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Weekend Inactivity


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Just thought I'd let you all know - not an official LOA but my husband is working away two our of every three weeks at the moment, and is home on weekends. I'm always around, but every weekend until at least June I will be only on quickly to check things, since it's quality family time for me with hubby and the kids :). If you need me, I still check my mail and the boards when I can, but don't expect posts very often on a Saturday or Sunday (Sunday and Monday for anyone in a timezone in the US). Just so you're not cursing me all weekend for not posting for you ;)


Also - stay tuned for some fun novice/accepted RPs I have planned for you guys!

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Wouldn't that be Friday and Saturday for anyone in the USA time zones? You're ahead of almost everyone else, aren't you?


Either way, enjoy hubby when you get the opportunity  ;)

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nah sunday there is sat here.. so.. it would be fri/sat for the US. cause aussie's get to be lightyears ahead of us. apparently, just because our landmass gets settled last, we get to be at the end of the day/time rotation thingy that gets really really confusing when you try to start thinking about what time it is in london, paris, nyc, and la all at the same time. /nods

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Heh yeah, sorry. Friday Saturday for most of you. I got confused, I'm used to thinking US weekends are Sunday Monday for me ;)


Also, side note, this weekend I will be totally away save for any sneaking on I do via mobile - hubby sis graduating from uni again...masters this time...so we will be away for that. Back Sunday afternoon! GMT+10 to avoid me getting it wrong again XD

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