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Question originating from TGH


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At the end of TGH Rena and Seta are left collared after Egwene shows personal animosity towards that particular pair, not just her general hate to suldam. They were freed later by Suroth and Alwhin later and their secret hidden. Eganin discovered their secret and blackmailed them into helping Mat. They have begun to learn to channell.


In the mean time Egwene has said no woman is to be turned away from the Tower if she tests true, and Joline seems to want the pair of former suldam to become novices.


So my question is how will Egwene react when they meet again?

Guest Harso

Egwene has matured more than any other character in the series, I think. That said, I still don't know how she'd react.

Guest Majsju
Give them a hell of a time as novices


That's not really the Amyrlin's job...


Egwene is more than capable of setting aside her personal feelings for them as individuals, and see the big picture, having former suldam's becoming Aes Sedai would be a major blow to the Seanchan, and a big step towards setting them straight.


Yah I was kidding. Egwene's got more on her plate than carrying around some grudges. Besides those experiances helped change her into what she is now.


Although her one dream with the repelling Seanchan suggests that she has a bone deap hate towwards the Seanchan. She would rather die then except their help.


Makes the Aiel/Caraihien attitudes seem brotherly.


Perhaps, but i honestly think she's enough in control of her emotions to not let her hatred stop her doing something intelligent... such as getting Sul'dam to renounce their ways publically.


Besides it would be a major blow to the suldam and the Seachan to find out about the suldam being able to channel. She could totally weaken them by spreading that knowledge.


I doubt that Egwene will ever encounter Rena or Seta again, or at least we probably wont ever hear of it. If RJ is just gonna write one more book, I doubt he'll have time for that little side-plot.


Though, on second thought, it is a possibility. I doubt that Egwene would make much of it if it did happen anyways. Rena and Seta are very subservient and Egwene now has the maturity that some people (ahemm, Elayne) clearly lack.

Rena's dead.


Just about to say that. Renna died....remember she tried to escape and got shot with a couple of arrows and fell into that river. (CoT so I understand if you don't remember it)


Bethamin and Seta are the ones learning to channel. I think Renna was the super strict mean one, so I do not think there will be any problems.

I agree with Maj. Egwene would realize the significance and act upon it. Especially since Renna is dead.

I thought Bethamin was the one who tried to escape.


No it was deffinately Rena. Both Seta and Bethamin are learning to channel.


You guys do remember there were three to begin with?


Give them a break if their memory is off, I mean it happened in CoT, and you don't really want to read that book anymroe than you have to. (I say that, but still I have read it probably 4 or 5 times, just like every other book in the series).


Me too. In fact, i actually like. Its sort of like pirates of the carribean two, if u arnt looking for an ending, you'll enjoy it.


I agree with jo that Egwene would probably use the knowledge for the WT's advantage. Currently, we all know that she is going to be the Amyrlin eventually and is looking for her enemies' weaknesses which she can use against them, in order for the Light to win TG. So, IF she finds out about the suldam's secret, she is probably going to use it against the Seanchan, of course in her standard peace-loving way of rumour and gossip among their own people.


However, there is also the chance that the two suldam will die along the way, probably due to a gholam or something, and this whole thread is pointless.


Egwene already knows their secret. It was she who explained it to Nynaeve and Elayne when they couldn't understand why the a'dam held Seta.

Guest cwestervelt

Yep. She figured that out while she was a Damane in The Great Hunt.


I'm going to go on record as officially disagreeing with Maj on this one. Because of her exposure and acceptance of ji'e'toh, Egwene would never be able to accept their presense in the Tower. While she may be able to overcome the bone deep hatred that Kaznen refered to, she won't be able to get passed their shame. To her, they are Da'tsang.


Egwene may be influenced by ji'e'toh, but she isn't indoctrinated in it. Her political sensibilities will win when the question is raised. The value of having sul'dam openly become Aes Sedai far outways her personal issues with them, and she will know that.


That is not to say she will make it easy on them. She will break them before she is done.


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