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She was on the good side, but I knew Moraine not to be BA, as with what the Amyrlin entrusted her and Siuan with when they were Accepted (New Spring Novel).


Verin could clearly lie and thus was BA even if she tried to be good. People always laughed at me when I said she was too (5 yrs ago).


I just have strong instinct it was Cyndane... if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But she has the opportunity, and Asmo recognized her. Plus she had to have been a DF prior to being infected with Lanfear's spirit.

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That's dumb.  Your logic made perfect sense; I don't see why people should laugh at you for it.  I always just assumed she had found some way to lie other than BA, because I couldn't imagine her serving the DO.  


I just have strong instinct it was Cyndane... if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But she has the opportunity, and Asmo recognized her. Plus she had to have been a DF prior to being infected with Lanfear's spirit.

Okay, that I can accept.  Thank you.


But wouldn't Asmo not have recognized Cyndane?


Edit:  Oh, right, what she said. :D

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Did the shield on Asmo dissipate when Lanfear died? Because that could be a problem. And If pre-Lanfear Cyndane was strong enough in the power to kill Asmo, wouldn't she have to be of the white tower (no wilder could be that skilled). Then wouldn't her strength be known to all Aes-sedai? We hear of no such Aes sedai. Moraine, Suian were the strongest before the wonder girls.

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Nynaeve is as strong as Rhavin, he isn't exactly weak.


Moggy comments on this during her battle with Nyn.


Cadusane is stronger than Moraine and Suian probably combined. Nyn is stronger than Semirhage or at least equal to her.  Graendal and Lanfear were the only ones significantly stronger than Nynaeve of the women.


Forsaken list goes like this in power.















The gap between Sammael and Graendal is pretty large.

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I should clarify a little bit as well.


My placement of Lanfear while being exactly as it says in the book she is, some people have issues with.


They say no woman can be that strong when RJ said women have 4 less levels than men in volume of power.


Yet we consistently see that she does and is.


So... other than that, the rest are accurate as far as I can determine. Nyn is the same as Rhavin so that puts her at pretty damn strong on the Forsaken level. :) (50%)

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