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The Wiki Site is Awesome!


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I checked out the wiki site and I thought that I would let everyone that worked on it know that it looks great!  Thanks for all the hard work from one of your bottom feeders  :D


Not at the moment, but thanks Al, it's supposed to be a place where we can put all the info without all the stickies.


Odd that your Comp won't take the Points page Ed, I'm not sure what we can do about that.


If you have any suggestions or comments or find mistakes then please let us know ;D


i promise I won't string you up for it ;)


I just tried three times....it didn't work. :-\


I think a total of 7 or 8 times ever...and it only ever loaded once. Stupid computer


If I PM you every once in awhile, could you tell me how many I have?


Certainly Ed, I'll do it for you if you would like. Can you not load the wiki site or just the points page? If it is just the points page it has an embedded excel sheet so we should be able to guide you through how to make it work :D


What does it say when you try and load the page?


zoho.sheet something rather is busy?


I would recommend downloading the latest browser that you use firefox/internet explorer/opera/chrome/etc.


Next go into your preferences and check to make sure you active content is allowed. What browser do you use?


I have the latest version....let me go check what it says.

I use Mozilla.


The connection has timed out


The server at sheet.zoho.com is taking too long to respond.

*   The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few



   *   If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network



   *   If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure

         that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.


So the page loads but where you believe the points page should be you get a failed to load area?


Under Tools go to Options. Go to the content tab and tell me what you have selected. Also go to the advanced tab and click the Encryption and tell me what you have selected.


It might not be either one of those, it is most likely a plug-in error, but this is easier to look at first.


Yes, everything loads but the box area.


Under Content:

BLock Pop up

Load Img auto

enable Javascript

enable java


Under Encryption:


Use ssl 3.0

use tls 1.0

when a server req my personal certificiate: ask me every time


Am I missing something?



Nope you have everything selected how you should. It is one of your plug-ins which I am meh to deal with.


Go to the wiki page




and right click on the area you can't see then go to view page source. Check page permissions make sure everything is checked, and copy and paste the info from the general tab. Also see if anything is out of the ordinary on the security tab.


Ummmmm....Where is the page permissions?

Here is Page Info...not source...that opened notepad. :-\



Permissions: Load Imgs - Allow

Pop ups - Block (changing this did nothing)

Set Cookies - Allow

Install Exts or Themes - Block

Share Locations - Block


General Tab:


The Black Tower: Points Page:

Address: http://black-tower.wikidot.com/points-page'>http://black-tower.wikidot.com/points-page

Type: text/html

render mode: Standards compliance mode

Encoding: UTF-8

Size: 6.15 KB (6,299 bytes)

Referring URL: http://black-tower.wikidot.com/

Modified: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 10:53:49 PM




Ok, two last things before we check your plug-ins


Try to Clear the Cache and Delete the Cookies from site(s) that cause problems:


Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"


Tools > Options > Privacy > "Remove individual Cookies"


Remove wikidot cookies and Zoho if you have Zoho cookies.



Lastly if you have another browser try that one :P


Adobe Acrobat


Coupons Inc., Coupon Print Manager (my sister did that)


Java Deplyment Toolkit

Java Platform SE 6 U11 (&U17)

Microsoft Office Live

Moxilaa Default

Shockwave Flash


Virtual Earth 3D

Yahoo App State


And sort of phased out is Windows Presentation Foundation






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