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The Kindly Words and Flowery Compliments Thread (Gifts to All)


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Why Torrie of course,

For your enjoyment,

I brought you chocolates,

Quite an assortment!






Samurai you are all too kind.

Claire that just blows my mind!

Snow in Texas?

Never seen anything of the kind.


Auld Manriva, your poetry was great!

Although a little familiar,

If I can say.




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*grins and flourishes BOTH her needles AND her pin...*


Well, crap, I lost my pin. *winks*



Sorry, ya'll, I'm being eaten alive by the stupid head cold bug from the Devil's Den. (I even managed to write all of that out without cussing. *smiles proudly*) Seriously, though, i'm taking my migraine to bed in a few minutes after I've handled some stuff. Pray continue your fun and don't forget a few extra pokes for me. ;)

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I am sorry Mirshan, but surely you are sweeter than any chocolate!

And fear not, you are never forgotten!


(i have been busy with school all day and I am not even home yet. Won't be for awhlie.I will address everyone when I can get on my computer).


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Though it be late in the night,

I thought I'd give it a try,

So here is my lowly attempt,

At a little something called poetry.



When I look into her eyes,

She's the only thing on my mind.

When our eyes meet,

Time seems to fly.

We're alone in the room,

Or at least so it seems.

When I look into her eyes,

I know she's the girl of my dreams.


When I look into her eyes,

I feel strength to go on.

When I gaze into them,

I feel my love overwhelm,

When I look into her eyes,

I know everything will be fine.

When I look into her eyes,

I know she'll never be mine.


Mediocre at best, I know,

But it is my attempt for now.


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Ah, now that I am home,

I can post all in a dome. (<--- Note: There is no dome...it is for rhyming purposes only)



For the beautiful Torrie...some chocolate!

This I will build for you!


And this, for the angel Mirshann:

width=360 height=480http://www.rainbowskill.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/chocolate-sculptures-3.jpg[/img]


Auld, you put my poetry to shame.

It is but a shrub next to a mighty Oak.


Lor, those headaches are troublesome,

But I heard of something that can help: Rum!

Or was it the other way around?

I think I lost this round.


And here is Talmanes, with some eloquent poetry.

The ladies must be trying to figure out where you live.




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