate will be the same as Lan's?


I don't see many of the old constructs being resurrected. Certainly not Manetheren... its completely antithetical to RJ's style. I don't see Malkier being reborn either.


Malkier is much more likely than Manetheren. There is a living King for people to unify under, and people who have living memories of the nation. Malkier dying was a matter of losing territory to the Blight (following Cowin Fairheart's betrayal, of course). With the Dark One's defeat, that land will be remclaimable, so Malkier's resurrection is at least conceivable.


Manetheren is dead. Perrin is going to have WAY more to worry about in Saldaea to spend time there. Plus, he has given Alliandre Ghealdan as his leige-woman. Manetheren's territory covered as much of Ghealdan as the Two Rivers. Unless he revokes that (which is very UN-Perrin like), AND starts a war with Andor for ambition (which is ALSO un-Perrin like, and would not make Rand very happy) then Manetheren is gone. Perrin simply has no reason to try to get it back, and plenty of reasons not to try.




Yet the Manetheren history has reallly inspired the people of two rivers, I doubt they gonna give it up just like that.


But you are right about Perrin not going to start a war with andor. But something is happening with the two rivers and Andor is big, too big. If the people there cant find something that unites them with Andor they will find what they believe in....Manetheren.


An unliekyl place of events, true, but also possible.


I think Malkier is likely to resurface, but not that it will "resurrect" the way it was before or even where it was specifically before. I am thinking that even if the world is not broken as in the Breaking that there will still be geographic cataclysms (perhaps the Blight will fall into the sea...wishful thinking i know, but something has to happen) that are going to lead to certain factions being in the right place at the right time to collect persons into their factions and that the face of the world will change, but not completely.


For instance, Malkier may end up bigger than it was before because it ends up encompassing Sheinar (if Sheinar loses its leader and his heirs, for instance, this is a possibility). As another possible example, Andor could stand and absorb Cairhien (via Elayne's claim to the throne), but lose the Two Rivers as part of its land (not necessarily as Manetheren, but as independent from Elayne's rule). This is a possibility because even though I agree Perrin will have too much on his mind to incite rebellion against Andor (and probably little wish to do so given his sentiments), as was said earlier something is going on in the Two Rivers and they are known for being stubborn (and apparently very gifted) people, so there's no reason to think someone else couldn't step up and say "Hey I never heard of no Queen and I don't want one" (so to speak)...


I don't think it's realistic to think the lands inhabited by the Seanchan (and currently in chaos) are going to be completely abandoned either...or that nothing more will happen there. It doesn't make sense for a nice, usable, large piece of land to just become ignored by everybody. I anticipate a return to Seanchan, but not by Tuon. I think Tuon will (with Mat's help) create a new empire in Randland, but send someone else that she trusts home to "fix" Seanchan.


I don't see Cairhein simply disapearing into Andor... in that i suspect the birth of twins is significant. I suspect the boy will be born first, and inherit Cairhein, while the girl inherits Andor.


The First Prince is not a necessity. There have been Queens who have not have had a First Prince... For instance, Morgase. In that situation the Captain General of the Queen's Guard leads the Armies of Andor.


I think Perrin's temporary alliance with the Seanchan will play an important role in the allocation of land. Since the Seanchan have a hold of Tarabon, Amadacia and Altara, it is likely that once they continue their assault with Ghealdan, which is under the protection of Perrin. This could lead to a negotiation between Perrin and the Seanchan. It is also likely that Mat will be able to influence Tuon's decision. He may even be able to persuade her to stop her conquest of lands. Also since we can safely assume Perrin and Faile will rule Saladea, the area under there rule may span well over Manethren's original borders. So perhaps Manethrens return will occur, though unintentionally.


Now this is interesting. Doing that they would be safe from seanchan continued invasion after the breaking. Probably even strong enough to help other lands reclaim lost land.


Well, I agree that there could be shifts, merges and splits between the nations. Hmm, I do not see Andor and Cairhien coming under one rule. Their cultures are rather different, though Elayne or her children would probably rule them if they choose to unite.


As for the Seanchan, I feel that they would probably stop their invasion not due to Mat's intervention but because the whole empire would be too busy restabilising itself after TG and the sul'dam revelation. However, I think they will keep Tarabon and Arad Doman cause the people there seem to be happier with the Seanchan than the original governors.


Now, one thing which hasn't been talked about much is Shara. They may or may not end up as a political entity by the end of AMOL but then, why introduce them in the first place? I wouldn't be surprised if either Rand or the DO use them as a trump card in TG, but if that is their sole purpose, I think the same can be done without another nation that is isolated from the rest of the world (except sea folk).

Well' date=' I agree that there could be shifts, merges and splits between the nations. Hmm, I do not see Andor and Cairhien coming under one rule. Their cultures are rather different, though Elayne or her children would probably rule them if they choose to unite.


As for the Seanchan, I feel that they would probably stop their invasion not due to Mat's intervention but because the whole empire would be too busy restabilising itself after TG and the sul'dam revelation. However, I think they will keep Tarabon and Arad Doman cause the people there seem to be happier with the Seanchan than the original governors.


Now, one thing which hasn't been talked about much is Shara. They may or may not end up as a political entity by the end of AMOL but then, why introduce them in the first place? I wouldn't be surprised if either Rand or the DO use them as a trump card in TG, but if that is their sole purpose, I think the same can be done without another nation that is isolated from the rest of the world (except sea folk).[/quote']


Regarding Andor and Cairhien, I agree that they will not become one political entity but i think they will retain very strong diplomatic and trade relationships as they will probably be ruled by the Trakand lineage or be ruled by someone close to Elayne, such as Moiraine or Thom. I think that the latter is liklier as it is already clear that Elayne still favours Andor and i do not think the Carhienin woul accept someone who has other priorities.


Regarding Shara that would be cool but a tad dues ex machina like the Amayar massacre. If we were to seen an event like this, we would need to see Shara and get more familiar with it. perhaps when Rand tries to rally support of the people of Shara


I have always felt that Shara was there to give more background to the world. We hardly know anything about it and it would disturb me a lot if they suddenly came into the last battle.


We know a few things including that there is never war in Shara but now it is in turmoil because they learned of the Dragon Reborn. Like everybody else, they probably have their own prophecies regarding him.


It's possible that Shara is there to be a "hey, there's more to this world than you've seen", but given how much it's mentioned, I think it's more likely that it will play some real role.


Moiraine comes back and because of her conncection to Carheinan royalty is "installed" as Queen which will nicely round out the Andor/Carhein issue. Seems to me her link to the royal blood line is brought up once too often for it to go ignored.


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