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International Women's Week: Gifts to Honour

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The Red Ajah's

International Women's Week


Okay Listen up everybody!!


All around these boards we have lovely women. Women that show Strength, Compassion, Determination and many other honourable traits. Women like these should be shown that they are appreciated. This year the Red Ajah can give you a perfect opportunity.


This year as an activity during our lovely International Women's Week you can send me a PM .


Please include:

1) The FULL board name of the person you want a PM sent to or alternatively their email address.

2) The image you want sent.

3) A message if you want






We value them with great respect as horses have amazing strength and wisdom.




Lions never fear anything, brave and strong, Lions always protect them Kingdom and there family. Lions project strength in a great way.





The Panthers are amazing and extremely fierce Animals and admired the world over. Panthers are fast and strong and mean power, courage and strength.




Tigers are known for there natural Beauty, Courage, Bravery and Strength.





The king of all Birds, The Eagles rule the Sky and many Animals and even people fear Eagles to a great extent. Eagles are naturally strong with Strong Claws and a huge wing span, Eagles are by far the most superior Flying Creature and resemble power and Strength !






Ants are symbols meaning the accomplishment of a great labor, wisdom and providence. Ants are industrious and cooperate well as a group for community benefit. The strength of ants in proportion to their size is also legendary.




Antelopes are symbols meaning beauty, sharp vision, gentleness and speed. In ancient Rome, the antelope was sacred to Minerva, goddess of wisdom. The fleetness of the antelope has been proverbial in many cultures. For a woman to be compared to an antelope is a high compliment: she is graceful, beautiful and has beautiful eyes.




Bears are symbols of strength, tenacity and courage. The bear also symbolizes a gentle friend or docile disciple in disguise.




Cats are symbols meaning spiritual power and freedom or love of liberty.




The dolphin is a symbol meaning charity and a kind affection towards children. Dolphins are viewed as free-spirited, happy and fun-loving. In Native American symbolism, dolphins mean joy, harmony and a connection with one's higher self.




The eagle is a symbol meaning a person of action, a lofty spirit, intelligent and judicious. The eagle's sharp vision gives him the ability to see hidden truths and spiritual principles. The eagle has powers of intuition, creativity and the balance of power with grace.




The qualities of the elephant are recognized throughout the Orient: longevity, strength, patience, endurance and self-restraint. The ability of elephants to aid in battle led to their additional symbolic meaning of triumph, power and victory.




The peacock is a symbol meaning beauty and pride of carriage. The peacock is a symbol of self-renewal and immortality.




The squirrel is a symbol meaning resourcefulness, the ability to change direction quickly, the ability to rise above danger and the peace of life in the woods for those who are ready to retire from a more strenuous life.




The wolf is a symbol meaning valiance over the course of long effort. A wolf also symbolizes one who is dangerous to assail and reacts violently to being thwarted. In pagan iconography, the wolf represents cunning intelligence.







wow, lots to choose from. Ty, nice job! :D

And two different eagles meanings to choose from too.


Boops, I think the idea is that people pick a symbol that represents the qualities in the woman they want to show their appreciation to. Ty can correct me though, if I'm wrong.


So it's kinda like...


1) Mystica

2) Frog

3) Heya princess, wanna kiss me?


Or more like...


1) Mystica

2) Horse

3) Just because she keeps going riding. *ahem*



LMAO! yup, I think so. But Ty will undoubtedly explain better what is expected.


*makes frog noises at the Boopsy*


Yes Myst captured the point...


You choose an animal that represents the qualities you admire in a woman.


Then you PM me with e.g.


1) Mystica

2) Panther

3) {this is optional} Thank you Myst for always being a woman that I can look up to and be proud to have as a HoA


a quote


Whatever you want basically



AND... If you want me to send your own image, feel free to send me the link as well


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