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Fitness and exercise!


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So you tainted fellows, what kind of exercises/sports/workouts do people follow? Do you have a workout? How frequently do you do it? What kind of targets are you running?


I'll start with mine. I'm a swimmer mostly, and train 7 hours a week in the pool. Everyday I also do 100 press-ups, 100 bicep-curls, and 300 squats with weights. I do long sets of 20 to build endurance slow-twitch muscle. Also go on a 45 minute run down the seafront, and stretch everything I can everyday.


Diet is a problem. There are so many sweets and cakes and high-calorie junk lying around in the kitchen, and sometime I find myself fighting very hard to stay away from them  ;D It'd be easier if they didn't come into the house in the first place.


Aside from the swimming, I also go once a week to the karate dojo for a couple of hours, and play tennis with my mates whenever I can  8)


So what about you then? What's your thing?  :D

Diet is a problem. There are so many sweets and cakes and high-calorie junk lying around in the kitchen, and sometime I find myself fighting very hard to stay away from them  It'd be easier if they didn't come into the house in the first place.


Diet is a problem for me to, just the opposite of yours. I have to work at intaking enough calories to maintain weight. I've loss 20lbs these past 6 months. Should come back quickly, but still...


How much weight do you use?


I do Crossfit 5-6 days a week when I'm back and run 3 days. Usually I'm active enough outside of working out to help matters: Skiing (Water and snow), Wake boarding, Kite boarding, kyacking, mountain biking, etc.


These past six months have been... challenging.


When doing bicep curls, I do 5 sets of 20, the weight is use 11kg on each arm. When doing the squats, do 3 sets of 100, with 20kg on the back. Not huge, but it will build over time  ;)




Sports <3


That site looks interesting...


I run for about 30min- 1h everyday. Then i have gymnastics and judo on monday, volleyball and athletics on tuesday, judo and riding on wednesday, basketball and riding on thursday and judo and gymnastics on friday again.


Weekends i run or ride or do nothing ;D


Diet is my problem too. I eat SO much unhealthy stuff. Its unbelievable. I've got a bet atm though, so i'm eating very green


I dont exercise at all...

Im increadable skinny  ;D


*pokes dapi's skinny arms*

Come on boy.. Get at it!


I've never been lazy so i wouldn't know.. But i've heard from friends... Just have the self discipline.. Afterwards you feel amazing.


I have stopped swiming (i used to train all the time)  and have gained a little weight (1-2kg's over a year (for me thats huge)) and its mainly on my stomach so you cant see my abs

Well that sucks so I have started doing sit ups


Ah good good, people are moving out there!


I totally agree you need a bit of dedication and self-discipline. There are days you wake up and just think "I can't be bothered", and just want to slob about, but it definetely pays off. There's no feeling like a runner's high  :D


I like running in a fun manner here to there, but running not so much. Thankfully I have good genes and my dad is a big runner so it isn't to difficult. 'runners high...' I've ran quite a bit including two marathons, both at Okinawa, and can't say I felt high... *Laughs*


The feeling you get when your racing through the forest on a bike going to fast and you cut back and forth almost smashing yourself on a tree... now that is a high! *Smiles* I haven't broken a bone... yet *Knocks on wood* *Winks* but I have scraped and bruised almost every inch...


WOW you are all too fit for me, lol.


I did used to go to the gym nearly every day for 2hours at a time, aerobics, step aerobics, cross country running, orienteering, hockey, volleyball. since having my daughter I don't seem to have the time, epecially since I had problems with the pregnancy which has left me with a weakness in my back and hips. I try to do Pilates (for the inner core strengthening for this). But ;life has over taken me the last year or so, and my fitness gone down and my weight up.


Saying that I have just started jogging at lunchtimes with work colleagues. I have an exercise bike and my own weight, i also was give the Wii sports active (which is much better then the wii fit) for Christmas and I have started on this.


Unfortunately my back problem has reoccured and so I'm in a lot of pain at the moment. Plus I've been so tired, but a very wiery tired that I'm having blood tests done, just to check things out.


I do have a weakness for chocolate (there's a surprise) and if I'm feeling down I tend to reach for it! Otherwise I eat healthy food.


But I have to say I do love doing exercise. I can pick up an aerobics class in no time at all (the dance background helps). I just need more time to fit it in...now to win the lottery, not having to work and spending everhy morning in the gym. :D


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