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Welcome Efrit to the BT


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First time getting to do one of these things! :D



There are a few things you should know to get started on the right foot here:


The Taint is an excuse for everything! :D Anything you get teased for, blame the Taint, it works!


There are three Factions: The Light, the Shadow, and the non-channeling Settlement.  Entry into said factions requires points which are gained by starting hot threads, participating in activities and games, pleasing the point-givers....etc.


Anyways, have some snacks *puts out a plate of brownies and a plate of cookies*


Ask any questions you might have, and just have a good time! ;D

The other members will be along shortly to say hello!

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Thanks for the welcome Adella!


Oooh. Brownies. Mah Favorite :D I like this place already!

Is that Taint in the brownies?  ;D even better! One never can have too much insanity...


Is that Taint in the brownies?


Hmm, you're a smart one you are.. *nods*


Eddie, say HI!


More useless random info!

The Faction Leaders here are Ellinora, TheMasterDude, and Little Miss; Light faction, Shadow faction, and Settlement respectively.

And the Shadow and Light factions have Storm Leaders.. The Storm Leaders for the Light are Al Jenn Mael and Locke.. And for the Shadow it's ed2funy (my bonded) and.. Uh.. DANG! Is there another one?! :P


Rey is officially the other one I believe.



Hi Efrit!!!






Is it just me or does anyone else want to spell it "Afrit"?


So.. Is being stabbed in the face a.. usual thing for Ed?

Or is it just the Taint talking (stabbing?  :P)


Is it just me or does anyone else want to spell it "Afrit"?


Yes, they do... I haven't seen why. I think it goes either way.


*licks Brownie crumbs off fingers*

Mmmm. Taint-y  :D


Aaaah! I love me some FF :D Favorite would have to be VII


My favorite is FFX


Oh, and Ed is not normal by any means, try not to judge the whole BT off of his antics. ;)


I read a book where it was spelled that way...:D


I think that was.. The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud? Something to that effect? or was that Afrit... Or are we talking about that spelling? I BLAME THE TAINT! :D


FFX was awesome! Right up till the point were you had to 9999 Sin every turn or he Gravija'd you :D my controller... Mysteriously... hit a wall... Maybe...


Hi Lia! You mind if I call you Lia? or Liath? or just L?

I love the way how Stroud puts the footnotes from Bartimaeus xD those crack me up every time!


There is probably something a little more dangerous in those

brownies than just the Taint.  :o


More dangerous than Taint?! :o could that be...



Me too Efrit! I must admit I've only read the 1st book so far, but I'm sure the next 2 (I have them from the library) are just as good!


And Lia is perfect ;D


Woo! I already love this board :D

Not only do they give out Taint and Danger?! filled brownies, you get stabbed in the face by someone named Ed!

And Liathiana lets you call her Lia!

Can this day get any better! :P


And the Third is my favorite in that trilogy. Mostly cause...

Hehe...  :D




As said in the Opening Post, I am the Settlement Faction Leader. ;D We don't channel, but we are the entertainment, party, fun, show a little leg side of the BT. He he he..


Also - 5 points to Efrit for jumping right into the BT!




And 5 Points?!

well.. Im honored. I shall cherish said... Points.


so uuh.. Points? I'm stilla little foggy...


Might be those Taint and Danger!? brownies though...


Oh, have you taken the time to read the other stickies that you can see? They have some info on points, and when you get access there are even more stickies to read with helpful info ;D


More? Stickies?


Oh. Me likey. Me likey goood.

So I turn... this "Points"

Into One Power?


What was in those brownies you gave me :P


Lots and lots of Taint ;D


And yes, more, lots more. You can "spend" the points to become a Soldier when you have enough of them and access to the privates ;)


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