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Favourite Chapter/ Scene/Event


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Does anybody have a favourite Chapter/ Scene/Event?


I have two and im struggeling to decide between them.

But if i had to choose I'd say that when Nyneave heals Logain, Suian and Leane has to be my favourite moment in the wheel of time.


Its partially because Nyneave proves all the aes sedai wrong with thier whole "stilling can't be healed, girl" and brings them down a notch and shocks them. partially that she's discoverd how to do something that (i think) even they couldnt do in the Age of Legends. and partially that you get to see how much channeling actually means to suian and leane and how grateful they are to be healed.



My other favourite moment is when Lan breaks Nyneave's block. Okay Okay! I'm a sucker for a bit of romance or emotion! But i just love it how everybody in Salidar has been trying to beat her block out of her, while it ends up being the guy she loves saving her from drowing that does it.


Anyway, there are my favourite parts. Anbody else got one? (i apologize if this topic has already been posted)

Guest Majsju

Rand in Rhuidean, because it's the only glimpse of the AOL we've gotten so far.


And the entire Egwene storyline in KOD, she completely owned the book.

Guest Egwene

The time Mat dressed down the seafolk in Ebou Dar...


Perrin freeing Gaul from the cage


the girls bonding Rand and the converstion between Birgitte, Min and Aviendha afterwards. The 'it didn't work for you either?' had me in stitches..


Mat's first outing as battle leader


Egwene in KoD... specifically the scenes in the Tower


and many others!!

Guest Majsju

Egwene in KoD... specifically the scenes in the Tower


And how many scenes does Egwene have out of the Tower in KOD? :wink:


My favorite was when Rand made the Aes Sedai kneel. :shock: But I'm kinda mean like that, even though I like the Aes Sedai. :oops:


I mentioned this in the favorite quotes thread, but my favorite scene of all the books is in KoD when Nynaeve is recuiting borderlanders to help Lan ride into the Blight.


"My husband rides for Tarwin's Gap and Tarmon Gaidon. Does he ride alone?"


Man, still gives me chills just thinking about it. It's scenes like that which just couldn't be as powerful in a shorter series.


My previous favorite was the battle at Dumai's Wells, but specifically the part where Perrin calls the wolves to come help.


Honorable mention would also have to be Egwene in the Tower in KoD. She really has come farther in her journey as a character than almost anyone else in the novels, and it was great to see her kick butt from the inside.


"Ashama Kill." for sure is the best scene so far.


But one scene I just chuckle at every time is when Mat puts the smack down on Galad and Gawyne. Never under estimate a farmer with a pole.


I like the Nyn healing Logain scene as well.


There are many decent scenes but those are my favs.


My absolute favorite scene would have to be after the girls bonded Rand. Elayne forgetting to block her bond when they 'consummated' their marriage....



For awe factor: when Rand and Nynaeve cleanse saidin and channelers everywhere can feel it, the Choedan Kal glowing, I guess it's my favorite because they are affecting the ENTIRE world in that time


Funniest: when Mat puts Joline over his knee and spanks her


Favorite Scene:


The end of The Shadow Rising when Trolloc forces are over running the Edmond's Field defense. Perrin thinks that this is the end. He has just been betrayed by the Whitecloaks and men and women both are dieing all around him.


Perrin and the Edmond's Fielders are on the brink of total defeat when Faile leads the charge of Watch Hill milita which which turns the tide of the battle and begins the route of the shadowspawn.


Secondary Favorites:


Rand & Co. laying waste to a couple hundred thousand Trollocs at the Mannor house in Knife of Dreams.


The first attack on Tam's farm house on Winternight in The Eye of the World.


Moraine's tale of Manetheren before the Edmond's Field mob in The Eye of the World.


Mat's "escape" from the Battle of Cairhien near the end of The Fires of Heaven.


The cleansing of Saidin at the end of Winter's Heart.


All of Egwene's chapters in Knife of Dreams. After pages and pages of crap, Jordan is finally getting her storyline right. Her last scenes are some of the best in the entire series.


I love the Perrin defending Edmons Field.


Nynaeve rallying the borderlands.


Mat's first lucky streak in Tar Valon.


Egwene locked in the tower.


Mat getting married.


Aviendha's flight to Seandar.



just to name a few.


Mat getting totally harassed by Tylin! haha that was the best ever! esp when she cut off his clothes!!!


Hopper in the wolf dream is totally awesome...that part about the flying with the eagles almost made me cry :cry:


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