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WS Training RP - For Fadeling


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Aye I do, been here off and on for quite a while but it's been years now.  I resubmitted an updated bio for my Fadeling and got it approved. Everything's up to date and I have the RP already typed as a Solo training RP.


It just seems like all the RP's are posted by staff members it seems.  I don't want to be presumptuous.  So I don't know if I should post it myself and retroactively get it approved or submit it through my division.

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Generally speaking, though, you don't need approval for RPing with someone else (regardless of division). More major RPs that involve perhaps other divisions or are overall important to the division require it. Of course you can always ask (doesn't cost a thing), but if for instance you want to RP your fade meeting up with a Trolloc and going off to plot how to conqour the world, you don't have to run it by anyone. If the plan actually comes to pass, though, that's when you should inquire ;)  lol





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I just noticed the headline of the thread  lol.... you just might want to make sure that your idea for the RP qualifies for a WS raise. I'm not entirely sure how that works in SG. I'm sure they'll let you know :)


If you want to RP sometimes, just shoot me a PM... I have a Trolloc ;)





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