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Ms. Muffins


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She never answered and I figured I would ask the general population...and Locke. ;D


What is Talya's title? Is she the M'hael?

Because I am going to call her Ms. Muffins (unless she decides to withhold brownies from me...then I might be willing to change that).




Interesting...I didn't know that. :D

I saw that on the old wiki I think (I am not sure where I saw the link), but on the new wiki, the points page hardly ever loads for me (it loaded once in all the times I have tried), and I just thought it was her.


Well then....if she does have a title, I declare it scrubbed and Ms. Muffins to be installed. ;D


*realizes he has no such power*




Well I don't know about Talya's muffins but I believe her titles include...


Org Leader

The Black Paladin

Undisputed Monarch of the World

Queen Talya


Brownie master

Chocolate incarnate




and that is just a minor list. You're going to have to be more specific.





Well I don't know about Talya's muffins but I believe her titles include...


Org Leader

The Black Paladin

Undisputed Monarch of the World

Queen Talya


Brownie master

Chocolate incarnate




and that is just a minor list. You're going to have to be more specific.


I have to say....that bolded/underlined/italic part really threw me off for a second.




Well I was going to make muffins singular, but I thought that might cross a line I would prefer not to cross.


*Keeps one eye on a certain sign*


O' don't think I don't see you there, waiting to smack me!


Are you talking about my muffins!!!!???



There are some just out the oven ;)


i would have though Mrs miggins sounds good...lol (ask Pale)


But to be honest Al, is doing just fine..


So i guess we could make this into a task on a title for me, great suggestion Ed :)





Talya's Official Title is the Org Leader.


I am the M'Hael. Leader of the Shadow Faction of the Black Tower Org.


And Mmeeshal is Logain. Leader of the Light Faction of the Black Tower Org.


Talya just manages to take sides of the Light Faction because she was raised through that side. Pretty much she keeps things running behind the scenes and keeping the Admins of DM from being at us Faction leaders' throats too much  :D


I like the muffins title though! It shall be her title from now on! I declare it so! *nods*


Well then....if she does have a title, I declare it scrubbed and Ms. Muffins to be installed. ;D


*realizes he has no such power*




Talya's Official Title is the Org Leader.


I am the M'Hael. Leader of the Shadow Faction of the Black Tower Org.


And Mmeeshal is Logain. Leader of the Light Faction of the Black Tower Org.



I like the muffins title though! It shall be her title from now on! I declare it so! *nods*


Two people have declared it! We need one more. :P


Ok....so she is the big daddy momma?

I thought M'hael would have been the Org leader's name, but that makes sense. :)




Don't know why but Mistress Whiplash just sprang too mind ;)


:D That cracked me up!

Now I need some glue. :(



So i guess we could make this into a task on a title for me, great suggestion Ed :)






Yes....that is exactly what I thought.



Well Taim is the M'Hael and Logain is kinda his rival. However everyone knows that Rand is 'really' in charge of everything, so...


I think Talya is


The Lady of the Morning, Princess of the dawn, etc.


Well Mrs. Kinslayer, would you care to explain all the beautiful strangers that have been wandering about lately? Just curious, I would like to keep my head atop my neck for a while longer is all ;p


*checks genealogy*


I am not related to her by blood.

I just hope she doesn't love me....in that killing sense.




Al Jenn...don't flatter me. I don't go that way anyways.

:D :P


Hmmm Talya Kinslayer...thats not bad... though I prefer some Al's I think it was, original titles ;)


Mrs Muffins, suggests I'm nothing but muffins!


Hmmm Talya Kinslayer...thats not bad... though I prefer some Al's I think it was, original titles ;)


Mrs Muffins, suggests I'm nothing but muffins!


Well Goddess Muffin, you do have some great muffins... I think.


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