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*~St. Patrick's Day Dance~*


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*stands there and tried to control his laughter*


If you could bring me some punch when you're done, that would be great. :)
















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Still feeling her humor escalate, as his did too, she walks over to the buffet table, grabs the punch bowl, and walks back to Ed.

You HAD to see this one coming..

Lifting the punch bowl over Ed's head, she turns it over, away from herself, and pours the entire bowl of punch on Ed's head, only slightly splashing herself with it.


Adella then proceeds to fall over laughing, landing in a bit of punch herself, making her laugh that much harder




Eddie love, you're not a very good sport. :D


Eddie sees her go to the punch table, and feels it in the bond. Oh dear...he had just cleaned this suit of all the blood to. Oh well...this would be fun. He stood trying to send as much punch her way as possible and watched as she fell into the puddle of punch.


You know...we are going to have to go clean up after this. ;)


Or we can go for a moonlight swim...;D


Sitting sprawled out on the floor, she looks at the mess she made..


Dear bonded, we are really quite the pair of trouble makers, even when I'm the hostess! :D

Would you mind channeling this up and into a bucket love *Adella gestures to the mess on the floor*


Leaving the ballroom for a few minutes, Adella comes back, freshly changed into a new dance dress


Looks a lot like this: ;)



*Laughs as she walks away, channeling punch from her dress before getting to the punch on the floor, just to make it easier on her*

*Finds a bucket and channels the punch from his clothes and then into the bucket*


*Sees Adella walking in*





And to think..I only wore this:



Quickly putting on a slower song, Adella pulls Eddie out into the middle of the dance floor, and puts her hands on the back of his neck in the old-school slow dance form.


You know Ed.. This is where things between us really took off.. *gestures broadly to the Black Tower in general, and the dance setting* I'm pretty happy that we have gotten to relive this, and will many times in the future I hope.


Adella leans close into Ed's strong chest, with his arms wrapped around her protectively, and just relaxes and basks in the amazingly happy moment.



Edit: You little creep, go to bed!


*eyes her Tal from his lap and smiles* Yes, Wolfie, apparently he is.


Ed, I would be willing to bet Adella is a better dancer than I am :) I just whine about it more :P.


*giggles at Ed and Adella's punch bowl antics, admires Adella's dress*




Yes, but you also know that beer doesn't go for just one dollar... and I don't want to carry around ones... I know you were doing me a favor of wanting to buy my beer so I could dance better, but I mean really. I know the value of my posessions.


*laughs* Forgot to post my dress. It's pretty. No shoes this time. *wrinkles nose* They hurt my feet. *blinks* I didn't know you were so fond of Charis, Tal.

*points to siggy*  ;)



Finally feeling the humor, Adella can't help but chuckle and help Ed to his feet after his fit of giggles. ::)


If you're not done, I can always find someone else to dance with.. *makes a move to walk away*

Yeah remember what happened last time.  ;)

Gazing into the eyes of the beautiful woman in his lap, Talmanes leans in and places a kiss on her soft, delicate lips.

Would you care for a dance? Or are you more comfortable here?  ;)



I was going to make a comment about dancers being pretty comfortable on the dance floor but Charis took care of that ;)


*Wanders in eyeing everyone sideways.* The Black Tower?!?!!  :o


*Glances around and spots Wolfie.*

Did I see some pinching going on earlier? *Snickers and eyes the distance between her and Ed.*

Hmmmmm... used to like snickers but then Mars became my favourite. Right now... ehm... I just eat chocolate bars... the big ones. *Blinks and wonders for a moment why everyone is staring at him.*


*Reminds himself to breathe and finally relaxes.* What you all looking at? A man deserves to get paid when people stare at him like that!  :D



*pinches Loran* Better now? *smiles*


BOOPSY!!! *tackles Boopsy* You deserve the best greeting. *snuggles Boopsy*


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