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Best Guesses: Who's gonna die, Min, Elayne, Aviendha?


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Assuming that Rand, (in spite of the prophesy), somehow manages to survive the last battle, it seems obvious that at least one if not two need to be removed from the scene.


Elayne would be my first guess. Her character has steadily gone downhill since major fiasco attempting to capture the black sisters in Camelyn.


I'm not sure about Min. I suspect she may have another role to fill in the story besides being married to Rand. It still has not been explained why she has this gift. SPECULATION: Who... or What decides the actual pattern the "The Lace of Time" takes on. And if it is some specific higher power, does he, she, or it ever die and need to be replaced. Min's gift seems to be tied directly to the lace, being able to sometimes read how it is forming. Perhaps this is just a precursor to future bigger things in store for her.


Aviendha seems to be the best choice for survivability and it would fit well with Jordans typical matching of lovers in the story so far.



One of Min's first viewings about Rand seems to indicate that each of his 3 lovers would survive his death.


If any of them die, it would be after his death.  Or if they die before, they would return to life.


Though one of them did die.  (Hunt for Rahvin in Caemlyn; Fires of Heaven Chapter 54)

Yet Rand's balefire brings her back. (Chapter 55)



Am I missing something that makes it seem obvious that one or two need to be removed?  I would guess that you are merely typing about keeping such romantic relationships a one on one thing, as per some tradition, but, hey, check out how at least the Aiel in these books are and how accepting all of these character are about the situation.  I see no storyline problems with it.  Anyways, who seems most likely to be removed, if any would be? 


Well, I'll disagree that Elayne's character has gone downhill.  I've never been an especially large fan of the lady, but at least she is currently on a track towards doing what she was made to do, rule a country.  I figure that she will be kept fairly busy with that, and when her mother shows back up, she'll be plenty surprised that she gets to keep the throne.  She has no problem with Traveling off to do whatever pleases her, so her queenly duties shouldn't be so much of a burden that she won't have the time to hang out with the boring old main character. 


I doubt that Min will get some cool plot about explaining her power.  She's just a weird thing.  And I doubt that she would be removed, since she is the one that has been attached to the main character the most tightly.  She'll stick with him even after the capitalized Last Battle, and have all kinds of fun with sticking her tongue out at the other two for having stuck with him through thick as well as thin.  Although, also because she has stuck with him the most tightly, because she seems to be the most popular, and because she might be killed for figuring the stuff out that that one scholar dude figured out, it would be awesome for her to die tragically.  ::)


Why does Aviendha seem to be the best choice for survivability?  As was mentioned, she's already died once, and, although she's probably the best in a fight, she isn't the most careful or intelligent.  oh well.  I think that she is a plenty cool character, but she would most likely be relegated to dealing with Wise One type business all of the time, so, like Elayne, she'd have to employ a Traveling schedule to hang out with the main character.


Being Aiel and/or her training as a Maiden might be some of the reasons the original poster chose Aviendha for survivability.


About Traveling, the Kin might not be with Elayne for long; and her pregnancy prevents her from channeling at times.

Not sure if the Windfinders would be willing to transport Elayne after the Kin depart (if they depart).



My first post, sorry if I was supposed to introduce myself, but thought I'd jump in on this one real quick...I memory serves didn't Min have a vision about Aviendha raising four of Rand's children (or maybe just four kids)? I could be getting this a bit wrong, but if I am close to right, then we know Elayne is going to have two, which would leave one each for Min and Aviendha...With time seeming to run short I don't think she'd have time to have four children by Rand...unless the four kids were by someone else...or one by Rand and three with someone else...I'll have to go and look that up.


Aviendha's Viewing is actually she having 4 of Rand's children at once.

The most probable interpretation to me is Aviendha having quadruplets.



Rand will kill Nynaeve in the lead up to the final battle. She is too strong and will always try to leash him. She knows how and the Seanchan will have the key. All who may love Rand will perish, as did all who loved Lews. In the final battle Rand will remake the world with Min. He cares not for any other.

Rand will kill Nynaeve in the lead up to the final battle. She is too strong and will always try to leash him. She knows how and the Seanchan will have the key. All who may love Rand will perish, as did all who loved Lews. In the final battle Rand will remake the world with Min. He cares not for any other.

The things about Nynaeve, her attitude seems different than those.

And she maybe be needed to fulfill one of Lan's viewings.  (baby with sword, which I interpret as one of Lan's children also being a warrior)


And like I told in my first post of this thread, each of Rand's 3 lovers would survive his death.


One of Min's first viewings about Rand seems to indicate that each of his 3 lovers would survive his death


I've been trying to find this viewing of Min's... no luck so far... I'm sure somebody, somewhere, has compiled a complete listing of all Min's viewings. Wish I could find it.

