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Howdy! My name's Kath, and I've been a WoT fan for several years now :D I've just done a complete re-read of the series, and am now a little way through tGS (though I've had to stop for now 'cause I've got a chunk of text missing from pages 145-192, not to mention that pages 193-24 something repeat themselves before going back into order from the second repeat of 240 or so onwards). However, despite that small glitch, I am liking tGS so far, and am finding it very interesting!


Looking forward to meeting fellow WoT fans here (am going to have to get used to using the abbreviations now!), and interacting on this lovely board :D

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Welcome to DM! :)


Hope you enjoy your time here and find some fun activities and good friends. Just ask if you want any tips and advice. Some of us will have a slight bias and preference to certain things! ;)

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Thank you! Well, at the moment, I think I'm pretty right, but I'll be sure to ask if I do think of anything :D (speaking of social things, I decided to join the WT social group, so fingers crossed I can make a good go of it!)

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@Amadine (in case anyone replies before I do!) I do actually have a question about that ^_^; I submitted the form and all a little while ago - do I now post a PM to request membership to the right usergroups, or do I wait for a few days? I sort of don't want to make myself look too eager ^_^;

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The Mistress of Novices (U4ea) is currently on LoA, but the Master of Arms (Verbal32) should be picking things up. A request should have been sent in to add you to the WT usergroup - if you have waited a while, it might be an idea to follow it up to see what is slowing down the process.

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