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Nyn's happy place


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Okay, happy might be stretching it, but I couldn't think of a more suitable word. Basically, I reserve this thread to myself (being greedy and all gives me that right) and well... I will banish whoever doesn't please me. Now sure, you could not post at all and spare yourself the trouble, but this thread will most likely have quite a few posts of mine which would mean LOADS of little avatars! Think of the possibilities!


Anyhow. Lets talk about me! I'm feeling rather... meh. I have to go milk cows today till 11 PM and I have to wear these farmer's rubber boots that make me look like..... well, yeah, a farmer... but a really terrible styled one  >.>


Tell me something to distract me?  And no cow jokes :P





Once there was this cow... No wait, bad start...


*showers Nyn with presents, each containing a fun torture tool of which to use on Ed and his little pet Bale-whatever..*


Alright, hope that helps! Not that you need the tools, I know, I just thought it can't hurt to try something new :D


So, no cow tipping?

Get some revenge?


*pleases Nyn in her Happy Place...thread*


*laughs* Wait until you get into the box Adella. :D


Did you that tipping.. That animal.. Kills them?? Bad Ed. I'm sure she gets paid for milking (I hope) so you're trying to kill her source of income!! >:(



Ed.. I'll kill you for that box someday, I swear I will.


*unbanishes Adella*


See, you can always come back to the game  >.>




I don't like butterflies... *eyes aemon*... than again, I SUPPOSE you couldn't have known that.






If punishing Ed is all it takes to be un-banished, I have no fear..


*showers Nyn with chocolate truffles* I heard you like chocolate! :P


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