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Idea for recruiting & playing with the Novices


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While I was in the shower, I was thinking about getting things moving over here for my Ajah again and had an idea. (and yes, I do a lot of thinking in the shower. LOL Poke fun, if you will!) The Orgs and Divisions have a rotating schedule to set up a single thread in the newbie forum and advertise what their Org has to offer. I thought that might help here, too! I was tossing a few ideas around, ya'll tell me what you think!


1) Each Ajah has a given month/amount of time to "advertise" in the Whispering Hole forum with the Novices & Accepted. In this thread, they can talk about how fabu their Ajah is, what the Ajah stands for, current standings in the Tower, etc. This would be an OOC thread, so no RP involved, just interaction with the people who belong to that Ajah so they can get a feel for how things work there. This might also be a good way to get some required classes taught, since the Ajah in charge of that month might take their turn at running a set of these classes for the kiddos.


2) Pledge Week. Yeah, this is a Greek-Week throw back that I thought would be interesting. We could do this one IC or OOC (IC might be a lot of fun!) where each Ajah sets up a "booth" with designated folks to interact with the Novices/Accepted. I realize this is a bit below the book Ajahs' way of thinking, but it might be enough of a spark to get some Novices moving around to play with folks from the Ajahs and not just the few people they know.



So, what do you think? I don't know about ya'll, but I've noticed a few tumbleweeds rolling by, lately and I thought this might be a good boost to our posting habits, both IC and OOC...

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Lor I like this idea. I'm not sure how I could help. I'm fairly easy to lead with whatever though. *laughs* I like the booth idea, I'd be down for interacting with some Novices/Accepted. I'm not as active this side of things as I should be this would give me a nice kick in the rear to start doing something. *laughs*

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Soo... everyone else either REALLY likes the idea or REALLY hates the idea? *smirks*


Thanks for your input, ya'll! and Rasheta, you read my mind a bit, too! :) When we get some more input, we'll start discussing this @ the Greens and see what we can get moving.


BTW, I'll volunteer the Greens for March, since it's rather fitting. ;)

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Go for it, Lor  :D


BTW, is it a requirement for Greens to do weapons training? I've received questions from novices about that lately, and I haven't a clue as to the answer.

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It used to be and I think the WS of 5 is still a requirement. The Battle Weaves and Midnight Vigil part is voluntary, though. At least, that's what I remember. We can ask Eqwina for verification, since I think she was the last one to go through it. I haven't found a definite yes or no to that for a while...

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I was/am still in the process of going through it. The Weapons training I thought was but i'm so far behind with it that I really errr have let it slide. I think i'm going to have the two warders I have teach me if possible it would just be easier I think *ggls*


Lor when you get the thread up lemme know because I would love to see what you are doing. This week is hell week...aka the week before finals. So i'm not out much and searching for threads but if you send it to me i'll check it out. Or maybe its posted in the rps thread we've got going at the greens duh! Don't mind me. LOL

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I didn't know the tour the halls, battle weaves/midnight vigil was optional. You mean I did all that work for nothing. *faints* I'm not even done with the midnight one yet. *sigh* Maybe we should talk it over as an Ajah and decide???? I missed something because I just noticed Lor is our OOC head....anyway


Thanks Lor for the thread i'll go and make an appearance in our halls now and stop spamming this thread.

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I've never had a green but I'm pretty sure you all had to do the battle weaves...maybe everyone just chose to, but I don't know any that didn't get to at least lvl 5 WS. So, I could have been entirely unhelpful there lol

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lol, When Kabria (Eqwina) was raised, the Battle Weaves, Midnight Vigil and Second Petition were optional. HOWEVER, the Second Petition is a requirement for the Defender Points. I know the added reqs were originally in place because the Greens got WAY big and everyone wanted to be one. The reqs were added when I was getting raised 6 years ago, so they were all required then. Since we're so small now, I don't think they're required as much as they're tradition and good character building things.


We can discuss it in Greenie-land, I guess. How much leeway do we have with this, Elgee? Lavinya?

