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Thing is you've had a burr up your bum since.  I don't know why, and I'm not sure why you think I wouldn't notice.


Honestly it is juvenile and I thought higher of you than that.


@little brother:

You have one master, me, minus Limi :D

Bleh IRL or not, I am still your first master. :D






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You, Anox, need to stop being so old, or just go away. You are causing tension and drama that we don't need. This is a happy carefree group of FRIENDS, no one controls anyone, if you are out for control go look somewhere else for a pet.

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Congrats Adella, you made it true, go grow up or something. I would say the same for you but unlike you, I prefer to live and let live. Pretty petty isn't it.


@Ed If we are talking about Vampire Masters Ed, they could suppress virtually anything I could do, IF they are old enough.

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You have been incredibly cold to 13 and Eel, those are just the most recent two that post in this thread.


Both of them are quite nice to talk to, even if a bit odd, but everyone has quirks.


Alananajr may not have the issue since she was already kind of part of another clique you belong to.

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Uh, Anox idk if you are aware, but we do talk to 13. Quite frequently at the BT actually. And I am not going to post in Fiddles a ton, cause this is the only thread I follow here, and the constant replies annoy me. I am sad that Eel was turned away from here, but we don't ask anyone to come here, so I wasn't going to go bed for her back..

I kind of wish she enjoyed the social groups more, they are fun and it would be nice to get to know more new people. Not my fault we just don't post in the same places though.

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Actually, we were just trying to help 13, since his persona was as arrogant as...as....as a 10,000 year old vamp. No one cares for being bossed around or not being able to stand up against something because the other person just keeps insisting they are stronger in every way.


As for Eel, she came off as rude when we were trying to revive the Church again. We explained...since then she hasn't posted here...

I don't know how often she interacts with Adella elewhere.

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They are not more fun when you exclude people that is the definition of a clique.


I've been on the outside all to often, granted I thought I was in this little group apparently I was wrong, and I'm fine with that.


As for 13, you have NOT been nice to him here, I don't frequent the BT since I have a different view of it, and fiddles is more fun anyway. Same goes for Eel. I haven't seen you yet interact with alannajr, I'm willing to bet it is less than friendly if she were to post here as well.


It has nothing to do with my personal feelings towards someone on here.

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Hihi 13, how are you today? Sorry you had to come into the middle of all this.


Anox, I am NOT going to respond to this anymore, you are stubborn and as are Ed and myself, and no one is going to agree or give even an inch to the other side. Just stop. Please and thank you. Idc about things "going back to how they were" because I don't want to be controlled, you can say I'm not a vamp, that's fine, I don't claim it anymore anyways. Just stop.


Edit: Lol, nicely timed then.


Edit again: *points to the rest of my post*

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