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Are you sure it's not a percentage viewing or anything like that?  Plus we don't know if Red's role switching went thru.  I remember in the charmed game someone was wrongfully lynched because the finder's viewing got switched.


In light of not knowing that for sure I'm hesitant to vote.

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Guest dragonsworn1991

[glow=red,2,300]Ed[/glow] you had me fooled. I am actually shocked I never really considered a gambit, I thought it was to far'fetched

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I know nothing of the accuracy, good lady.  I do know that my role was not switched.  Interestingly enough, Rey sent me a PM after I told him I was going to reveal urging me to think about it.  I didn't see this PM until after I had posted as I was writing up my post at the time.  I'm not sure if Rey is playing with my head or if there is a legitimate reason I should not have revealed.  I've never played finder before, so I don't know the nuances of when to reveal.  I thought with Ed possibly drawing healer protection with his BS claim that it was a good idea.  I would have revealed as soon as day broke, but Red's role threw me for a loop and made me think.  I exchanged some PM's with Rey, though, and it seems I would know if Red had targeted me.  Then I tried to gauge support for my theory and although it seemed no one was ruling it out, no one was convinced and I didn't think I'd be able to do much more convincing with logic as Ed has already acted immensely scummy.  In retrospect, I kind of wish I hadn't revealed, but I was a bit paranoid that Ed would come out and say I was anti-town.  I wanted to get my reveal in before Ed and his mafia buddies had time to cook up any lies.

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Yeah, I can see both sides of that argument, Ed has immense wait with the town now because of his readings. And all he has to do is point a finger to start a rabid lynch party. But by revealing you paint a target on yourself for the mafia.


And then you could be mafia and go on to lynch Ed or he could lynch you and then the other will be uncontested for the remainder of the game. Anything is possible and take nothing for granite. I invested faith in Ed and if you are telling the truth wombat it would have came back and bit me majorly

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I had suspicions, especially when you take into consideration the mafia recruit on day 2 and the allignment change on day 3.  A lie detector's ability would essentially only last for one day and then it would become a guessing game as to whose original statement was no longer valid.  The mafia could even go along behind Ed picking up people he'd already cleared when they get to recruit.  It just seems like a really frustrating role and I'm not sure Rey would have included it given the allignment changes happening.


I think [glow=red,2,300]Ed[/glow] is lying.

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Good point Pookie.  I had forgotten about the alignment change and the mafia recruit.  He could have been telling the truth at the beginning but has since changed hands.  I'm still gonna wait until he posts.  I know I'd hate being away from the computer and unable to at least try to defend myself and coming back just to find I died.

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The Romans had spent a couple of hours searching Brutus' house, and had found nothing. There were books. And papers. And clothes. But there was nothing out of place, nothing to hint that conspiracy was at work.


Cinna the poet was getting a tad bored of searching through drawers and desks. He sighed as he examined another piece of paper, and saw that it was on philosophy. It was then that he noticed it. A trapdoor, at the bottom of Brutus' closet.


A trapdoor! That's where the evidence must be hidden! The tome of conspiracy! he thought. Cinna immediately jumped up, and pulled the trapdoor open.


He never did any jumping again.


For as he pulled the door open, a wire activated crossbow dealt its lethal blade into his throat.

Dapian3oplay3r, Cinna the Poet, member of the innocents is dead


The town has to make a choice. You may choose to either leave the house and go to the [glow=pink,2,300]Capitol[/glow], or [glow=blue,2,300]remain and face whatever other dangers may be present[/glow]. Although, staying might gain you some clues...


[glow=green,2,300]With 14 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.[/glow]

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Guest dragonsworn1991

I will go wherever the rest of you want to, but I don't think anything else could happen here and we are uncertain about the Capitol, so for now I am saying stay here

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Nae you beat me to that I was just about to post about the clues. So we may find something, or one of us may get an ability or something to help combat that daykill. Unless that was a sk/vig day kill in disguise.

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