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Physics chat up lines!


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Just for completions sake  :P


I want to know your natural frequency so i can resonate with you!


If you let me into your magnetic field, we could induce a current!


Lets convert this potential energy to kinetic energy ;)


Hey baby, our vibrations are gonna make some sweet harmonics =P


As I approach you at near the speed of light, I hope I can experience the time dilation of seeing you for eternity


You must be the explanation for dark matter, because you keep my galaxy together


You're so hot, we could fuse!


Are you electric, cos I feel a connection between us.


Hi i'm gamma radiation *thrust hips at this point* i'm highly penetrating


I know the spring constant for my mattress. Wanna take some data?


I was wondering if you would be able to help me calculate a coefficient of friction, I've got plenty of lube


Girl u must be highly charged cause I feel a spark between us


meet me halfway, at the node of a transverse wave because theres no disturbance


You must be base kelvin because I would have no resistance going around your circuit.


Wanna couple our equations tonight?


Your force over my mass equals acceleration baby


Me and you are like a binary star system. just let me accelerate on you and trust me, you'll explode!


Looking at a good looking girl " dude she is a Richard"

"huh what?"

"She's Feynman!"


"i'd love to put my interstitial into YOUR vacancy, darlin"




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