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whoo hoo...


This was only my second lesson, and I was driving on the streets...

The first time I stalled half the time...


Tonight I only stalled once!

But that was because some idiot pulled out really fast and I braked fast...


Still need practice, but it was fun...except for that stupid hill....

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(under the bed)


Yea...my sister bought her own car at 19, a stick shift, so she had my dad teach her every day for two weeks....


I have only had two lessons, and already I am driving...

I thought it would take me like 4 or 5 times to get to that point....


For manual....I convinced my parents to let me practice in parking lot, then side streets, then they let me drive around...after a close call with the po-po..i got my permit...and just got my license thursday....

yay for me!



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Congratulations, both on your license and on your stick-shift progress!


My parents, friends, and others keep pressing me to get my license, but I really don't like driving.  Plus, I won't be able to afford a car for a long time, and it's not like my parents can buy me one.  So basically getting my license wouldn't do me too much good in the long run anyway.  Plus, I prefer being a pedestrian.  It's more refreshing.

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I probably won't get a car for awhile either...but my parents are old and I get to drive them around...

and if they don't have any doctors appointments or aren't using it...then I can most likely use it...

walking is refreshing too...I had to walked three blocks in the rain (i got off at the wrong bus stop..lol) and it wasn't too bad....

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As long as you're suitably prepared for the weather, or protected enough from the harsher elements, it's wonderful to walk.  Walking in the rain is okay, provided you either A) have an umbrella or B) have a good raincoat or poncho.  Walking in the snow kind of sucks when it's already in a layer on the ground, because then your pant legs and shoes and socks get soaked, but the snow falling itself isn't bad as long as you have something to protect you from the cold weather.

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