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In the Eye of the World, when they first go to Baerlon


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Hey guys.  After reading through the series a second time, and coming to these forums, I started noticing all the little tidbits that are thrown around in the books that arn't obvious for some time.


Take Rand channeling, I always thought the first time he channeled were when him and Mat got attacked at the Inn and he channeled lightning.  I had read something about bela, and during my 3rd readthrough I finally caught the little nugget where Rand Channeled.  He feels his bones splintering, cold, and Moraine mentions that Bela has a very strong heart (I wonder if she knew someone had channeled)


Anyways, I wanted to take note of things I caught, and was hoping there would be a section for each book.  I never really thought much aobut this scene in baeron, but I figure it has to be at least his tavern nature over taking him. 


When they first get to Baerlon, Mat gets tricky and gets mud all over the whitecloaks.  After this, they confront Rand.  Rand is extra confident and cocky, and starts feeling sick afterwards.  Is it implied that hes embracing the source right here?  Sorry if this is obvious or nothing, and I might make some more topics on things in the book.  Blame it on the tBUT thread that has me looking at all the tidbits in the books.

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I think he was on the brink of touching the source in this and another scene in the book. I don't recall which it was now. He has those cocky episodes in a few spots and it's always described the same. He wasn't actually channeling in the scene with the Whitecloaks.

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Rand does not channel in Baerlon. He's feeling the effects of this first channeling which took place as they fled the Two Rivers and Rand channeled to keep Bela strong so that Egwene wouldn't be left behind.


Since you're rereading the books a good guide to things like this is http://www.encyclopaedia-wot.org/ which has footnotes for things like this and explains them. For the most part it's up to date through TGS.

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Rand does not channel in Baerlon. He's feeling the effects of this first channeling which took place as they fled the Two Rivers and Rand channeled to keep Bela strong so that Egwene wouldn't be left behind.


Since you're rereading the books a good guide to things like this is http://www.encyclopaedia-wot.org/ which has footnotes for things like this and explains them. For the most part it's up to date through TGS.


Thanks for that website!  It looks like exactly what I was looking for.  So I'm guessing anything thats common knowledge of stuff people miss will be pointed out on that site?  That means I can stop taking notes untill I get back to book 4 for tBuT :)

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This page lists the first times Rand channels (and the symptoms that came afterward)::


From that page::

1. OP use: cleansing Bela: [TEOTW: 11, The Road to Taren Ferry, 125]

Reaction: Baerlon encounter with the Children of the Light, [TEOTW: 15, Strangers and Friends, 186-190]

Time: seven days.


2. OP use: Hitting Trolloc with the boom of Domon's boat. [TEOTW: 20, Dust on the Wind, 258-259]

Reaction: Mast/trapeze stunt on Bayle Domon's boat [TEOTW: 24, Flight Down the Arinelle, 301-303]

Time: four days.


3. OP use: calling lightning to escape the inn in Four Kings [TEOTW: 32, Four Kings in Shadow, 407]

Reaction: fever/chills at the inn in Market Sheran. [TEOTW: 33, The Dark Waits, 423-426]

Time: two days.


4. OP use: at the Eye of the World.

Reaction: Forgetfulness, others?

Time: nearly instantaneous.


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I had thought that scene in Baerlon where he was dizzy was a side effect from channeling.  I could be wrong, though Rand had a similar reaction on Domon's boat on the way to Whitebridge.


I think so too. It came from when he got Bella moving. Moraine told...I think Nyneave that it happens shortly after they touched it without knowing when they are young. I think RJ did that scene where Rand stairs down the White Cloaks to show that Rand was feeling the hangover of touching the source while riding bella's rear (he was on his horse and touched Bella and willed her on type of thing). And I am also sure that RJ made it clear that Morraine knew of it too. I think she later said that is when she first suspected Rand. That all the horses needed help but Bella and that it was Rand that had spurred her on.

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I had thought that scene in Baerlon where he was dizzy was a side effect from channeling.  I could be wrong, though Rand had a similar reaction on Domon's boat on the way to Whitebridge.


IIRC, Rand channelled to make the boom hit a Trolloc or something, and exposure to the Taint made his mind go abit wild. When he comes to I think he realizes hes climbed up one of the masts, or something like that.

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