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Wolfie.. Dear, you are very sweet, and so far I like you a lot. But you need to stop being so disrespectful, this is a very happy and carefree thread (as is all of Fiddles) and you are really getting on everyone nerves by trying to come in and be the boss right now.. You aren't in charge here, and you just need to tone it down a bit and respect people's wishes.

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Wolfie Dear, I agree with Adella and we AREN'T trying to tell you what to do other than NOT to hit people. I'm not telling to do any thing other than that and Hitting isn't exactly an admirable trait. We joke here a lot but we are a group and this group really means a lot to me. And I love being considered a goddess by you guys, but as one person to another that is a Trait I DO NOT tolerate is being a person who is so tit for tat. It doesn't show maturity. I know you are very bright and sweet, but to gain my respect and those of this thread respect must be given.

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Wolfie Dear, I agree with Adella and we AREN'T trying to tell you what to do other than NOT to hit people. I'm not telling to do any thing other than that and Hitting isn't exactly an admirable trait. We joke here a lot but we are a group and this group really means a lot to me. And I love being considered a goddess by you guys, but as one person to another that is a Trait I DO NOT tolerate is being a person who is so tit for tat. It doesn't show maturity. I know you are very bright and sweet, but to gain my respect and those of this thread respect must be given.


That's the thing, she can get away with hitting me but i can't hit her. Even when it was playfully hitting. That is playing favorites. Which last time i checked playing favorites was a bad thing. I'd stop being so negative, if you weren't being so unfair.

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I did, and for that I apologize. My intent was more like a flick then a hit, which is why I thwapped. It was meant as a d'oh for the pillow, not as an antagonistic gesture or the means for starting a fight. I can understand your point Wolfie.


That being said, Limi is right too. And you getting so upset about it was not useful for proving your point. Next time, if I do something you don't like, just tell me.

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I did, and for that I apologize. My intent was more like a flick then a hit, which is why I thwapped. It was meant as a d'oh for the pillow, not as an antagonistic gesture or the means for starting a fight. I can understand your point Wolfie.


That being said, Limi is right too. And you getting so upset about it was not useful for proving your point. Next time, if I do something you don't like, just tell me.


Charis, i didn't mind. I use the same word you did, and they're still jumping all over me. It's favoritism, and it's wrong.

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*nods to Wolfie* I am little. I hold different people to different standards. I'll admit that. Charis is like a sister. Of course I am going to be defensive. But the same goes to expecting something different from the people I value as my worshippers.


I will try to bare this in mind next time. But this is still slightly twisted from me watching over my partner in crime. I will always be like that. No matter what there are people I will get a tad or  more defensive over. But I will work on not overly choosing "favorites" other than the joke of who is may favorite worshipper at the time.



We want to be your friends Wolfie. Trust me when I speak for every one you are a freakin hoot! I really mean that. I wouldn't expect honesty from my people with out giving the same in return. So I think it is always best from people to speak their minds.





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*nods to Wolfie* I am little. I hold different people to different standards. I'll admit that. Charis is like a sister. Of course I am going to be defensive. But the same goes to expecting something different from the people I value as my worshippers.


I will try to bare this in mind next time. But this is still slightly twisted from me watching over my partner in crime. I will always be like that. No matter what there are people I will get a tad or  more defensive over. But I will work on not overly choosing "favorites" other than the joke of who is may favorite worshipper at the time.



We want to be your friends Wolfie. Trust me when I speak for every one you are a freakin hoot! I really mean that. I wouldn't expect honesty from my people with out giving the same in return. So I think it is always best from people to speak their minds.







Yes. Absolutely. I agree on all points. Except of course that Limi is my partner in crime, not charis. Because being your own partner in crime is just... wrong.

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You're right, it is a bit of favoritism, but you have to admit, everyone favors their best friend over everyone else.. Limi and Charis are inseperable! They will always have each others backs, and there is nothing wrong with that. It's what friends do! Plus, it wasn't just Charis, you've been attacking Ed the whole time you've been here.. And you antagonized Anox..


But then again, there is nothing wrong with you being fiesty, we all love it! :)



Edit: Ok Limi, I'm done..

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I just want to say one thing. If anyone apologizes but Limi, i will scream. Because you were all just taking the side you thought was right. I can't blame you for that, but i can be a little upset that no one understood. But that's normal for me. I'm used to no one taking my side, and me overreacting.


And Talmanes, no offense but i didn't even realize we were friends. You rarely notice me, lol. But sure still friends.

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You're right, it is a bit of favoritism, but you have to admit, everyone favors their best friend over everyone else.. Limi and Charis are inseperable! They will always have each others backs, and there is nothing wrong with that. It's what friends do! Plus, it wasn't just Charis, you've been attacking Ed the whole time you've been here.. And you antagonized Anox..


But then again, there is nothing wrong with you being fiesty, we all love it! :)



Edit: Ok Limi, I'm done..

Adella, Ed usually deserves it. He's very annoying. And really drives me up the wall, so being mean to him is nothing but normal. Just saying not arguing i swear.

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