In any case, an indication of... does not sound like it is stated plainly and absolutely.


My original supposition is based primarily by trying to answer the question, where are they all going to live after TG?

It seems to me that the only people that accept multiple partner marriages are the Aiel. So unless they all move to the Aiel Waste, (which seems unlikely considering Elayne's present lifestyle), They are going to be living in communities that seem to frown on anything other then complete monogamy.


I suppose , with everyone having the ability to travel, that living in different locations around the world would not be impossible, but that just does not seem very plausible to me.


Min's viewing of Aviendha raising Rand's children could be any combination of  her own children and Elayne's or Min's children.

I think the idea of Aviendha have quadruplets is funny.


I still believe there is some, as of yet unknown purpose for Min's power. We see several cases of people with oddball powers or gifts throughout the books, Huron’s sniffing gift,

Perron’s ability to communicate with wolves. But in all these examples, they have been known about previously and at least at some level, understood.

Min’s ability seems to be unique. No one has ever heard of anybody else having it and even though the White Tower has know about it and had considerable time to study it, still, nothing about it is understood.. It could be that she has future responsibilities that simply preclude the possibility of being with Rand.


I still believe Elayne is the primary candidate to get the proverbial axe. I will admit that my own dislike of her spoiled rotten, childish behavior could be the  prime basis for this belief. 



















One of Min's first viewings about Rand seems to indicate that each of his 3 lovers would survive his death

I've been trying to find this viewing of Min's... no luck so far... I'm sure somebody, somewhere, has compiled a complete listing of all Min's viewings. Wish I could find it.

Eye of World Chapter 15 (funeral brier)


Assuming that Rand, (in spite of the prophesy), somehow manages to survive the last battle, it seems obvious that at least one if not two need to be removed from the scene.


No, it's not obvious.


Implicit in your statement is the assumption that things should be 1-on-1. I know that since then you have talked about the feasibility of living 1-to-3 what with the gossiping neighbors and all, but...


If there is none of your own bias in the question and it is only this last bit about "what will the world think?"... I don't think Rand or the girls will care what the world thinks. He just saved the world for goodness sake. He fought the Dark One. And won. He lost a hand in the process... and probably his vision if not his eyes, too. Y'all townsfolk can just put down your torches and pitchforks and go back to being ordinary; the dragon is going to do as he pleases, thank you very much.


More importantly, I think that RJ didn't care how a polyamorous relationship would be perceived... either in our world or in the WoT world.


I don't think any of them will die before the end of the series. I think the 3 in a boat foretelling refers to those three women.


"The lion sword, the dedicated spear, she who sees beyond. Three on the boat, and he who is dead yet lives. The great battle done, but the world not done with battle. The land divided by the return, and the guardians balance out the servants. The future teeters on the edge of a blade."

Lion sword=Elayne  dedicated spear=Aviendha  she who sees beyond=Min


Given that Rand's three wives are the embodiment of the most persistent heteronormative stereotypes in literature - i.e. the "fiery" redhead, the "tomboyish" brunetts, and the "girly" blonde  ::) - I fail to see why any of them will be removed from the scene.


Contrary to that, the whole point seems to be to hook him up with one of each type of shallowly written bonbon, rather than attempting to develop any sort of healthy male-female dynamic.


well, I'm sticking firm with this one. Wouldn't be the first time I tried to second guess the plot and was wrong... but this just feels right.

Another point to this is Rand's own distaste at the prospect of 3 wives. Hasn't he described himself at least once as "dirty leper" or something similar?

Also, now that Rand seems to have found his "happy place" again... The Dark One will have to find something new to drive him back into despair.

The death of Elayne, shortly after giving birth would be perfect from their point of view.

Although who the father is, is a secret now, far to many people know that it is Rand, and the secret is bound to get out, sooner probably than later. Once that happens, Elayne, and the children become open targets.


And I still think Min has some currently unexposed purpose. Perhaps that is why she is getting so much time with him right now. The future does not allow them to be together.


So ... Aviendha as the last to be formally entangled with Rand, also becomes the one that lasts the longest. And as a couple of Min's viewings have indicated, the Mother of his children.



One of Min's first viewings about Rand seems to indicate that each of his 3 lovers would survive his death


I've been trying to find this viewing of Min's... no luck so far... I'm sure somebody, somewhere, has compiled a complete listing of all Min's viewings. Wish I could find it.

In any case, an indication of... does not sound like it is stated plainly and absolutely.


Winter's Heart, Chapter 12 for both viewings regarding the babies.


Google 'list of Min's viewings' :)


But yeah, just from the general trend of the viewings, I get the impression that all three are slated to survive Tarmon Gaidon, including Rand, who will probably be reborn or resurrected somehow, assuming he dies at all.


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