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It's PARTY time!!!


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The two groups of Tinkers have been camped for a couple of days together in the Circle of Union.


The young women have been coached concerning their dance to attract a man.


The Central Fire has been added to...it now gives off a glorious light.


Tonight's party will be the highlight of the Meeting.


Lots of good food, music, dancing...BYOB.


Of course, I'll post.


So should you.


Release your "inner Tinker".


Think up a scene that you imagine will take place at the celebration tonight.


For those of you with a darker side, maybe you could rob all of the Tinkers while they're busy dancing or maybe kill all of their mules?


Use your imagination...it's good for what ails you...it's free!!!


Just in case you forgot how to get there, I'll create this gateway for you.  Go down to the last post.  Hit reply.  Have a ball!






Most of all, ENJOY!!!



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After I posted this invitation, and was already logged off the internet and gone to work, I had the thought that maybe some fun loving spammer would take the opportunity to bring down a horde of trollocs onto my peaceful group of Tinkers.  Thankfully, nobody has yet so far as I know.  What I actually had in mind was more along the lines of practical Halloween-style pranks like tipping over an outhouse or peeing down the chimney...you know...good clean fun.  ;D

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After I posted this invitation, and was already logged off the internet and gone to work, I had the thought that maybe some fun loving spammer would take the opportunity to bring down a horde of trollocs onto my peaceful group of Tinkers.  Thankfully, nobody has yet so far as I know.  What I actually had in mind was more along the lines of practical Halloween-style pranks like tipping over an outhouse or peeing down the chimney...you know...good clean fun.  ;D

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After I posted this invitation, and was already logged off the internet and gone to work, I had the thought that maybe some fun loving spammer would take the opportunity to bring down a horde of trollocs onto my peaceful group of Tinkers.  Thankfully, nobody has yet so far as I know.  What I actually had in mind was more along the lines of practical Halloween-style pranks like tipping over an outhouse or peeing down the chimney...you know...good clean fun.  ;D



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