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I'm on here too much...


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Cheer up, Nae! You are awesomeness!





That picture always bugged me. It's supposed to be you're awesome (or maybe change the question to "whose awesome?", but then I think awesomeness would fit better). I know we can't expect perfect grammar from a puppy, but still...

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I will start deducting 5 points for everyone who tries to cheer me up until I actually NEED cheering up( I will let you know)


Hmm, isn't the point of GM tasks to be annoying tho? Or did I join this SG for all the wrong reasons? :D

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Lol... it's bad annoying.  Ed you started that one?  o.0


Trust me.. my new one is annoying too.. but in a way that won't make me the new Twitch. (My eyes would be going mad from being consoled all the time)  Don't worry it's still easy.  *fondly caresses my mind trap*  I am loyal to a fault to my bondeds and can't help defending their honor.. even if that honor is questionable.. ;)


I would also never actually deduct 5 points for the old task(while it was still active)... I will scare, manipulate, bend people to wanting to do my will.. but I would never punish them for doing a task set for them by deducting earned points.  I can do so now though.  *grins evilly*

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This is the final one, I swear. Cheer up, Nae. Thanks to me picking this one, Verbal actually got around to changing it. I shudder to think what it must have felt like from his end of the bond, though.  :D I should get points for that, you know. And the final cute picture, of which I mean every word:





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