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How can Green help you?


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Hello, everyone! For those who don't know me, I'm Loraine, the new OOC Head of the Green Ajah. I'm guinea pigging an idea with ya'll and would love it if you played along!


For the month of March, the Green Ajah will make themselves available to help you however you need helping!


Need a class, drop us a line in here and we'll see what we can do to put it together for you.


Need a prank or a punishment? We can do that, too!


Just want to interact with the awesomeness that is the Green Ajah... we can hook you up there, too!


Have questions about the Greens? FIRE AWAY! I'll be happy to answer whatever questions I can and if I can't, I'll be happy to hunt down the answer for you. :)



So, how can we help YOU today?

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Battle weaves are reserved for those who've already been raised to the shawl (since they're particularly ugly/oath bending weaves, we don't want them to get loose on the general population of the Tower). That being said, I would mind doing something along the defensive weaves vein. We used to have a class like that as a standard class, but I can probably dream it up a bit if we can't find it.


Would that work?


And yay for new greenies! :D



*eyes Knytiri* I think you misunderstood, dear. I'm not following orders, I'm helping you. Now, if you want to go steal the cookie jar and get caught, I can TOTALLY help with that part. ;)

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Awesome! :D Let me see if I can put my hands on the old class. Can we start it... say by the 12th? If I can get it put together faster, I'll link you up here! Actually, I'll link you to it, either way... bah, you get me, I think. *grins*



I'm not sure, Knytiri. Let's check with Lavinya and see what she thinks. If she's ok with it, so am I!


I'll be happy to help with whatever you may need to get some stripes, if it doesn't work out, though! :D

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Sorry Knytiri, but I think this class is really only an Accepted level type class. I'm sure you novices can harass Lor once you're raised to teach it again for you ;)


I've given the initial ok for this class to go ahead, Once Lor gives me a rough outline I'll give it the official stamp and you can all post and make merry!

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I don't really care what you do, Lorsypoo, I just wanna do something. Anything.


I've a Novice char, and I'm bored. *lol* Also, if you bride me enough, I might consider the Greens.


Nevermind that.

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Oh please, don't assume that was a typo. Lor and I are like... *crosses fingers*


Briding me would be TOTALLY the right thing she should do to get me to go Green. Also, I've been known to do it repeatedly. So if she brides me enough... I think I could do anything she wanted.

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*smirks* as always, I take bribes in the form of flowers, chocolate and cash. ;) Preferably the US denomintions, rather than the Tar Valon marks, if it's not too much trouble. ;)



So, what can I help a couple of Novices out with? I'm kinda bored, too. It usually results in some weird threads. *laughs* What do ya'll still have to work with? I can get creative when I have to. ;)

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I was thinking of getting my Novice to feel up an Aes Sedai. How much trouble do ya think that'd get me into?


Or maybe peeping at one of them changing.


I'm sure, to date, noone's tried that. What say you eh?

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It's taking a lot of digging and I haven't found it yet. If I don't find it by Friday, I'll write up something and send it up for the ok, then hopefully start it (worst casy scenario). Sound good?



And Boopsie, feeling Lor up would be bad. She's wicked fast with naughty weaves and she has an overprotective warder. *smirks* Novice or not, I'm pretty sure there would be blood loss. ;)

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And Boopsie, feeling Lor up would be bad. She's wicked fast with naughty weaves and she has an overprotective warder. *smirks* Novice or not, I'm pretty sure there would be blood loss. ;)


Wow. Blood loss too? *shivers with pleasures* Your mouth tries to say "No, no, no..." but all I hear is, "Yes, Yes, OH LIGHT YEEESSS!!!"




Oh well.

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*laughs* ok, Lavinya! This weekend at the latest. Promise!


*smirks at Boopsie* Silly head. Would you settle for Tea? ;)


Actually, Rasheta reminded me yesterday that Jade started a tradition of Novices and Accepted having Tea with the Greens a few years ago. If I issue the invitation to tea in the garden, would you all come and keep me company?

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