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Best Band/DM Moments

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I joined DM 6 years ago today, so i was thinking of things that had made me laugh here and wondered what other people's best moments here are since they joined DM :)


i think mine has to be burying kyn in the moat with nia a few months after first joining DM...that was just hilarious!! (i was 15... :P )


I've really enjoyed seeing the Band revitalize; basically when I arrived, me and Corki were the only really active ones...I think Jen might have been too.  To see it now, where it's being posted on consistently and gaining new recruits is awesome.


Without a doubt... Lawless Day, 2005!


Leanne dumped Brew on me, but I was smarter and channelled and shielded her, bound her, and cut off all of her hair before leaving her to hang in the rafters of an Infantry tavern... and as the Archer CG (I was Cavalry at the time), it was a nice present for them. :D


And never again!


I have quite a few...


1. The day the Band became an ORG again. And that is nearly 5 years ago now...sometime in March.


2. Being made the Moderator of the Band when we were a Discussion Group.


3. Like Krak, late 2009-10 in the second coming of the Band. We had had one almighty battle and lost many great Banders. But the Band is resilient, and we have definitely come out the other side. Some hard work (a bit like at the beginning) has helped, and an grateful to those who mucked in as much as those who were here at the start.


wow best band moment, mmmm theres so many, spaming wars, the zombie attacks, smore booths, kissing booths, saucy v sweet debates, cant realy decide ;D


hmmm....there's a lot to sift through to try and pick anything specific...the spamming wars were always a blast of course


being kidnapped when I was archer CG back in Spring 08....that was entertaining


And of course, being able to help revitalize the band in these couple months, despite my busy school life (trust me, I'd be going insane without being able to come to the band to relax from time to time ;) )


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