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Personally I think the Ajahs should have the flexibility to determine their own traditions etc. I wouldn't be inclined to make anything mandatory (we have reqs enough to get to Aes Sedai!), but strongly encouraged as great character building rps and ajah bonding. But don't take that as gospel, the boss lady will steer us both straight I'm sure! :D

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If we're still talking about Weapons Training, my opinion is that if you want to play with swords and stuff, go make a Warder Character - Aes Sedai are those galls who Channel  :P


But it's your Ajah, Lor, and as Lavi said, Ajahs should have the flexibility to determine their own traditions etc. As long as it doesn't stray too far from the Books ... lol

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The Greens are allowed a higher weapon score than all the others - they're the battle ajah so it makes sense that they are trained in battle. Don't take that away from them. Nifty with battle weaves and not too shabby with a sword. How many warder chars can boast that? ;)

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That's exactly my point - it's god-moding, as far as I'm concerned, and encroaching on the Warders' prerogative. But as I said, that's Lor's Ajah and therefor her decision. I'm going to put a stop to it at the Reds, though.

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I'm not trying to be argumentative, but it's a tradition with the greens that's been going on since way before my time. While we do stick close to the books, we are a different portal stone world. Why is it god-modding now, but it hasn't been for years? Are people complaining about it? Are warders complaining? It's not easy to get, either. There's a bucket load of reqs to reach the training limit anyway, to deter most people. I don't have a green so it doesn't mean all that much to me, just playing devils advocate :)

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Ok in retrospect what I posted above probably came across as bitchy ... sorry, guys.


I really REALLY mean that my opinion is personal, and NOT stated as DL. Some of you may not know me well, but let me assure you - I am able to separate my personal opinion/feelings from what I think is best for the WT. Again, if Lor wants to make/keep Weapons Training as part of the Green Ajah's requirements, I will support her 100%, regardless of my personal opinion.


I'm sorry - things have not been good for me the past few months, and they've only gotten worse in the past week. The cherry on top of the cake was getting a death threat from one ex-tenant, and a threat to catch me in a dark alley and beat the crap out of me from another (and since this last guy actually physically abused his fiancee so badly she ended up in hospital, I'm not taking it lightly). I'm not using that as an excuse, I just want you to understand why the WAY I post something might come across more negatively than I intended it, and ask you to please tell me if it seems that way.


*hugs all*


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Since we're only talking a WS of 5 and you have to move Heaven and Earth to get approved for anything higher (I know, because I'm approved up to 7 or 8, I believe), we're not exactly a threat to a Warder. Your scores have to be over 10 to even become a Tower Guard, which is the lowest rank you can bond someone. A WS of 5 just means I know which end of the sword to swing at the trolloc. On top of that, when you're dealing with an ugly battle, you kinda need something more than the ability to toss a mean ball of fire. Now, if we allowed people to get up to Grand Master status as a Green, THAT is god-modding! On top of that, you can't bond anyone who has a lower score than yours, so whoever you're bonding will ALWAYS be better than you (a fact Kyn brings up quite often... 'til Lor pins him to the wall without lifting a finger, anyway).


Not really arguing, just explaining why I think that's the only req I am a big believer in keeping. The others we can keep in the "highly recommended" category and use towards Defender rankings. I'm a traditionalist, at heart, after all. ;) I'd keep the others, too, if it were up to me, but they were put in place to make people consider other Ajahs and we're too small for me to allow that to happen, atm. *grins* I need people to work on my nefarious plan to rule the world, after all. :D


Also, I would like to work on starting the Defender program back up this summer, with a little revamping. I'd like that rank to be an IC thing, just as much as an OOC thing. It was originally dreamed up to keep people playing along and working together. *shrugs* That's my plan, anyway. Since that doesn't have anything to do with the aspies, per se, I guess I'll table that discussion for now.



And don't take any of that as anything less than very serious, Elgee, babe. I'm sure it's added some stress that you didn't need. *hugs*

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